Lecture 4: Motility & Chemotaxis Flashcards
Peritrichous bacteria
Numerous flagella around the body
Singular flagella
Many flagella on one end of the bacteria
Trade off between flagellar motility and efflux driving heterogeneity in antibiotic resistance
-Flagellar rotation & efflux pumps both use the proton gradient
-Cells expressing flagellar have a lower proton gradient and thus a lower efflux activity, resulting in higher concentrations of intracellular antibiotics
-Flagella-expressing cells are more sensitive to antibiotics
-Some bacteria slow flagella when exposed to antibiotics to allow efflux to remove them
Bimodal expression of flagella in salmonella
Causes 2 distinct subpopulations that can be dynamically regulated depending on their environment as flagella are useful in escaping harsh environments
Mechanism of twitching motility
-Type IV pili
-Pilus fiber made of pilins can extend or retract by polymerization and depolymerization
-Powered by cytoplasmic ATPase and proton gradients
-Cell body extends its pili to latch to a surface in order to pull bacteria forward
Signal that allows movement down gradient (AWAY)
Movement of an organism or cell in response to a chemical stimulus
Signal that allows movement up gradient (TOWARDS)
Counterclockwise rotation of flagella
Cell moves toward attractant
Clockwise rotation of flagella
Stops forward motion so that cell tumbles and changes direction
Biased random walk
Sometimes random walk that is overall directional due to the controlling of tumbles
Excitation stage of chemotacis
Mostly run
-Direct binding and indirect binding possible
-Allows for signal amplification within the cytosol
Histidine Kinase
Adaptation stage of chemotaxis
Stable run & tumble combination
Adapter that controls autophosphorylation of CheA
Accepts phosphate from CheS
Induces clockwise rotation of flagellar motor and tumbles
Dephosphorylates CheY-P to inactivate it (Constitutively expressed)
Methylates cytoplasmic receptor to decrease sensitivity
Receptor methylation
Covalent attachment of methyl group to a specific glutamate side chain
Demethylates cytoplasmic receptor to increase sensitivity