Lecture 4 - Initial Actions at the Crime Scene Flashcards
Who does the initial action at a crime scene?
First officer attendant
What is the Lockard’s Exchange Principle?
Every contact leaves a trace
What is forensic evidence used to do?
identify an offender; link suspect to victim; link suspect to scene; reconstruct a sequence of events
Why are crime scenes shutdown/frozen unless life is in danger by the first attending officer?
To not interfere with potential evidence left at scene
What are occurs during the initial action at a crime scene?
Preserve life
Risk assessment - electrical, fire, tide, roof collapse etc.
Call for additional units
What occurs during the initial assessment at a crime scene?
Preserve the scene (protect from contamination):
- Cordons; Scene guard
- Common approach path
- Zones – cold, warm, hot
- Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) requirements
What do the cordons/scene guard do during the initial assessment?
Notes on who is coming at what time and when they leave
What occurs during reconnaissance at a crime scene?
Walk through scene
Gather information (CCTV; Witnesses)
Crash analyst to identify body response
What occurs during Preliminary Reconstruction at a crime scene?
Initial hypothesis
Discuss with other experts present
What occurs during forensic strategy at a crime scene?
Formal or informal plan
- Priority for evidence that can disappear over time
Resources – people; equipment
Review options and order of examination
What occurs during scene examination at a crime scene?
Photograph and document the scene
Carry out forensic examination
As more information comes to light:
- Update reconstruction
How can forensic examination be carried out?
Visual searching
Chemical testing of suspect stains (if required)
Collection of evidence
Document evidence collection
What information is written on the fingerprint sheet?
Arrow on thing to indicate orientation, initials to indicate who did prints, if multiple in day more details like time and location added
Why are envelops written on before evidence is placed in them at crime scenes?
To avoid impressions being made
Why is DNA sample taken before blood fingerprint?
As the chemical development to stain blood disrupts DNA
What are the different zones in crime scene examination?
Cold zone - not involved in crime scene
Warm zone - where lab kit is kept (close to scene)
Hot zone - Active zone where all evidence is identified to be
Why is it important to have different people fingerprinting different areas?
To avoid cross contamination with their own fingerprints
Why is it important to photograph a wide picture of crime scene?
Wide picture of what it is for context of location of where item of evidence located - helps for months down the line to help remember what it is connected to and to help tell story