Lecture 4 exam Flashcards
What year do kids go through their most rapid changes in physical growth and development?
Within first year of life
who gains more weight, a formula fed infant or a breastfed infant?
Formula fed infant
How much taller do 6 months old get monthly?
1 inch per month for 6 months
what is the cognitive and psychosocial stage for a infant to 1 years of age
Trust versus Mistrust
how much does a babies brain account for its weight?
How much does a 12 month old baby grow in weight
it triples in weight
How much do the lungs of a first year grow?
3x their weight and 6x their volume from birth
What are 1 year old’s have a higher risk for?
Ear infection and fluid & electrolyte imbalance
How much does the cardiovascular system grow at 1 years of age
Pulmonary circulation increases, heart doubles in size and weight, and heart
gradually slows while BP increases.
Why are infants at risk for fluid and electrolyte imbalance?
The kidney is not effective as a filtration organ yet
How many teeth may a infant get by 1 year
may have 6
Describe dental care for a infant
Wipe teeth twice a day
No toothpaste until child is able to spit it out & not swallow toothpaste
Visit dentist early
6 months after 1st primary tooth and no later than 12 months
What happens if you give a infant juice or formula before bed
baby bottle tooth decay
What are the infant Markers that tell you that your infant is ready for solid food
Able to sit
Infant weighs at least 13 lbs
Can reach for objects, maintains balance
Indicates a desire for food
Extrusion reflex has disappeared
Moves food to back of throat & swallows during spoon feedings
What kind of food should your infant be introduced to first and why?
First food usually iron-fortified rice cereal
High in iron, easily digested, low allergic probability
Do you introduce fruits or vegetables first?
How should you introduce foods to your infant?
One at a time for several days before introducing another to identify food intolerance or allergy
When should you introduce fruits and veggies?
6-8 months of age
when should you introduce strained meats or proteins?
8-10 months of age
when should finger foods be introduced?
8-10 months when the infants palmar and then pincer grasps develop and teeth begin to erupt.
What foods should a infant avoid?
Avoid hot dogs, hard vegetables, candy, whole grapes, peanut butter, marshmallows, seeds, popcorn, & nuts
What should the nurse encourage for parents who’s infant are starting to eat finger foods?
Encourage parents to remain with infants and small children when they are eating finger foods
When should eggs be introduced?
around 1 year of age
when should Peanuts, nuts, fish, and shellfish be introduced?
3-4 years of age
Why shouldn’t you introduce honey to a child at a young age?
risk for botulism
What vitamin supplementation should be started right away for infants and what does it prevent?
Vitamin D and prevents rickets
describe general Nutrition guidance’s that a nurse will give to a parent with a infant
Iron Fortified cereal at 4-6months
Pureed fruits, vegetables, rice 6-8 months
Finger foods 8-12 months
describe an activity guidance that a nurse will give to a parent with a infant
0-2 months: music, rocking, cuddling, reading
3-6 months: play with fingers/toes, toys (rattles, stuffed animals, musical toys)
6-12 months: peek-a-boo, nesting cups, teething toys, music for naps/sleep, blocks
describe a sleep guidance that a nurse will give to a parent with a infant
Infants: sleep 17-20 hrs/day, varies
sleep decrease over the first year
Allow infant to self sooth
Should regulate between sleep/wake cycles
What age are all 20 baby teeth present
around 30 months of age
what is the average weight gain and height increase yearly for a 1-3 year old.
Average wt gain is 5 lbs per year. its quadrupled from birth
Average increase in ht is 3 inches per year. children attain half of their adults height between age 2 and 3
How does learning occur for a toddler
by trial and error
what are the age groups of growth
infant 0-12 months toddlers 12-36 months preschooler 3-5 years school age 6-12 years adolescent 12-20 years
what is parallel play for toddlers?
children play alongside one another but not with one another
what is the best way to solve a temper tantrum
Best way to deal with it is to safely isolate and ignore the child
what is expressive jargon for a toddler
unintelligible words with normal speech intonations as if truly communicating in words
what is the vocabulary of a 2 year old
300 words
how does a parent deal with expressive jargon?
Assisting them to utilize effective communication is a vital need during this stage of development
where is the growth mostly done for a preschooler?
arms and legs
for a preschooler, what is associative play?
group play without group goals. Play is imitative, dramatic, & creative
average weight and height gain yearly for a preschooler?
Average wt gain is 5lbs per year and ht is 2-3 inches per year.
what is the nutrition guide for a nurse on a preschooler?
Reinforce good eating habits with parents
Eat about half as much as adults
Food jags
Obesity risks
Physiologic anorexia
what is the sleep and dental guide for a nurse on a preschooler?
10-12 hours sleep/night
Importance of good dental hygiene (proper teeth cleaning, removal of plaque, flossing, balanced diet)
when is the first baby tooth lost?
6 years of age
what age range is when 28 of the 32 permanent teeth erupt?
What age does Cooperative play finally begine?
between ages 6-12
What are the top 3 health risks in order for 12-20 years of age?
Accidents—leading cause of death
Homicide—2nd leading cause of death
Suicide—3rd leading cause of death
what are the 3 stages of separation anxiety?
- Protest
- Despair
- Detachment
Should children who are immunocompromised receive live bacterial or viral vaccines?
absolutely not
How much do babies grow in weight by 6 months?
They double their weight
When should you introduce solid foods to your baby?
6 months of age
When should the anterior fontenelle close up for a baby?
around a year old
at what age will a child likely be able to bring objects to its mouth at will?
3 months of age
what type of play will a toddler engage in?
parallel play
What are some readiness signs for toilet training for a two year old
The child remains dry during a nap or two hours during the day
The child shows interest in toilet training
the child is verbalizing when they are peeing or pooping
what age group would a nurse be most concerned about regarding the risk of choking and why?
8-12 months of age because this is when they start to explore things orally and their able to pick small object up
If you are taking a MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) what type of foods are you going to avoid?
tyramine containing foods
Why is it not recommended to give children aspirin?
Reye syndrome
What foods contain tyramine?
Cured meats like sausage and pepperoni
How is Dysthymia classified?
Depressed mood for 2 years with at least 2 additional depression symptoms
How is major depressive disorder classified?
5 clinical findings everyday for at least 2 weeks
Nursing priorities for a patient experiencing an acute anxiety attack include what?
Maintain calm, supportive environment
Maintain safety and prevent injury
Walk with the patient if they are pacing
What clinical features is most likely to be seen in patients with mild anxiety?
heightened perception, irritability, restlessness, and increased motivation
What clinical features is most likely to be seen in patients with moderate anxiety?
shaking, tremors, having trouble focusing, pounding heart, tremor in voice, increase HR and respirations
What clinical features is most likely to be seen in patients with severe anxiety?
ineffective problem solving, hyperventilation, sense of doom, person may appear dazed, confused or unresponsive.
What clinical features are most likely to be seen in patients with a panic attack?
Loss of reality, confusion, screaming, loss of rational thought, erratic physical behavior.
What are the symptoms used to classify Dysthymic disorder
- decreased or increased appetite
- insomnia or hypersomnia
- low energy or chronic fatigue
- decreased self-esteem
- Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions
- Feelings of hopelessness or despair
What 2 hormone are related to depression?
Serotonin and Norepinephrine
What 2 classes of medications should not be taken within 14 days of MAO inhibitors?
SSRI’s and SNRI’s
What do SSRI’s do?
Block the neuronal uptake of serotonin
what do SNRI’s do?
Block reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine
what do TCA’s do?
Inhibit reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin by the neurons
what do MAO inhibitors do?
Reduces the inactivation of brain amines, such as norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, tyramine
what is the 1st and 2nd line for depression
1st line is SSRI’s
2nd line is SNRI’s
What are some side effects of ECT
confusion, memory loss, headache, nausea.