Lecture 4 - Epidural/Newborn Assessment and Care Flashcards
What is the major complication of an epidural?
Marked maternal hypotension
–> d/t widespread vasodilation
What are some adverse effects of an epidural?
Loss of sense of control or urge to push
Increased length of labour in second stage
Increased need for augmentation
Postural puncture headache
What are the benefits of epidurals?
Relaxation, and comfort while remaining alert and able to participate
Airway reflexes remain intact
What causes pruritis with epidural analgesia
Opioid-Induced histamine release
What is a postdural puncture headache?
When the needle used to insert the catheter punctures the Dura and causes a leaking of CSF and changes pressure changes intracranially
–> Worse when head is above heart level (upright), improved by lying down. Significantly painful.
Can last after the epidural has ended
What is nursing care prior to an epidural?
Assess coping, assure information has been provided
–> Asses VS, hydration, labour progress, FHR, platelets and CBC
–> Give 500-1000ml bolus 15-30 minutes prior
–> Assist client to void
Why do we assist clients to void prior to epidural?
The sensation of a full bladder will be inhibited after epidural, and until it is removed the client will be required to void via intermittent catheterization
Why is an IV bolus given prior to epidural? How much fluid over what time period?
500-1000 ml 15-30 minutes before epidural
Why are ephedrine and phenylephrine made available during epidural?
Vasoconstriction - increase BP
What position should patients be in during an epidural?
Comfortable position on back with pillow wedged under right buttock
–> Close to supine to facilitate even distribution of medication, wedged to prevent occlusion of vena cava
How often should a person be changing positions while receiving an epidural infusion?
q60-30 minutes
How can we prevent bladder distention for a patient with an epidural infusion?
Intermittent catheterization - sensation to void will be inhibited
What kind of anesthesia is typically used for an emergency c/s?
General Anesthesia
–> So immediate skin-to-skin will have to be with another family member
What is the purpose of an APGAR score?
To assess how the baby is doing in the moment - not indicative of course of progression or future health
When are APGAR scores given?
1&5 minutes
–> If less than 7, repeat at 10&20 minutes
What are the four factors that stimulate breathing in the newborn?
Mechanical, sensory, thermal, and chemical
What are the chemical factors that stimulate breathing in a newborn?
Lower O2, higher Co2
What are the mechanical factors that stimulate breathing in a newborn?
Negative intrathoracic pressure following vaginal delivery (or pressure from c/s) initiates first breath
Surfactant required to decrease surface tension
At what GA does a neonate have enough surfactant to not require administration
34 weeks GA
–> Premature before then would likely require surfactant administered
What are the temperature factors that stimulate breathing in a newborn?
Drop in temperature in room following delivery
What are the sensory factors that stimulate breathing in a newborn?
Suddenly being bombarded by lights, sounds, smells can make baby more alert, initiate crying
Why do newborns need patent nares?
Obligate nose breathers
When is the first period of reactivity?
First 30 minutes of life
–> HR decreases from 160-180 to consistent baseline, RR up to 80
–> Irregular RR with fine crackles, grunting, nasal, flaring (should cease by 1 hour)
Followed by sleep period
How long is the sleep period following the first period of reactivity?
60-100 minutes
What are the six states of NB consciousness?
Sleep: deep, light
Wake: Drowsy, quiet alert, active alert, crying
What is the second period of reactivity? When does it occur?
Occurs roughly 2-8 hours after birth, lasts 10 minutes-several hours
–> Increased mucus production, tachycardia/tachypnea may occur. Muscle tone increases + skin colour changes. Meconium often passes at this time.
What is the optimal state of arousal for bonding with baby?
Quiet alert
At what ages do babies have accommodation? At what age is their vision most acute
Accommodation: 3 months
Acute vision: 6 months
At what distance do babies have the best vision for at birth?
17-20 cm
How well is the sense of hearing developed in a newborn?
Similar to that of an adult once amniotic fluid drains from ears
–> Infants respond to mother’s voice
Do neonates have an intact sense of smell?
Yes. Infants can differentiate the breastmilk of their mother from another person’s milk
What taste do newborns prefer?
sweet - can be used for analgesia