Lecture 4 - employee benefits Flashcards
What are the 2 broad categories of pensions?
- defined contribution
- defined benefit
What is a defined contribution pension plan?
Employee will set an amount to invest that wil be managed to provide a pension
What is a defined benefit pension plan?
Variable contributions to achieve a set level of benefits
What are the characteristic of a defined contribution plan?
- contribution determined by plan
- risk borne by employees
- benefits based on plan value
What are the characteristic of a defined benefit plan?
- benefit determined by plan
- employee contribution varies
- risk borne by employer
What is the double entry of defined contribution plans before and after contributions have been paid?
Dr wage expense
Cr liability (obligation to pay at retirement)
reduce cash and extinguish liability
What are the facts that make defined benefit plans harder to calculate?
- pension based on length of service and final salary
- Benefit reasonable predictable
- cost to employer uncertain
- need to ensure sufficient funds to meet commitment
- employer may need to vary contributions
What are assets in a pension plan measured in, and what are the different assets that need to be accounted for?
measured at market value
Opening balance
- expected return
- benefits paid (to retired employees)
- Contributions paid (investments by company)
- actuarial gains/loss
Plan assets C/F
What are liabilities in a pension plan measured in, and what are the different liabilities that need to be accounted for?
Present value of obligation
opening balance
- interest costs
- benefits paid
- current service costs
- actuarial gain/loss
Liabilities B/F
What are the 3 types of defined benefit plan (IAS19)?
- Final pay plan - calculated as percentage of the final salary before retirement
- Final avg pay plan - average salary of last 3/5 years before retirement
- Career avg pay plan - avg salary over whole career
Why is accounting for defined benefit plans so complicated
- Subjective
- uncertain future costs
- total benefit uncertain
- how much lump sum on retirement
- how long will pension last (when will pensioner die?)
What are some other factors that add complexity to defined benefit pension plans?
- inflation
- Salary increase expectations
- life expectancy
How are pension scheme assets to be measured?
At market value
How are pension scheme liabilities to be measured?
Projected unit credit method
What are some estimates that are needed by actuaries for the plans investments?
- inflation
- time value of money
- discount rate
What is actuarial gains/losses?
difference between expectation and reality - discount rate, return on assets, life expectancy etc
Where do we recognise actuarial gains/losses?
in equity, usually as part of retained earnings in other comprehensive income
When changes in net assets, where should we recognise capital changes?
Statement of changes in equity
When changes in net assets, where should we recognise performance changes from primary performance activities?
Statement of profit and loss
When changes in net assets, where should we recognise performance changes from other activities allowed in OCI by another IFRS?
Statement of other comprehensive income
What are the key OCI items we should know about?
- Changes in revaluation surplus related to PPE
- Actuarial gains and losses
What is included in the income statement?
- Current service cost
- Interest cost
- the expected return on any plan assets