Lecture 2 - financial instruments Flashcards
What is a financial instrument?
Any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one enterprise and a financial liability to another
What is a financial asset?
Any asset that is:
- Cash or contractual right to receive cash or a financial asset
- A contractual right to exchange financial instruments with another enterprise under conditions that are favourable
- An equity instrument of another enterprise
What is a Financial liability?
A liability that is a contractual obligation:
- to deliver financial instrument to another enterprise
- exchange instruments with another enterprise under unfavourable conditions
What is an equity instrument?
A contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all its liabilities
What is a derivative?
A financial instrument that’s value changes in response to an underlying item
When are derivatives settled?
At a future date
What are some examples of derivatives?
- Financial options
- futures
- forwards
- interest rate swaps
- currency swaps
How can reflecting financial instruments in financial statements be problematic?
- sometimes hard to identify financial instruments
- How do you measure financial assets and liabilities?
- Historic cost vs fair value
What creates a liability rather than equity?
An obligation
Is 2m 50p, 3% bonds payable in 2018 a financial liability or equity?
Liability as there are contractual obligations
Is 12m ordinary shares of 50p a financial liability or equity?
Equity, as although expect to receive shares, there is no obligation until dividends are declared
What is a convertable bond?
Gives the owner the right for cash or shares
Why would a company rather issue shares rather than cash?
As they can class it as equity rather than a liability
How would we measure the liability from a convertible bond?
By deriving the fair value of a similar liability without the conversion option
How would we measure the equity of a convertible bond?
residual equity FV = total fair value - liability fair value
Definition of a liability?
present obligation, past event, outflow of economic benefits