lecture 4 -consequence of attachment Flashcards
attachments influence on future behaviours
social - relationships outside the home, with peers
cognitive -children’s cognitive abilities
continuity of attachment
is attachment classification stable across life?
-grossman 1988 - 87% of securely attached were still securely attached
-waters et al 2000 - 72%
not so much
Lewis et al (2000)
-38% of insecure maintained classification
-57% of secure maintained classification
insecure attachment is a little more flexible.
-debated topic but suggested there is some attachment
continuity of attachment,
-is it because ..?
-early experience determines later behaviour ?
-current experiences (similar to early experience) determines behaviour
NICHD early child care research network (2006)
looked at influence of ?
-at what ages
looked at influence of
-attachment ratings (15 month old)
-longitudinal parenting ratings
-changes in parenting
-social skills
-internalising and externalising problems
-at 4, 5,6 years old
NICHD early child care research network (2006)
- effect of attachment on social adjustment
-attachment history predicted effect of change in parenting
for insecure and secure children
had a strong effect of attachment on social adjustment
* But parenting measures modulated this effect.
Attachment history predicted effect of change in parenting
* when there is Decline in parenting quality- there is also decline in functioning for insecure children
* for insecurley attached children, Improvement in parenting- improved functioning for insecure children
* No real effect for secure children
are day care kids more likely to be insecurley attached
-belsky 1988
-alternative explanations
-infants in child care
more likely to be insecure attached
-and be less likely to comply with adults
alternative explanations
-day care fosters independence
-mistaken for poor behaviour in testing
multi centre study nichd
0began in 1991 (cohort were 1 month old)
-1364 infants began study, 1073 children still in study 2000-2004 (9-13 year olds)
-quantity of childcare, quality of childcare, quality of homecare
-cognitive measures, social measures
-emotional development (attachment)
-health and physical growth
results of multi centre nicdh study
quality of day care on
-internalising and externalising behaviours
-social compliance
-secure/insecure attachment
-higher quality care meant children showed less internalising and externalising behaviours
-showed more social compliance (nichd 1998)
-children in lower quality care showed more insecure attachment
-only in the case where children with low sensitivity mothers (nichd 1999)
higher quality care associated with better mother child intereactions
-‘higher quality care’ children produced more positive interactions with peers (nichd 2001)
results of multi centre nicdh study
quantity of day care
-problem behaviour
-school readiness
-are family variables or childcare variables stronger?
-more than 10 hours a week lead to increased risk of insecure attachment , only of maternal sensitivity was weak nichd 2001
-problem behaviour at 4-5 years
-related to hours in day care (independent of quality care nichd 20030
-school readiness at 3 years old affected in
-children who are in day care before 9 months (brooks gunn 2002)
-worse if over 30 hours of day care
-family variables much stronger influence than childcare variables
further data from the nichd childcare cohort
-belsky et al 2007
-what did they examine
-what did they find
-examined childrens functioning from 4 and a half to 12 years old
-increased quality of early childcare lead to higher vocab scores
-increased amount of time in centre based care predicted externalising difficulties
-not the case for other forms of childcare
-but again parenting variables more important
disruption of attachment
infants in institutions
-harlows motherless monkeys
-children in orphanages
Harlow’s motherless monkeys
-socially isolated
-became socially and sexually dysfunctional as adults
children in orphanages
-became apathetic
-long term emotional difficulties (tizard and rees ,1975)
-romanian orphanages
-zeanah et al 2005
-studies done in Romanian orphanages
-found chronic understaffing, poor conditioned
zeanah et al 2005
-‘institiutional children’ (IC) versus community children
-62% of IC disorganised , vs 22% community
-18.9% of IC secure (74% community)
higher incidence of reactive attachment disorder
-increased social withdrawal /inhibited behaviour
-increased indiscriminately social / dis-inhibited behaviour
infants in institutions
after adoption- chrisholm 1998
-attachment security
after adoption
-attachment security improved from 11 months to 39 months
-still showed increased insecurity
-shows of indiscriminate friendliness did not decrease (were too friendly with anyone and too trusting with strangers)
rutter et all 2001
-children adopted in Britain before 3 and a half years at 6 years
-found evidence of attachment problems and cognitive impairment
-24% free of any dysfunction
abuse and maltreatment definitions
- any intentional harm to a minor ( i.e under 18 years old ), including harm that is physical , emotional or sexual and neglect (US dept of health)
-four categories : physical , sexual, neglect, emotional