Lecture 4 - Connective Tissue Flashcards
Connective tissue cell
-Star shaped with an
oval nucleus
-Most numerous
-Produce extracellular matrix by synthesizing & secreting mature proteoglycans &glyco- proteins & precursor molecules of various types of collagens & elastin. - Wound repair
Connective tissue cell
-are phagocytic and
derived from
Monocytes ( white
blood cells )
-Monocytes migrate to tissues & differentiate into Macrophages . Kupffer cells in liver Osteoclasts in bone Microglial cells in CNS -very granular -mobile -have many lysosomes to breakdown the phagocytic material
Connective tissue cell
- From differentiation of B lymphocytes. -synthesize & secrete Immunoglobulin (anti- bodies) -have a prominent cartwheel nucleus with a well developed nucleolus -abundant rough endo plasmic reticulum & Golgi apparatus -move throughout matrix
Plasma cells
Connective tissue cell
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ and basophils have same progenitor in the bone marrow -found around blood vessels -produce heparin ( an anticoagulant ) -produce histamine (a vasodilator)
Mast cells
Connective tissue cell
- storage of energy
- protection
Fat cells (Adipocytes)
-protein collagen arranged in bundles
- most abundant of all the fibers
- parallel running fibrils for strength
-white/yellow in appearance
-not elastic or extendable
-boiling turns it to gelatin
- Vitamin C is cofactor for collagen
SCURVY: inadequate wound healing
- protein elastin
- thin yellow fibers
- stretch and return to normal
- connect to one and other
- protein collagen and glycoproteins
- similar to collagen thinner
- form reticular framework
Reticular fibers
viscous material – gel like
- hyaluronic acid - Mucopolysacharide - mucoproteins
Ground substance
Type of connective tissue
- present in embryo and umbilical cord .
- Sub divided into 1) mesenchyme found primarily in the embryo. It consists of spindle shaped cells that make contact with the neighboring cells . Consists of reticular fibers with a few collagen fibers.
- The other form is 2) mucous connective tissue , and is present in umbilical cord .It consists of a homogenous ground substance , jelly like in consistence ,called Wharton’s jelly .
Type of connective tissue
-also called areolar CT.
Characterized by loosely arranged fibers and abundant cells .
-Lies beneath epithelia and lines the internal surfaces of the body.
-Is the site of inflammatory and immune responses.
Type of connective tissue
- is characterized by abundant fibers and few cells .
- Fibers are mainly collagen arranged in bundles oriented in various directions that can with stand stresses on organs .
- Found in sub mucosa of the intestinal tract , deeper layer of dermis .
Dense irregular
Type of connective tissue
- characterized by ordered and densely packed arrays of fibers and cells and very little ECM.
- Fibers are arranged in parallel arrays and provide maximum strength.
- Is the main functional component of tendons, ligaments and aponeuroses.
Dense Regular
Type of connective tissue
-Reticular fibers provide a supporting framework for the cellular constituents of various tissues and organs e.g. lymph nodes.
Reticular tissue
Type of connective tissue
- Elastic tissue is mainly composed of elastic fibers capable of stretch and distension .
- Fibers are thinner than collagen, and are arranged in a branching pattern.
- Take up special dyes like orcein and resorcin- fuchsin.
- Found in the dermis of the skin , aorta , vertebral ligaments , larynx etc.
Elastic tissue