Lecture 4 - Attention Flashcards
What is attention?
Ability to focus on specific stimuli or locations in our environment.
What is selective attention?
attending to one thing while ignoring others
What is divided attention?
paying attention to more than one thing at a time
What is the dichotic listening task?
One message is presented to the left ear and another to the right ear (shadowing / dichotic listening).
Participant “shadows” one message to ensure he is attending to that message (selective listening + repeating attended message).
Participants cannot report the content of the message in unattended ear BUT:
Knew that there was a message
Knew the gender of the speaker.
Hence, the unattended ear is being processed at some level:
Cocktail party effect
Change in voice is noticed.
Change to a tone is noticed.
Describe Broadbent’s filter model
Early selection model:
Filters message before incoming information is analysed for meaning
- sensory memory - holds and transfers info
- filter - identifies message and passes on
- detector - processes info
- STM - receives output, transfers to LTM
What are the limitations of broadbents model?
Cannot explain:
- Cocktail party phenomenon: Ability to focus on one stimulus while filtering out other stimuli, especially at a party where there are a lot of simultaneous conversations.
- Why participants can shadow meaningful messages that switch from one ear to another
Describe Treisman’s Attenuation Model
Intermediate selection model:
Attended messages can be separated from unattended messages early in the information-processing system.
Selection can also occur later.
Introduction of the Attenuator to replace Broadbent’s filter.
analyzes incoming message in terms of physical characteristics, language, and meaning.
Attended message is let through the attenuator at full strength.
Unattended message is let through at much weaker strength.
What is treismans directionary unit?
Contains words, each of which has a threshold for being activated.
Words that are common or important have low thresholds.
Uncommon words have high thresholds.
What are the late selection models?
Selection does not occur until after meaning has been analyzed.
MacKay (1973)
In attended ear, participants heard ambiguous sentences. (e.g.: “They were throwing stones at the bank.”). In unattended ear, participants heard either “river” or “money.”
Participants chose which was closest to the meaning of attended message:
“They threw stones toward the side of the river yesterday.”
“They threw stones at the savings and loan association yesterday.”
Meaning of the biasing word affected participants’ choice while participants were unaware of the presentation of the biasing words.
What is the load theory of attention?
the extent to which unattended visual information is perceived depends on the perceptual load of the attended task
What is the processing capacity?
how much information a person can handle at any given moment.
What is the perceptual load?
the difficulty of a given task
- Low-load (easy) tasks - take up less processing capacity. Task may leave resources available for processing unattended task-irrelevant stimuli
- High-load (difficult) tasks - take up more processing capacity, meaning use all cognitive resources & don’t leave any resources to process unattended task irrelevant stimuli.
Give an example of the load theory of attention
You can listen to loud music or audiobooks while driving your car on the motorway
You have to pause or turn down the volume while parking your car in a difficult spot
What is the stroop effect?
Name of the word interferes with the ability to name the ink color.
Cannot avoid paying attention to the meanings of the words.
What are training effects?
The more often you do a type of task, the
Better you get at it
More automatized the task becomes.
The more automatized a task is, the less processing capacity it takes up (reduced cognitive load because less executive function is used).