Lecture 4 Flashcards
Conjoint Analysis
- Purpose
- Can Help To
One of the most used market research methods
Purpose: Estimate the importance of a specific product feature (Wi)
Can Help To:
- Decide whether to incorporate/improve a specific feature
- Estimate products’ market shares
- Estimate product demand
Rating-Based Conjoint Analysis
Idea: Ask respondents to rate their valuation (V) of products with different levels of attributes (Ai)
-Uses linear regression to estimate the weight of each attribute (Wi)
Rating-Based Conjoint Analysis Pros and Cons
a. Corresponding to consumer choice theory
b. Straightforward to implement
a. Hard for respondents to rate alternatives in a consistent way
-Solution: choice-based conjoint analysis
b. Too many alternatives (when # attributes increases)
-Solution: adaptive design for choice-based conjoint
c. Do not have incentive to think carefully
-Solution: incentive-alignment for choice-based conjoint
Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis
Each respondent will be asked a set of the questions
- choosing from 2-4 product alternatives, with different combination of attributes
- answers help us estimate the weight of each attribute
Importances Report
Importance value of screen:
Wscreen ---------------------------------------------------------- Wscreen + Wstorage + WfaceID + Wprice
More Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis
Decide whether to incorporate/improve a specific feature
-Consumer’s willingness-to-pay for an improvement in attribute i:
WTPi: Wi (*) change in price level
When an attribute changes to something else, how much more or less is a consumer willing to pay
Estimating Product Market Share
- Different consumers can have different values of Wi (they assign different weight to each attribute) –> They have different favorite product
- Demand share of a product = proportion of consumers that have it as the most preferred product
- In practice, the software estimates the distribution of Wi, and then calculate proportion of consumers who choose the product = the product’s market share
Product Market Share (Vs.) Product Demand
Market Share does not equal Product Demand
Product Market Share: # of consumers who buy A / # of consumers who buy a product in the category (that A belongs to)
Product Demand: # consumers who buy A/ (consumers who buy in the category + consumers who do not buy)
**To estimate product demand, we need to know how many consumers’ won’t buy (None Option) **
Incentive-Aligned Choice-Based Conjoint
Respondents’ choices will have a consequence, so that respondents are motivated to choose carefully.
Results from incentive-aligned choice-based conjoint have better prediction power that hypothetical ones.
Implementation: Refer to Slides
Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint
When the number of attributes increases, there will be huge number of combinations (a combination = a possible product)
Respondents have limited attention so we can optimally choose the product sets in each question to make the estimation more efficient & more accurate
-Choosing the next, question adaptively
(Questions on Sawtooth are chosen adaptively)