Lecture 4 Flashcards
Scope of pta’s
covering goods is more common than covering trades, but this is becoming less pronounced
Which article provides for preferential trade agreements?
Article XXIV. This raises the question of why the founders of GATT would have wished to accomodate arrangements which are discriminatory on their face.
What key conditions does article XXIV establish?
- parties entering must notify there agreements to the WTO under Article XXIV:7
- CRTA conducts a full review and make recommendations to the General Council of the WTO on compliance of a notified PTA with the requirements of Article XXIV.
What is an alternative avenue for review of PTAs?
A formal complaint to the DSB, followed by a convening panel and then a potential appealt to the appellate body
What is the only case directly addressing the issues of PTA consistency with GATT?
Turkey- Textiles (1999)
- complaint by India against Turkey with respect to quantitative restrictions that Turkey had imposed on imports of textiles and clothing from India
- this case was important because is shows that the Appellate Body made clear that it considers the overall compatibility of PTAs with Article XXIV to be justifiable
- Article XXIV offers a possible defence to measures inconsistent with GATT provisions beyond the MFN principle in article I
Which article of GATT establishes the purpose of PTAS?
Article XXIV:4
- facilitate trade between constituent territories and not to raise barriers to the trade of other parties with such territories.
What are three central issues essential to understanding the welfare effects of PTA’s?
- Are ptas trade creating or trade diverting?
- Does the proliferation of PTA trade rules increase transaction costs and therefore inhibit trade?
- how does the formation of PTAs affect the future course of international trade liberalization?
What is the distinction between trade creation and trade diversion?
hinges on whether the removal of a trade barrier through formation of a customers union shifts the source of production of a good to a lower cost producer or higher cost producer, based strictly on the costs of production and abstracting from costs associated with tariffs.
What are transaction costs, in terms of PTAs
each pta has a set of trade rules that ppl must comply with.
- likened to a spaghetti bowl, with each additional web adding complexity to international trade, and raising transaction costs of international trade
Article III
imported products shall not be subject to internal taxes or other charges in excess of those applied to like domestic products
Internal taxes: Japanese-Alcohol case (1996)
in this case, the panel and appellate body rejected the aims and effects test
- appellate body held that the concept of like product. Both bodies emphasized the like product market test.
Canada- Split Run Periodicals (1997)
the appellate body overruled the Panel’s findings on like products, deciding that in the context of an 80% excise tax on advertising content, finding that foreign split run periodicals and domestic non-split periodicals are not like products.
However, the Appellate body held that they fell within the ambit of competitive or directly substitutable products
Korea- taxes on alcoholic beverages (1998)
followed the other case on alcohol, adopted a market based test of likeness, and a de minimus test for similarly taxed under Article III(2)
Chile- Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages (1999)
- used analogy of butter and margarine, differences in physical characteristics do not necessarily render products unlike if they serve similar functions in the utility function of consumers.
Indonesia- Autos(1998)
differences in treatment for internal tax purposes of domestically produced cars and imports, car components were treated as violating Article III(2) on the grounds of substitutability by consumers among these products.
Regulatory Measures: US- Reformated Gasoline (1996)
- held to violate Article III(4)
- no dispute that the products were like, but USA faced greater administrative difficulties applying the domestic measurees in question to foreign refiners was not sufficient justification for less favourable treatment
Korea- Beef (2000)
Also on regulatory measures.
- formal differences in the way imports and domestic like products were treated were not in themselves sufficient to render the different treatment illegal under article III(4)
EC- Asbestos(2000)
- Canada complained about EC’s ban on asbestos imports
- Appellate body found Canada’s product likeness comparison insufficient
Regulatory Measures:Thailand- Cigarettes (2011)
the Appellate body held with respect to assessing no less favourable treatment, that assessment requires close scrutiny of the fundamental thrust and effect of the measure.
What are the four critiques of the WTO case law?
- literalist/formalist approach
- aims-and effects-approach
- economic approach
- residual problems
Explain the literalist/formalist critique
- a ‘smell’ test, comparing and contrasting physical characteristics without having some purpose in mind for the comparisons
Aims and Effects Approach
emphasized the indeterminacy of an approach that focuses on the subjective intent of legislators and regulators (Japanese Alcohol) baptist bootlegger coalitions.
Economic Approach
Whether the products are like or not is an empirical question involving evaluation of the cross elasticity of demand on the part of consumers
- whether measures in question have imposed greater costs on foreign producers relative to domestic producers
Residual problems
- differences in production and processing methods
- human rights concerns