Lecture 4 Flashcards
What 4 factors influence nerve conduction?
1) Conduction is faster in a larger diameter axon
2) Conduction is faster if the time is shorter
3) Conduction is faster if the length constant is longer
4) Mylenation speeds up conduction.
What factors affect the decline of the graded synaptic potentials?
1) Low membrane resistance decreases the graded potential as it leaks out.
2) High internal resistance decreases the graded potential.
Unlike AP, Graded potential can change with time in terms of amplitude and distance. What two parameters explain that effect on graded potential?
1) Space constant
2) time constant
What is the time constant?
The time constant is the time period when a graded potential (The voltage) reaches 63% of its original value.
What is space constant?
its the distance of how long a graded potential crosses until it reaches 37% of its amplitude.
What is the ideal graded potential conduction?
Ideal neuronal conduction would have high space constant and short time constant.
What is passive conduction?
passive conduction in the axon is when the gates of the axons are closed and that inhibits leaking out so the conduction is like an ocean cable. the only thing that affects the voltage is the space constant.
Lambda is the space constant. What could be manipulated to increase the space potential?
- increasing PM resistance and decreasing internal resistance increases the space constant and decreases the speed where it loses voltage.
- longer space constants results in larger conductions.
what are the relationships of Plasma membrane resistance, internal resistance, and radius of an axon? What effect does that have on conduction?
PM resistance is inversely proportional to radius
-Internal resistance is inversely proportional to radius squared.
-Increasing the diameter decreases both resistances that affect the space constants, therefore, space constant becomes longer and conduction becomes faster.
What effect does capacitance have time? do we want to increase or decrease capacitance?
Capacitance and time have a direct relationship, therefore, decreasing capacitance mean we decrease time. We want to decrease capacitance because we want to decrease the time constant.
Can voltage increase or decrease through time?
It can exponentially increase and decrease. Membrane with high membrane capacitance means they have large time constant (bad for conduction)
Why is myelin so beneficial?
Myelin reduces membrane capacitance therefore increasing the speed of conduction by lowering the time constant.
If the membrane is explained as an RC circuit, what is resisitance and what is capacitance and what are their effects?
- Resitance is determined by ion channels and it influnces the graded potentials amplitude and speed.
- Capacitance is determined by membrane lipids. and it influnces the speed of conduction and response.
What are a larger axons properties in terms of capacitance and resistance?
-Larger Axon has larger capacitance and lower resisitance. Because as we increase surface area, stored charges increase
What is myelin?
Myelin is wrappings of glial cells around an axon. It reduces capacitance thereby speed up conduction along the axon.