Lecture 4 Flashcards
Embryonic Folding
1) Cephalocaudal Folding - cephalic (head) and caudal (tail) regions have rapid differential growth in
relation to yolk sac casing head and tail regions to fold onto themselves
- creates future head and buttocks regions
2) Transverse Folding (lateral) - left and right sides curve and migrate eventually forming a cylindrical
embryo (pinch off yolk sac)
- creates cylindrical torso of embryo
- endoderm - internal germ layer, mesoderm - germ layer, ectoderm - exterior germ layer
process of nervous system formation from ectoderm
Neurulation starts with signals sent out by NOTOCHORD:
Notochord – extends down the midline from the mesoderm
- short rod of condensed mesoderm cells right underneath PS, induces (process of induction) cells of
the ectoderm to form a hollow nervous system tube - neurulation - releases bone hormones and other hormones that act on cells in the ectoderm which stimulates the
area of the ectoderm above the notochord to become the CNS - during third week ectoderm forms thickened layer called NEURAL PLATE (cells proliferate and
become columnar and taller) - by the end of the third week lateral edges elevate to form NEURAL GROOVE
- the folds neural groove folds approach each other gradually in the middle and fuse to form the
NEURAL TUBE - eventually the NEURAL TUBE runs the length of the embryo
note: Spinabifida is the failure of the tube to close, skin doesn’t grow over the neural tube and it is
exposed to the environment
Mesoderm subdivides into:
- notochord - basis for central body axis and axial skeleton, induction of neural tube
- paraxial mesoderm - one both sides of neural tube forms SOMITES, block-like masses responsible
for formation of most bone, muscle, cartilage, dermis and connective tissues - intermediate mesoderm - forms most of urinary and reproductive systems
- lateral plate mesoderm - cardiovascular system, lining of body cavities and all connective tissue
components of limbs - head mesenchyme - connective tissue and musculature of face
- inner-most tissue after embryonic folding
- forms lining of digestive, respiratory and urinary tracts, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, thymus, liver,
gallbladder and pancreas
Connective Tissues
Tissues that connect or form structures
Most diverse, abundant, widely distributed and microscopically variable
All derived from mesoderm
Examples: bone, cartilage, blood, connective tissue proper – ligament, tendon, fibrous tissue, loose
connective tissue, dense connective tissue, fat
Functions of Connective Tissue
Physical protection – bones of cranium, sternum, vertebral column, thoracic cavity, fat
surrounding organs
- Support and structural framework of the body – bones provide framework and support soft tissues; cartilage supports body structures such as trachea, bronchi, nose and ears; sheets of
connective tissue form capsules to support such organs as spleen and kidneys
• Transporting fluid and dissolved materials – blood carries nutrients, gases, hormones, wastes and blood cells between different regions of the body
• Connecting other tissues – ligaments bind bone to bone; tendons bind muscle to bone; dense irregular tissue (fascia) binds skin to underlying muscle and bone
• Storing energy – fat is major energy reserve in the body, bones are a large reservoir for calcium
and phosphorus
• Immune protection – much connective tissue contains white blood cells (leukocytes) which
protect the body against disease and mount an immune response against foreign material; the viscous nature of the extracellular matrix interferes with the movement and spread of disease causing organisms
Elements of Connective Tissues
Cells spaced far apart (unlike epithelium)
• Lots of extracellular matrix (ECM) between cells
§ Matrix is the collective term for the extracellular component of any connective
tissue that is made of protein fibers and the ground substance
§ ECM is secreted from cells of connective tissue by proteins in fibrous tissues
called fibroblasts
______cyte – a generic cell type (eg. osteocyte in bone, adipocyte in fat)
-_______blast – produces something,lays down some foundation (eg. osteoblast is a cell
that lays down (makes) bone matrix, fibroblasts in connective tissue proper)
-______clast – reabsorbs/breaks down something (eg. osteoclast breaks down bone)
§ ECM composed of:
o Ground substances – sugary water and protein and carbohydrate
molecules (gelatin-like), proteins help to keep water in
o Fibers:
§ COLLAGEN – for tensile strength and stretch resistant
§ ELASTIC –which are flexible and resistant
§ RETICULAR – which form an interwoven network
Classification of Connective Tissues: based on type of extracellular matrix:
Connective tissue proper - has a matrix of fibers (loose and dense) in a syrupy ground
substance (kind of like “jello” with fruit in it
• Different types have different numbers of cell types and different relative proportions of
fibers and ground substance (examples include: adipose (fat), ligaments, tendons)
• Fluid connective tissue - has a matrix of watery liquid than contains dissolved proteins
(examples are: blood and lymph)
• Supporting connective tissue - has a matrix consisting of a gel (densely packed fibers),
cartilage or a solid (matrix is calcified of mineral deposits of predominantly calcium), bone
Connective Tissue Proper
Types with Loose fibers: Areolar tissue, Adipose tissue, Reticular tissue
• Types with Dense fibers: Dense regular, Dense irregular, Elastic
Different Types of Connective Tissue Proper contain various types of _____ and _______ cell
Different Types of Connective Tissue Proper contain various types of FIXED and WANDERING cell
Fixed Cells:
Fibroblasts – produce connective tissue fibers
Fibrocytes – maintain connective tissue fibers and matrix
Fixed macrophages – phagocytize pathogens and damaged cells
Adipocytes – store lipid
Mesenchymal cells – connective tissue stem cells that can differentiate into other cell types
Melanocytes – synthesize melanin
Wandering Cells:
Free Macrophages – mobile/travelling phagocytic cells (derived from monocytes of the blood)
Mast Cells – stimulate local inflammation
Lymphocytes – participate in immune response – can develop into plasmocytes which produce
antibodies (proteins involved in defending the body against disease)
Neutrophils and Eosinophils (white blood cells) – small phagocytic blood cells that mobilize
during infection or tissue injury
Loose Connective Tissue
Areolar Tissue
• Location - deep to the dermis, covered by epithelial lining, between muscles, around
blood vessels, nerves and around joints
• Function - connects skin to muscle, cushions organs, provides support but with 4
• Matrix – abundant collagen fibers, thin irregularly arranged elastic fibers, small fibroblast
cells, adipocyte (fat) cells and abundant gel-like ground substance
Adipose Tissue
• Location – hypodermis, buttocks, breasts, around eyes, surrounds organs
• Function – provides padding and cushions shocks, insulates and stores energy
• Matrix – predominantly adipocytes, inside each cell is drop of fat surrounded by plasma
membrane, pushed nucleus and organelles to the side, absence of fibers, little ground
Reticular Tissue
• Location - liver, spleen, kidney, lymph nodes, tonsils, appendix, bone marrow
• Function - supporting framework
• Matrix – predominantly reticular fibers and fibrocytes
Dense Connective Tissue: Dense Regular Connective Tissue
Dense Regular Connective Tissue
The collagen fibers are packed tightly and aligned parallel to applied force (like a group of
cables), able to withstand stress in ONE direction, almost no ground substance and
fibroblast nuclei are squeezed between layers of fibers
• Location and Function
§ tendons – cords of dense regular connective tissue attach muscles to bone and
§ aponeuroses - cartilaginous sheets that resemble broad tendons, may cover
muscles or attach muscle to muscle or another structure (eg. on diaphragm and
abdominal muscles
§ ligaments - between bones or stabilizing positions of organs, stabilizes the
§ elastic tissue – large number of elastic fibers, tissue is springy and allows some
stretch, found in elastic walls of arteries, trachea, bronchial tubes, vocal cords
and suspensory ligaments of the penis
Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
Location - nerve and muscle sheaths, capsules of visceral organs, joint capsule of
synovial joint, dermis, periosteum covering bones
• Function - provides strength and can withstand stress in multiple directions
• Matrix – unorganized fibers
Fluid Connective Tissue
• Location: circulatory system
§ Erythrocytes (erythro = red) - transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
§ Leukocytes (leuko = white) - fight infections (monocytes, eosinophils,
neutrophils, basophils, lymphocytes)
§ Platelets - blood clotting
• Matrix - liquid (plasma)
• Location - lymphoid system (lymphatic vessels that run alongside the cardiovascular
• Cells – Lymphocytes - develop into T cells and B cells (for example)
• Function - involved with the immune system
Supporting Connective Tissue
Cartilage and Bone - provide a strong framework that supports rest of body, strongest of the
connective tissue
Supporting Connective Tissue: Cartilege
• Cartilage (aka chondrocytes)
• semi-solid matrix that gives elastic properties to tissues in areas of the body that need
support and must withstand deformation (eg. tip of nose, ear)
• is supportive and protective, connective tissue often associated with bone
• matrix a firm gel containing chondroitin sulfates that form complexes with proteins,
forming hydrated proteoglycans
• chondrocytes produce a chemical that prevents blood vessel formation within the
extracellular matrix, therefore tissue is avascular and must exchange nutrients and waste
with blood vessels outside of the cartilage by diffusion – tissue is white (no blood vessels)
• some have fibrous outer covering called perichondrium (layer of dense irregular tissue
around cartilage surface)
• when active, cells become chondroblasts and make cartilage and lots of extracellular
• chondrocytes live in lacunae (small spaces/holes) within the extracellular matrix
• osteoarthritis – cartilage breaks down over time and doesn’t heal well because of the lack
of blood supply
Supporting Connective Tissue: Types of Cartilege
Types of Cartilage:
§ Hyaline cartilage
• Location - between bones at the joints, tracheal cartilage rings, fetal
skeleton, articular ends of long bones, costal cartilage, nose
• Function – smooth surface for movement at joints, flexible support,
reduces friction
• Matrix – gel, no fibers but usually covered by perichondrium
§ Elastic cartilage
• Location - auricle of the ear and external ear, epiglottis of larynx
• Function - flexible support while maintaining structure
• Matrix – gel, with abundant elastic fibers form web-like mesh around
lacunae, perichondrium present
§ Fibrous Cartilage
• Location - pads within the knee joints, pubic symphysis, intervertebral
• Function - resists compression, absorbs shock in some joints
• Matrix – gel, with mix of fibrous tissue and cartilage, lots of collagen, no
Supporting Connective Tissue: Bone
Location - skeletal system
• Function - support and strength, and provides articulated surfaces for movement
• Matrix - solid (lamellae)
• Bone -
§ long bones have a shaft called the diaphysis,
§ the bulbous ends of bones are the epiphyses, enlarged to allow the bone to
adapt to stress and strengthen joint
§ mature bone between the epiphysis and diaphysis, the metaphysis contains the 6
growth plate (thin layers of hyaline cartilage in developing bones)
• Diaphysis is hollow with bone marrow superficial to the center, hollow to save weight, and
as strong as solid
2 types of bone marrow, red and yellow:
2 types of bone marrow, red and yellow:
Yellow bone marrow – primarily fat in inside the medullary cavity
§ Red bone marrow - is hemopoietic (contains stem cells for red blood cell
production) found in the epiphysis, called spongy bone (cancellous bone,
Articular (hyaline) cartilage lines the articular surface of the epiphysis, reduces friction
and absorbs shock
Periosteum – dense irregular fibrous tissue that allows things to connect to bone,
surrounds the outer surface of the shaft
Compact bone
forms the external portion of bone, very dense, surrounds spongy bone
§ built around a core of blood vessels called the central canal (haversian canal)
§ osteoblasts lay down bone in rings around the central canal, the layers are
called lamellae (means concentric circular arrangement)
§ blood vessels get to bone from outside through holes in the sides of bones called
perforating canals running perpendicular to central canals (connect blood
vessels to osteons)
§ osteocytes sit in a cavity (lacuna) in the column-like osteons
§ canaliculi are tiny interconnecting channels within bone connective tissue
extending from lacunae through the lamellae, allowing nutrients, minerals, gases
and wastes to travel through and between the central canal and the osteocytes
§ bone has many osteons running parallel in a bundle (osteons are lamellar bone),
bone between the osteons is called interlamellar bone
Spongy bone
located deep in compact bone
§ porous with minute spikes of bone called trabeculae giving it a lattice-like
§ no osteons, not regularly arranged
§ highly vacuolated and provides strength with minimal weight