Lecture 4 Flashcards
What are the components of history for cattle?
-general questioning
-specific questioning
-previous illness/treatment
-vx history
What should be observed in the at rest patient?
-general attitude
-body condition
-body symmetry
-environmental interaction
-comparison to other animals of herd
What can be used to get a weight on a cow?
-scale-equipped chute
-weight tape
What is important regarding position during physical exam?
cows do not like people around their head; do anything involving the head last
What are the components of a dairy cattle exam?
-rectal temp
-rectal exam
-vaginal exam
-head and neck exam
What are the components of a beef cattle exam?
-rectal temp
-rectal exam
-vaginal exam
-head and neck exam
What restraints can be used for cattle?
-head gate
-chemical sedation
-nose ring
-tail jacking
What is important about haltering a cow?
the part that squeezes goes under chin
Where should the stethoscope be placed to hear the heart?
very cranially under left elbow
What should be examined in left abdomen?
-ballottement/succussion to determine fluid
-withers pinch to test for abdominal pain
-sub-iliac lymph nodes
What are the requirements to hear a ping?
-gas/fluid interface
-viscous under pressure
-distended organ adjacent to abdominal wall
What are the differentials for left-sided pings?
-left displaced abomasum
-rumen gas cap
What is a normal response to the withers pinch test?
curving of spine, indicating no abdominal pain
What can an abnormal withers pinch test indicate?
hardware disease
What are the differentials for right-sided pings?
-right displaced abomasum
-right abomasal volvulus
-cecal dilation/volvulus
-spiral colon/SI gas
What are the clinical signs of vagal indigestion?
-abd. distension
-diminished fecal output
-hypo or hyper rumen motility
-loss of appetite
What should be examined in the right thorax?
-resp system
-prescapular lymph node
What can be assessed during rectal exam?
-presence/consistency of manure
-pelvic bones
-left kidney
-uterus and ovaries
-seminal glands
-internal inguinal ring
-iliofemoral lymph nodes
Which lymph nodes are palpable?
Which tests are used to identify mastitis?
-black plate
-California mastitis test
How should disinfection and sampling be down with the udder?
-disinfect the far udders first, then the near
-sample the near udders first, then the far
What should be looked for during a vaginal exam?
-retained fetal membranes/metritis/fetus
What should be assessed on the head and neck?
-skin tent
-prescapular lymph node
-jug. vein
What should be checked in the urine of all dairy cows?
urine ketones
Which breeds are dairy breeds?
-brown swiss
-milking shorthorn
Which breeds are beef breeds?
-main anjou