Lecture 38 Flashcards
What are the three classifications of sexual differentiation?
- Disorders of Gonadal Differentiation and Development
- Pseudohermaphroditism
- Unclassified/Miscellaneous Forms
What are the 9 disorders of gonadal differentation and development?
- Klinefelter’s
- Sex Reversal
- Turner’s
- Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis
- Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
- Dysgenetic Male Pseudohermaphroditism
- Complete Gonadal Dysgenesis
- Embryonic Testicular Regression
- True Hermaphroditism
What are the karyotypes of Klinefelter’s
- 47, XXY
- 48, XXYY
- Mosaic 46, XY/47, XXY
What is the karyotype of male sex reversal?
What is the karyotype of Turner’s?
What is the karyotype of pure gonadal dysgenesis?
What is the karyotype of mixed goanadal dysgenesis?
Mosaic 45,X0/46,XY
What are the karyotypes of Dysgenetic Male Pseudohermaphroditism?
- 45,X0/46,XY
- 46,XY
What is the karyotype of Complete Gonadal Dysgenesis?
What is the karyotype of Embryonic Testicular Regression?
What is the karyotype of True Hermaphroditism?
What is Klinefelter’s?
Most common major abnormality; seminiferous tubular dysgenesis
What is Sex Reversal?
- Probably translocation of Y material to X chromosome or mutation of a X chromosome gene
- Normal external genitalia but 10% have hypospadias
What is Turner’s?
Oocytes degenerate leaving streak gonads at birth
What is Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis?
- Similar to Turner’s syndrome but no somatic effects
- Require estrogen and progesterone replacement therapy
Who has Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis?
Mostly phenotypic females but entire spectrum covered
What is Dysgenetic Male Pseudohermaphroditim?
- Bilateral dysgenetic testes; Increased risk of gonadoblastoma (45% at 40 years)
- Produce some T and MIS; spectrum of Mullerian and Wolffian structures persisting
What is caused by Complete Gonadal Dysgenesis?
- The male genotype is SRY dysfunctional
- The phenotypic female has sexual infantalism
- Increased risk of germ cell tumors
How is Complete Gonadal Dysgenesis managed?
- Gonadectomy
- Hormone replacement
What is Embryonic Testicular Regression?
Regressed testicle with evidence of prior function d/t perhaps mutation, teratogen or bilateral torsion
What is true hermaphroditism?
Both ovarian and testicular tissue in the form of one of each or one/two ovotestes with internal differentiation depending on the function of the ipsilateral gonad
What is the most common domestic mammal to experience true hermaphroditism?
What are the symptoms of Klinefelter’s Syndrome?
- X-inactivation/Barr body
- Hypogonadism
- Some instances of cryptorchidism
- Azoospermia (no sperm in semen)
- Micropenis
- Small, firm testes
- Gynecomastia (breast development)
How does Klinefelter’s Syndrome cause small, firm testes?
Hyalinization of seminiferious tubules -> Loss of Sertoli cell -> decreased inhibin -> Increased FSH -> aromatase in LC stimulated -> increased E -> decreased T and increased LH -> LC hyperplasia -> Leyig cell nodules (LCN)
What is hyalinization?
Process where normal cells are replaced by a translucent, acellular matrix that gives tissues a glassy appearance under a microscope
How often does klinefelter occur in males?
1 in 500