Lecture 36 - Development of Multicellular Organisms II Flashcards
What are the 3 phases of neural development?
L36 S6
Phase 1:
- different cell types develop independently throughout the embryo
- unconnected
Phase 2:
- axons and dendrites grow along specific routes
- provisional network of connections form
Phase 3:
- connections are adjusted and refined
- continues into adulthood
Where do the CNS and PNS come from?
L36 S8
- both derived from ectoderm
- CNS from neural tube
- PNS from neural crest
What is a growth cone?
L36 S18-19
- irregular spiky enlargement on the on the tips of a growing axon or dendrite
- growth occurs through polymerization and depolymerization of actin filaments using monomeric GTPases (Rho and Rac)
What factors direct growth cone migration?
L36 S22
- contents of extracellular matrix; laminin favor growth and chondroitin inhibits
- chemotactic factor released by neighboring cells either attract or repel growth cone
Why do commissural neurons grow towards the floor plate of the neural tube?
L36 S29
- floor plate secretes netrin which is an attractive chemotactic factor
- only commissural cells have the receptor for netrin (TRPC), resulting in them growing towards the floor plate
What happens to commissural neurons when they reach the midline?
L36 S30
- midline cells secrete slit, a repellant
- growth cones turn away from midline and become sensitive to another repellant, semaphorin
- this causes axons to grow in a narrow track
What happens to neurons after they reach their target cell?
L36 S33
50% of them die due to limited amount of neurotrophic factors, which are required for survival, made by target cell
Neurotrophic factors:
- tyrosine kinase (TrkA)
- nerve growth factor (NGF)
What are the short term and long term effects of NGF?
L36 S36
Short term:
- effects growth cones
- response is local and rapid
Long term:
-effects cell survival
What is synaptic remodeling?
L36 S41
- synapsing neurons are strengthened if they excite the cell they synapse with (this is caused by spines being produced by entry of calcium)
- if they do not excite the cell, the synapse weakens or is eliminated