Lecture 32 - Amino Acid Syntheis Flashcards
What precursor molecules from what what pathways are used in amino acid synthesis? (7)
L32 S5
- 3-phosphoglycerate
- phosphoenolpyruvate
- pyruvate
TCA cycle
- α-ketoglutarate
- oxaloacetate
Pentose phosphate pathway:
- ribose-5-phosphate
- erythrose-5-phosphate
What are the transamination reactions and what amino acids do they synthesize?
L32 S8
Serum glutamate-oxaloaceate transaminase/AST:
-generates aspartate from oxaloacetate
Serum glutamate-pyruvate tranaminase/ALT:
-generates alanine from pyruvate
Glutamate dehydrogenase:
-generates glutamate from α-ketoglutarate
How do lysine, threonine, and methionine affect aspartate conversion?
L32 S10
All of these are derived from aspartate and inhibit conversion of aspartate to these AAs.
How is glutamine synthesis regulated?
L32 S12
Adenylylated glutamine synthetase is in activated.
Pii is what adenylylates glutamine synthetase
Uridylylation of Pii causes it to deadenylylate glutamine synthetase (activation) and deuridylylation causes it to adenylylate glutamine synthetase (inactivation)
What is the precursor of alanine?
L32 S8
pyruvate -> alanine
What is the precursor of aspartate?
L32 S8
oxaloacetate -> aspartate
What is the precursor of glutamate?
L32 S8
α-ketoglutarate -> glutamate
What is the precursor of asparagine?
L32 S9
oxaloacetate -> aspartate -> asparagine
What is the precursor of glutamine?
L32 S11
α-ketoglutarate -> glutamate -> glutamine
What is the precursor of histidine?
L32 S18
ribose-5-phosphate -> histidine
What are the precursors of tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine?
L32 S18
erythrose-4-phosphate + phosphoenolpyruvate -> [X]
What are the branched amino acids and what is their precursor?
What is the common function of these amino acids?
L32 S19
Valine, leucine, and isoleucine
All derive from pyruvate
All are solely used for protein synthesis
What amino acid is heme a derivative of?
L32 S22
Glycine + acetate
What molecules are derived from glutamate? (3)
L32 S25
Putrescine (polyamines):
-stabilizes DNA
-inhibitory neurotransmittter
What molecules are derived from arginine?
L32 S26
What molecules are derived from methionine?
L32 S27
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM):
-primary methyl donor
What molecules are derived from histidine?
L32 S28
What molecules are derived from tryptophan?
L32 S29
What molecules are derived from tyrosine?
L32 S30
What is the precursor of proline?
L32 S13
α-ketoglutarate -> glutamate -> proline
What is the precursor of serine?
L32 S14
3-phosphoglycerate -> serine
What is the precursor of glycine?
L32 S15
3-phosphoglycerate -> serine -> glycine
What is the precursor of cysteine?
L32 S16
3-phosphoglycerate -> serine -> cysteine
What is the precursor of tyrosine?
L32 S17
phenylalanine -> tyrosine