Lecture 31; Premature brain injury 2 Flashcards
What are the two patterns seen in preterm brain injury?
Focal/Diffuse WMI (preOLS)
Delayed impairment of cortical growth
When does the focal diffuse WMI (PVL) occur predominantly?
24-32 weeks
What is the equivalent stage of rat development to the 24-32 week human?
preOLS are the same.
In the rat what is seen when in response to P2 hypoxia ischemia?
Continued cell loss from P4 to P7
What was seen when measuring caspase activation in P2 cells during hypoxia ischemia?
Very little caspase activation at P2 and high levels at P7
Thus different types of cell death, Necrotic early and apoptosis later.
Thus loss of preOLS = loss of potential mature oligiodendrocytes.
= Myelination failure
What is seen regarding preOL numbers in the mouse after hypoxia ischemia?
There is actually a huge increase in factor O4 markers right through to P14 compared to the control!!
= Huge proliferation at the same time as early necrosis and late apoptosis following injury
Why do preOLs increase?
arrested preOL maturation contributes to myelination failure in premature infants
In what instances do we see Impaired OL Maturation as Mechanism of Myelination?
- WM lesions in neonatal rats following hypoxia-ischemia or infection
- WM of fetal sheep following hypoxia-ischemia
- WM lesions in preterm born infants
- Demyelinated lysolecithin lesions in adult mice
- Demyelinated lesions in human MS
What are there high levels of in preterm babies and why is it mysterious?
- Preterm infants exhibit high rates of cognitive and learning deficits at childhood age and later life.–Causes unknown?
- Cognition and learning primarily related to grey matter structures, not white matter–E.g., cerebral cortex, hippocampus, thalamus
- No acute damage to grey matter structures!
What is found in babies with WMI?
There is a reduction in the total grey matter volume.
What did studies about cortical growth and predictive cognition show?
Babies with high rates of cortical growth had higher cognition
When are babies susceptible to grey matter deficits?
24-32 weeks
What are the two main factors in cortical growth that may be affected?
–Neuronal migration into the cortex
–Neuronal arborization (growth of dendrites)
What did human pathological studies indicate the loss of GM to be?
•Human pathology studies suggest role of loss of cortical neurons
–Controversial as severe insults/injury
–Infants also exhibit patterns of cystic white matter that not common in modern cohorts
Do preterm babies loose neurons?
In diffuse WMI no. Role of neural aborization then?- probably
Cystic injury = loss of pyramidal layer five neurons remember.
What did justin think the loss of grey matter volume was due to;
Deficits in cortical growth in preterm infants relates to impaired maturation of dendritic processes of cortical neurons, but not neuronal loss
What model did justin use to test his hypothesis?
•Cerebral ischemia (30min) •Preterm equivalent age (95d gestation) •Model of diffuse white matter injury •Recovery for 1, 2, and 4 weeks •Postmortem DTI scans (12T) – calculation of FA •Histology –Neuronal counts –Dendritic growth of cortical pyramidal neurons –Spine counts
What did justin find?
With increasing age, cortical volume increases
But preterm, HI babies, there is a reduced volume
No difference in the number of neurons though
What did hypoxia ischemia do to the dendrites?
- Reduced number of branches
- Reduced length
- Reduced number of nodes
~20% for all of them
And less dendritic spines (connectivity)
How could they measure reduced dendrite aborisation?
Fractional Anistropy.
In term babies there is a high density of dendritic branches. Therefore reduce FA
In HI there is far less decrease in FA (meaning less complexity of dendrites)
What is happening in the DWI?
Diffuse WMI=
- preOL death
- preOL regeneration
- failure of preOL maturation
= Disturbance in WM myelination
= Cerebral palsy
What is happening in reduced grey matter volume / delayed impairment of cortical growth?
- Altered neuronal development
- Impaired cortical connectivity
- Cognitive deficits