Lecture 15; Brain Immunity 1 Flashcards
What two systems are linked?
The nervous and immune systems
Give an example of how the immune system and the nervous systems are linked;
Recognised pathogens lead to immune cell cytokine release which activates the PNS and CNS to start fever and other factors associated with disease such as fatigue and inability to concentrate
Acts as a sensory mechanism
Whats the function of the blood brain barrier?
Prevents drugs, immune cells from entering the brain
What is the BBB composed of?
- Endothelial cells (tight junctions)
- Basement membrane
- Pericytes + Astrocytes (gap junctions)
How is the brain an immunologically privileged organ?
- Existence of BBB
- Lack of antigen presentation in CNS
- Absence of lymphatic drainage
What cells in the brain act as immune cells?
Microglia + Astroyctes are not strictly immune cells but adapt to this role
Despite being considered immunologically privileged, is this necessarily true?
Possibly not
- Cells of the immune system pass through the CNS
- Immunoglobulins diffuse in at low levels
- Microglia and astrocytes have antigen presentation role in the brain
- Lymphatic drainage does actually occur (Virchow robin spaces)
= Immunologically selective not privileged
How can a immune response to an antigen be considered?
As a circuit divided into afferent and efferent limbs
Describe the role of the afferent and efferent limbs;
Afferent limbs involves;
- Recognition of antigen
- Generation of effector cells
Efferent limbs involve;
- Passage of activated lymphocytes and antibodies into the tissue
- Elimination of antigen by antibodies and effector cells
What typically can activated the CNS immune response?
Recognition of antigens in the cervical lymph nodes and spleen.
Peripheral response
This is where the immune reaction for the brain starts
Mostly humoral (immunoglobulin)
Describe the immune system and brain circuit;
Recognition of antigens in spleen and cervical lymph nodes
Effectors cells (B and T) and antibodies can enter the brain and cause;
- Leakage (inc permeability)
- Intrathecal antibody synthesis
- Cellular immunity
Which cells are involved in the brain immune response?
Same immune cells as the rest of the body
What is great about NK cells?
They dont need to specifically recognise targets
What is neuroimmunology?
- The interplay between components of the nervous system with cells and mediators of the immune system
- Neuroimmunology was originally concerned with diseases of the nervous system, and with a series of animal models of diseases.
Describe the neuroendocrine immune interactions;
Bi directional between the following factors
- Stress
- Endocrine system
- Immune system
Describe the features of neuroendocrine immune interactions;
The interactions between the brain and immune system are complicated;
- Bidirectional b/c shared receptors, ligands
- Neurotransmitters, cytokines, hormones are the communicators
- Stress response included as adrenal gland releases corticosteroids which can induce response