LECTURE 31 - implantation, placenta formation & function Flashcards
What is a receptive endometrium?
To enable place for blastocyst to implant
Mid-luteal phase
- secretory activity peaks - endometrial cells rich in glycogen and lipids ~14mm thick
- glands increase in number and size
- maintained by high levels of progesterone and oestrogen levels
- endometrial receptivity is marked by changes on surface epithelium
What cells changes occur in the endometrium during the implantation window?
- between day 19/20-23-24 of period
- ciliated epithelial cells to help blastocyst oocyte to be transported
- microvillus present that also change
- pinopode formation occurs
- uprising of surface of epithelial cell
- microvilli reduce in size and surface swells in size
- blastocyst hidden by structure
- important for adhesion of blastocysts on surface
- important for implantation
What is implantation?
- embryo attachment and penetration of the endometrium and maternal circulatory system to form the placenta
- conceptus enters the uterus bathed in uterine secretion for 1-3 days prior to hatching from the zona pellucida
What are the 3 stages of implantation?
- Apposition - blastocysts loosely associates with the uterine wall
- Attachment
- Invasion - blastocyst attachment to the uterine wall triggers enzyme production
- degrades and invades the glycogen rich endometrial stroma
- provides further nutrient support
What is decidualisation of the endometrium?
Where the blastocysts attach there is
- oedema
- changes in ECM (extracellular matrix)
- angiogenesis
- leucocyte infiltration
- uterine natural killer cells (uNK cells)
Also have packing tissue (stroll fibroblasts) that have a dramatic change in phenotype, they undergo morphological and biochemical changes
fibroblast-like –> polygonal
- become nutrient rich, store glycogen and lipids and are ready to support implanting blastocyst by producing lots of proteins e.g. prolactin, IGFBP-1
The decidua completely surrounds the implanted blastocyst by day ~10
What are the 3 main types of classification of the placenta?
- based on structural organisation and separation of metal and maternal blood supplies
1. Haemochorial - the chorion is in direct contact with the blood (humans)
2. Endotheliochorial - the maternal blood vessel endothelium comes in direct contact with the chorion (dog, cat)
3. Epithelialchorial - the most primitive form - the maternal epithelium of the uterus comes into contact with the chorion (cows, pigs)
What is an invading blastocyst?
- blastocyst comes in and starts to differentiate
- driven by gradients of growth factors particularly oxygen tension
- inner cell mass is forming embryo
- trophectoderm around outs the contributes to placenta differentiates itself and produces lots of enzymes and hCG
What are the 3 main types of trophoblasts that the trophectoderm gives rise to?
- Cytotrophoblasts (villous cytotrophoblasts)
differentiates to give –> - Syncytiotrophoblast
- forms by fusion of villous cytotrophoblasts - Extravillous cytotrophpoblast
- interstitial
- endovascular
What is happening to an implanting blastocyst at ~day 15?
- sat on top of decidualised endometrium completely enclosed
- growing and developing
- O2 and nutrients reach the developing embryo by diffusion from the surrounding decidua
- the initial phases of development occur at low O2 tensions (no firm blood supply)
- this whole phase is called the Histiotrophic phase
What are the main stages of development of placental villi?
- Lacunae formation
- Primary villi
- Secondary villi
- Tertiary villi
- Intermediate/mature villi
Lacunae formation
- lacunae form in the syncytiotrophoblast
- syncytiotrophoblast invades and erodes maternal capillaries
- these anastomose with trophoblast lacunae to form sinusoids
- intervillous space develops
Primary villi
- day 11-13: trophoblasts invade into decidua
- swellings of cytotrophoblasts extended into syncytiotrophoblast layer form finger-like projections in the decidua
- cover the entire surface of the blastocyst
Secondary villi
- extra-embryonic mesoderm (mesoblast) invades the core of the primary villous (>day 16)
- mesoderm covers the entire surface of the chorionic sac
- villi continue to extend into the decidua between the blood filled lacunae
Tertiary villi
- mesodermal cells differentiate to form endothelial and other cell types
- blood vessels form an aterio-capillary network in the villi
- these vessels fuse with developing vessels in the stalk - to link the fetal blood system via invading vessels from the umbilical cord (end week 3)
Describe the structure of mature placental villi
Stem villi - basal part of villi, attached to chorionic plate
Branch/intermediate villi - project from the sides of stem villi
Terminal villi - swellings at the tips of branch villi contain terminal vessels - form convoluted knots where the majority of exchange takes place (continue to be produced throughout gestation)
- the cytotrophoblast layer becomes very thin, but remains mostly in tact ~80% coverage in full term placenta