Lecture 3 : Summary Structure/ Morphology/ Classification + Intro to Diagnostic Virology Flashcards
When discussing layers of biosafety, a lab operating under a level 1, would be working with?
suitable for manipulation of a well-characterized strain of viruses such as infectious canine hepatitis virus not really harmful to humans
When discussing layers of biosafety, a lab operating under a level 2, would be working with?
working with moderate-risk viruses found in the community and may be associated with some human infection Cowpox, Camelpox, NDV, FMDV, and Hepatitis B virus.
When discussing layers of biosafety, a lab operating under a level 2 with level 3 operating procedures , would be working with?
Dealing with (HIV, Lentiviruses, TB, and Coxsackievirus) should be done in a biosafety contaminant 2 with level 3 operating laboratories
When discussing layers of biosafety, a lab operating under a level 3 , would be working with?
working with infectious agents that may cause severe or lethal diseases mainly transmitted by inhalation, such as encephalitis
When discussing layers of biosafety, a lab operating under a level 4 , would be working with?
Manipulation of highly contagious viruses such as (Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, and the highly pathogenic Influenza) viruses
What attire is worn in a lab operating under a biosafety level 4?
( you must wear full suit and have oxygen lines within suit, you must be completely separate since the virus is severely contagious.
wWhat are general lab practices in virology lab?
- Wear appropriate gear/ uniform (gown, coat, mask, eyewear, footwear cover, ear protection, gloves, ect)
- Do not eat, drink, smoke, or store food/ drinks in lab
- Do not touch eyes, mouth, or nose.
- Wash hands with antiseptic soap and water before touching an biological materials
- Using mouth pipettes is contraindicated due to potential exposure to hazardous materials.
- All work should be done in special hood/ biosafety cabinet.
- Use disposable single use materials to minimize contamination if possible.
- All reusable glass/must be decontaminated after use.
- Non authorized personnel not permitted to enter lab unless with permission.
- Every lab member should have their own lab book and report their daily experiments in this book.
- The first aid kits should be available in each laboratory and all staff should be able to find them easily in case
of emergency. - Every bench should be covered with sterile cover sheet, and sterilized before conducting experiment
- Lab should have all biosafety tools.
- Emergency contact numbers should be posted and clear.
- New trainees should receive appropriate training.
- Wearing gloves outside of lab is prohibited.
- Wearing shoe covers on entire foot in lab is highly recommended.
Sharps go in?
All sharps should be collected in a designated sharp
containers either red or yellow color
Where should hazardous wastes be stores/ sharps containers?
They should be stored in a cold room till picking up
Who does a biological safety cabinet provide protection to?
1- working personnel,
2- the work itself and the
What class of bio safety hood is seen in this image?
Class I
What class of bio safety hood is seen in this image?
Class II
What class of bio safety hood is seen in this image? What is it mainly called?
Class III
Mainly called glove box since manipulation of work should be done from exterior by built in gloves.
What are Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC)/Laminar flow hoods characterized by?
This type of cabinets’ characterized by presence of a solid tight barriers between the workers and the working materials The air must be exhausted to the outdoors.
What is the criteria of virology samples ?
- Collected under complete aseptic conditions to avoid any bacterial or fungal contamination.
- Freshly collected as possible from the live animal or 2 hrs at maximum after the death of animals.
- Statistically, representatives of each flock of animals
- Collected from right organs according to the viral tissue tropism
What kind of samples are taken of respiratory viruses? What are some examples of these viruses?
-Nasal, Oropharyngeal swabs, fecal, swabs, blood and serum
Examples of respiratory viruses: -(NDV, IBV, ILT) in poultry
-IBRV in cattle