Lecture 3 - Session 2 Flashcards
Three forms of analysis
Urban Analysis
Market Analysis
Marketability Analysis
Urban Analysis
Concerned with the selection of areas for investment at the regional and urban level.
Market Analysis
Operates at a lower level and deals with the local market (in feasibility terms)
Marketability Analysis
Enquires into the marketability at the micro level for a particular project.
Useful models in urban analysis
Economic base model
Location quotients technique
Facets involved in marketability analysis
establishing the boundaries of the immediate market area (neighbourhood) • immediate market area analysis • site and property analysis • survey of competition • absorption analysis • revenue and cost forecasts • marketing strategy and management plan • summary and conclusions
Immediate market
The area in which the subject property competes for tenants which depends on the type of space represented
Capture rate
Statement of the expected market share for a particular property
Marketing stategy and management plan
Concern how the property will be offered and once sold or let how it will be managed