Lecture 3 - overview of early human fossil record Flashcards
major evolutionary novelties of humans
- characteristics of dentition
- habitual bipedalism
- elaboration of material culture
- significant increase in brain size
- long developmental period & life span
ape vs human dentition
- U-shaped arcade
- large canines, broad incisors
- parabolic arcade
- smaller anterior teeth
bipedalism evidence
- more forward foramen magnum
- lumbar curvature
- short, broad pelvis, curved illium
- valgus knee
- enlarged heel, arches
- non-opposable big toes, short toes
stem hominins characteristics
- earliest hominin candidates
- must be bipedal & have some derived features in dentition
stem hom examples
Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Orrorin tugenesis,
Ardipithecus spp.
gracile hominins characteristics
species of Australopithecus
southern & eastern Africa
all bipedal with more ‘modern’ dentition
megadont archaic hominin characteristics
sspecies of Paranthropus
southern & eastern Africa
extremely large teeth & masticatory apparatus
transitional hominin characteristics
yet to acquire modern body propoertions or behavior
intermediate btwn australopiths & Homo
names of transitional hominins
Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo naledi
pre-modern homo characteristics
modern body proportions
enlarged brains
out of Africa
fire, more sophisticated tools
pre-modern homo names
H. erectus, H. ergaster, H. floresiensis & middle Pleistocene hominins (H. heidelbergensis, antecessor, rhodesiensis), & H. neanderthalensis