Lecture 2 - Taxonomy/Systematics Flashcards
anything after the human-chimp split that is more realted to modern humans
all living apes
great apes
who was charles lyell
- proposed uniformitarianism
- principles of geology
- formed way for Darwin’s theory
influences on Darwin’s Natural Selection theory
- obervation of diversity flora/fauna on voyage
- collected fossil bones of extinct animal forms
- observation of diversity in ground finches
- Thomas Malthus’ essay (struggle for existence)
- observation of articifical selection by plats and animal breeders
points made by Darwin in “On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection”
- bio evolution is fact
- common descent with modifcation
- gradualism
- natural selection is the main mechanism of evolution
who was Alfred Russel Wallace
co-authored theory of natural selection with Darwin
who was Jean Baptiste Lamarck
- generation before Darwin
- proposed evolution by inheritance of acquired characteristics (giraffes)
what were Darwin’s postulates
- struggle for existence - more bron than can survive
- variation
- heritability - some variation can be passed on
- when conditions met, some individuals will have more offspring (greater fitness)
- traits = adaptations
natural selection: the mechanism
- produces adaptations which improve survival in particular environments
- geo isolation creates distinct environmental conditions
- diversity is the result of ‘descent with modification’
strict definition of adaptation
phenotypic attributes of organisms that have current utility and evolved by natural selection to perform their current function
feature that confers a new selective advantage different from that which it was originally adapted
who provided evidence that showed human & chimps were sister taxa & how
Ruvolo, DNA base sequence comparisons in mitochondrial DNA
taxonomy & systematics
branch of science concerned with the study of diversity and origins of living & extant organisms
taxonomy & systematics
who was Carolus Linnaeus
proposed binomial system in Systema Naturae
taxonomy & systematics
binomial system
hierarchical system of classification with organism grouped on the basis of similarities
order of binomial system
Domain, Kingdom, Phyllum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Dear King Phillip Came Over for Good Soup
taxonomy & systematics
major categories of living organisms
taxonomy & systematics
body plans
taxonomy & systematics
major gorups within phyla
(ex: mammals)
taxonomy & systematics
groups within classes
(ex: primates)
taxonomy & systematics
group of one or more genera sharing some common attributes
taxonomy & systematics
species, or monphyletic group (all descendants from a common ancestor) whose members occupy single adaptive zone
(ex: Homo - bipedal, large brain, tool making)
taxonomy & systematics
the only biologically defined taxon (kind of)
taxonomy & systematics
all members of a monophyletic group (descendant from common ancestor)
taxonomy & systematics
all members must share same adaptive regime (share same level of complexity)
taxonomy & systematics
formal list of morphological features (characters) shared by members of a taxon
taxonomy & systematics
intrinsic, observable trait, feature, or property that characterizes an organism