Lecture 3: Learning Faces Flashcards
points to cover in an intro
- routes of face recognition and stats of eye-witness testimony
- well established we are poor -at recognizing unfamiliar people
- human observers bad at matching different images of unfamiliar faces (Bruce et al,m 1999, 2001; Clutterbuck and Johnston, 2002, 2004)
- humans in realworld settings highly error-prone in matching a live person to photo-ID (Kemp et al., 1999)
- this is no better for experienced professionals (passport officers) than or untrained individuals (Kemp et al., 2014).
- recognition of familiar faces is excellent, remaining robust even in highly distorted or degraded images (Burton, 1999)
- Given the discrepancy between familiar and unfamiliar faces, it is imperative to understand how representations make the transition from unfamiliar to familiar
- rather little is still known about this process
Where does the modern psychological study of face recognition have its roots?
The modern psychological study of face recognition has its roots in the problem of eyewitness testimony. In the 1970s, it became clear that witnesses to a crime could very often be mistaken when subsequently asked to remember someone involved.
Stat to use to introduce the importance of remembering different faces
In the innocence project a US organisation aiming to exonerate wrongfully convicted individuals 73% of cases they have overturned originally used Eye witness testimony as key evidence- thus understanding factors that can influence facial recognition is highly important.
field evidence for humans being bad at matching photos to faces
Kemp et al., 1997
• Field test
• Supermarket check-out staff were recruited to validate the photo-credit cards by deciding whether or not the photograph was of the person presenting the card.
• Even though the staff were aware that they were taking part in a study concerning the utility of photo-credit cards, they performed surprisingly poorly.
• About half of the fraudulent cards were accepted, and about 10 per cent of the valid cards were falsely rejected.
Experienced passport officers show poor levels of matching ability, no better than untrained students (White et al., 2014).
lab based evidence that humans are bad at recognizing unknown individuals
Davis & Valentine (2009) asked participants to match live persons to CCTV clips. Observers were highly error-prone on this task, even when the CCTV footage showed high quality, recent, close-up sequences
when does the problem of unknown person recognition persist and study for this
The problem persists when viewers are asked to compare static photographs. In a pioneering demonstration of this, Bruce et al. [1999, 2001]
• devised a task designed to model a best-case scenario for identifying images captured on security video.
• Participants were shown an array of 10 faces along with a target face. Viewers were asked, for each array, whether or not the target person was present among the 10 candidates, and if so, to point out the match.
• In the original experiments, the target was present on half of the trials, and absent on the other half.
• One way to think of the array is as a photographic version of police line-up. As with real line-ups, all the faces fit the same general description (they were all clean-shaven young men with short hair).
• Participants performed surprisingly badly on this task, with error rates of 30 per cent in both target-present and target-absent conditions.
• This poor performance is especially striking given that the photos were all taken on the same day, precluding changes in hairstyle, weight or health, and showed the face in frontal aspect under excellent lighting
experiment for matching unfamiliar faces
Jenkins et al. 2011
• 40 cards with two different people but participants don’t know is two different people
• Give cards p’s and ask them to sort into clusters into how many identities they see.
• Exp. 1: Participants sort 40 photos of 2 unfamiliar identities (20 images per ID) so that photos of same face were grouped together.
• Participants did not know the correct number of IDs and were free to create as many clusters as they wished.
• Median number of image clusters = 7.5 (range 3-16). None arrived at the correct solution which was 2!
• Problem of integrating “dissimilar” images of the same person, errors of sorting two different IDs into the same pile were infrequent.
• This is surprisingly difficult- people can’t tell that two dissimilar images are the same person.
evidence that we are good at matching familiar faces
Jenkins et al., 2011
Exp. 2: same task/same images, but participants were familiar with IDs.
• Almost all participants performed perfectly!
what is facial invariance
being able to tell a face is the same from all angles/ lighting/ expressions
how might we understand how facial invariance is achieved?
Understanding how faces are learnt may mean understanding how image-invariance is achieved!
what is the core problem of face identity learning
how do we get to the stage where we can recognise faces in a number of different photos/ angles ect
are people good at picture recognition study?
- Bruce and Young (1986): Difference between picture recognition (i.e., remembering a specific photograph)- people are actually quite good at this, and face recognition (remembering the face itself) (the part which people are not very good for novel faces/ much worse than other first condition)
what is it hard to see differences in for unfamiliar faces
- For unfamiliar faces, it is hard to see which differences between images are due to actual differences between the faces (emotion expression, different makeup, different hair), and which are due to image properties, e.g., changes in lighting or viewing angle (all these variables change at the same time).
talk about representations of once-viewed familiar faces
- Representations of once-viewed unfamiliar faces contain characteristics of the particular picture (incident) and generalise only weakly to novel views (Bruce, 1982). If you see a person once you will remember an image of them only under a particular lighting/ hairstyle ect. Hard to translate this initial view to something different.
- Hard to get all of these extra information out of our head and see the real identity.
what parts of the face are important for face learning?
internal and external features
first study on internal/ external features
Bruce et al., 1999
- In further matching experiment with unfamiliar faces, targets were either full faces, only internal features (eyes nose mouth) or only external features (hair line, ears, jaw)
- Performance in external and whole conditions highly similar if you give people the full image with everything and just the external features which means that accuracy in whole face and external are very similar.
Participants use external features (e.g., hairstyle) to match unfamiliar faces and that they do not care too much about the internal features. Try to use some superficial feature instead of actually using the face itself. People seem to know that info within the faces can look very different so seem to focus on these superficial features instead.
internal and external feature use study in faces becoming more familiar
Bonner, Burton, & Bruce (2003): The first study where people were asking how then faces do become familiar.
- Participants learnt novel faces from 30s video clips or three different static images on three consecutive days.
- Familiarity tested in matching task with photo and still from video showing either internal or external features. Had to match one pic from the learning face and match against a photo of the same or different person using either just internal or just external features.
- People were quite good at matching the external features from the start and this didn’t improve over the three days.
- Matching of internal features for learnt faces was not good at the beginning btu improved over three days of training, matching of external features did not.
what can we say overall about studies using internal/ external features
Face learning results in identification based on the face itself, not superficial features (such as hairstyle etc.). indicates that if you learn a face then you actually start to know the face.
Face learning is a shift from the external features of the face to the internal. People learn to use the information from the face itself.
explain the theory behind needing experience and seeing an image only once
Idea would be that need experinece
- If image variability is necessary for face learning, even massive exposure to single image should not be helpful to learn a structural representation. If this is the case then it shouldn’t really make a difference whether you see one picture once, and only have experience of one image- idea is that performance shouldn’t be dramatically better if you see the same image over and over again.
experiments that show need extended exposure
Longmore, Liu and Young, 2008
Lui et al., 2009
describe the first study on learning faces and exposure
- Longmore, Liu, & Young (2008), Exp. 1:
- Participants learn single image, either in a single exposure or with additional training.
- Recognition test with learned image, after lighting change, and after pose change
- Recognition of same image > lighting change > pose change
- Results:
- People are best when they are tested with exactly the same image that they learnt, and people are worse with a lighting change and still worse with a pose change. Lighting change is easier to compensate than viewing angle.
- Pattern similar in single- and multiple exposure conditions when experience of a single image.
- Longmore, Liu, & Young (2008):
- If we learn a single image how far can the face be rotated until performance drops.
- Exp. 2: Performance decreased if test view is rotated from learnt view by only 15° (not dramatically but goes down). Past this decrease more and more.
what does the - Longmore, Liu, & Young (2008) study support the idea of?
Supports the idea that if you want to have the image-invariance recognition, you need experience of how different the person can look. Need experience of how individuals look.
what are the pros of the Longmore, Liu, & Young (2008) study?
Very systematic very controlled stimuli in a lab setting- but those with a bigger focus on ecological validity argue that if you want to test face learning your faces should vary in a large number of dimensions. Below used this for face learning research
describe the second study on learning faces and exposure
Liu et al., 2009
showed that extensive training with different images of the same face presented in multiple head angles led to accurate recognition of the same face presented in a different illumination. However, training with different illuminations did not produce high accuracy when the same face was presented in different head angles. The authors demonstrate that pose plays a more important role than illumination in forming generalizable representations.
what overall do the Longmore and Liu studies suggest
The Longmore et al (2008) and Liu et al (2009) studies suggest that learning of unfamiliar faces, measured by subsequent recognition, is dependent on viewpoint. These studies are consistent with work on perceptual learning.
what adds further evidence to the idea that we need more experience of faces
that technical developments have not been able to solve this either
which authors proposed the ideas about technology showing that exposure is needed
Jenkins and Burton, 2011
what overall do Jenkins and Burton suggest about recognising unknown faces
Neither humans nor machines can perform this task reliably. Although human perceivers are good at matching familiar faces, performance with unfamiliar faces is strikingly poor. The situation is no better for automatic face recognition systems
what two ideas to Jenkins and Burton 2011 propose as to why we cant identify unknown individuals
resource limited OR data limited
talk about resource limitation
That is to say, the problem is solvable in principle—we just have not solved it yet. By this account, eventual success is just a matter of developing better procedures in the case of human performance, or better algorithms in the case of machine performance. This is presumably the conviction that has spurred the field on for some three decades
talk about data limited
Data limited- That is to say, no amount of investment in matching procedures or matching algorithms will lead to useful levels of performance. This is a genuine possibility if performance is limited not by processing power or ingenuity, but by the information that is available in the image.
what would be the case if humans were resource limited?
if was resource limited then this problem should be solvable with computers
talk about technical developments
In parallel to early psychological theorizing about face recognition, technical developments in image processing made possible the study of automatic, computer-based face recognition.
evidence for computer use for unknown facial recognition being good
In optimal lab conditions accuracy levels of machines can be high, (Phillips et al., 2006)
but what is the problem with computer use?
but The problem is that when conditions are not so favourable (as in border control or surveillance settings), or cooperation is poor (for example, when someone is trying to conceal his or her identity), performance plummets.
thus what has often been the issue with research into facial recognition of strangers
- we accept it can be done in principle
- proliferation of ‘biologically inspired’ approaches to automatic face recognition reflects the willingness of computer engineers to model the brains success.
- psychological studies however have shown that human expertise in face identification is far more narrow than often assumed
- the process that most automatic systems attempt to model lies outside this narrow expertise.
why ultimately do machine models fail
disappointment in machine systems is inevitable, as they model a process that fails.
give a example outside facial recognition of data limitations
Plenty of examples outside of face recognition that are data limited in this way, consider the word ‘bank’. We can analyse this arrangement of letters for as long as we like. The letters alone will never reveal whether the referent is a financial institution or the side of a river.
what would be the response if matching unfamiliar faces are data-limited?
If matching unfamiliar faces is a data-limited problem, one response would be to stop trying to match photographs, and instead try to develop alternative face representations that are better suited to the task
why is there little evidence to suggest that the human visual system would be well suited to processing facial snapshots?
Given the recency of portrait photography in human evolution, there is little reason to expect that the human visual system should be well-suited to processing facial ‘snapshots’, as these only occur in the context of photography. In natural samples, the facial image changes from moment to moment, as well as from year to year. This variability provides an opportunity to separate aspects of appearance that are common across all the images (and hence potentially diagnostic of identity), from those that are transient (and hence specific to a particular image).
thus what is the solution to researching facial learning not using single snaphots
research on stable face representations has focused on a very simple proposal based on averaging together several photos of the same face. - Jenkins and Burton, 2011
how does Jenkins and Burtons facial morphing work?
In this technique, multiple photographs of each face are collected from existing sources (e.g. the Internet). These ambient images are intended to capture a natural range of variation in facial appearance.
Facial landmarks are recorded (e.g. corners of eyes) and are then morphed onto a standard template which are then morphed together to create an average shape. Average texture from all the photos are calculates and the average texture is added to the average shape to produce the stabilized facial image.
The process thus dilutes aspects of the image that change from one photo to the next, while preserving aspects of the image that are consistent across the set.
what happens even if two faces are merged together?
The process thus dilutes aspects of the image that change from one photo to the next, while preserving aspects of the image that are consistent across the set.
what may morphing phases provide a good model of and where does evidence for this stem from?
the refinement of the average, driven by increased exposure, may provide a useful model of face learning.
Evidence for this comes from behavioural experiments in which we compare recognition performance for famous faces presented in average image or standard photograph format.
study supporting use of morphs for better facial recognition
Burton et al., (2005) In name verification tasks, observers are presented with a famous name followed by a face. Their task is to press one key if the face matches the preceding name, and another key if the face belongs to someone else. In our experiments, the face was equally likely to be presented as a standard photograph or as an average image. We assumed that face recognition involves matching the seen face to a representation stored in memory, and that the speed of recognition indexes the closeness of that match, with faster reaction times indicating closer correspondence.
Whether correctly accepting a match, or correctly rejecting a mismatch, responses were faster for average images than for photographs.
study with more photos being added to the average morph and the effect of this
Jenkins and Burton, 2008 identification of average images becomes increasingly efficient as more and more photos contribute to the average
what do Jenkins and Burton’s behavioural findings provide?
Taken together, these behavioural findings provide quite compelling support for the notion that an average image of an individual’s face is a relatively good match to a familiar observer’s mental representation of that face, compared with a photograph.
what is surprising that happens with average morphs of known faces
Given that perception of familiar faces is already extremely efficient, even when based on photographs, it may be surprising that any representation can improve on this performance. The average nonetheless seems to capture the essence of a person’s appearance in a way that facilitates identification
what do Burton and Jenkins call an average face morph
A robust representation
what does a robust representation do?
helps you identify face from any picture (/angle/ lighting ect) it is needed for face recognition
explain how robust representations are proposed to be formed?
Basic idea is that if you average something you get rid of the noise and are left with something that is systematically there.
If you have a trial with lots of irrelevant information (e.g. lighting/ angle/ expression), all these are random and change from image to image but there must be something that does not change from image to image.
Idea that humans average out all the random changing factors and are just left with what is very individual about that face and what is really critical for the identity.
who studied variability of faces? what was the idea behind their study?
Ritchie And Burton, 2017
The idea is that if you need variability for learning then you should be better with the strongly varying images & exactly what they found.
what did Richie and Burton, 2017 do?
previous studies used images that vary systematically on dimensions such as pose or illumination.
Tried to compare a situation where a more controlled but less variable learning condition (lighting same, hairstyle same maybe some different expressions/ mouth movements) with a situation where you have strongly varying pictures (taken on different occasions, hairstyle, lighting different).
what did Richie and Burton, 2017 find?
- People better at making correct judgment in high variability condition relative to low variability and also faster at making a correct judgement- more efficient recognition. But: exposure to “natural” variability may critical for face learning!
- Participants learn new faces in “high variability” versus “low variability” conditions.
- Performance in speeded name verification task is more accurate and faster in high variability condition.
- Difference in accuracy isn’t vastly different but should keep in mind that in the condition that they call ‘low-variability’ there still are quite a lot of differences between the images but just less. In real life situations when meet someone, are more likely to encounter what is in the low-variability context ie. different expressions and mouth movements as opposed to extremely different lighting and hair styles.
studies that show variability
Richie and Burton 2017
Murphy et al 2015
Murphy et al., 2015 study on face variability what did they do?
- Participants saw the same eight identities on each trial, with either the same six images of each identity repeated on each trial,
- or with a new six images of each identity appearing on each trial (96 unique images of each identity extra)- thus wider range of variability
Murphy et al., 2015 study on face variability what did they find?
Exposure to variability within each identity led to a trial-by-trial decrease in estimation of the number of identities present, showing that participants were able, over time, to cohere together the images of each identity. Participants were also better at subsequently identifying the people for whom they had seen more images and variability, supporting previous work showing improved learning with increased numbers of exposures
what do Andrews et al. 2015 , Murphy et al., 2015 and Ritchie & Burton (2017 studies show?
- Exposure to different instances allows building robust representations that are not picture-specific.
what do Andrews et al. 2015 , Murphy et al., 2015 and Ritchie & Burton (2017 studies not provide us with?
Looking from more of a theoretical angle- have seen empirical evidence that exposure to variability is important but haven’t explained what the mechanism is behind this.
but what is important to consider about saying variability isn’t important?
Burton et al., 2016:
By getting rid of all the variability- you are probably losing something- it is key to know how a face looks in different pics. There might be something to learn in variability, not all variability probably, but some part of how a face changes systematically when we see different pictures of that face might be relevant for you seeing who that person is. So if you know how different a face can look it will certainly help in recognising the face.
what was the idea of Burton et al.’s., 2016 study? what did they use?
Idea of the current study is to find out which kind of factors/ dimensions vary systematically in different pictures of the same person. Can use PCA for this.
what did Burton et al., 2016 do?
- Use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on 30 images of 10 Hollywood actors to find dimensions on which pictures vary, separately for shape and texture (more or less). PCA is a statistical procedure.
what does PCA give?
- PCA gives a number of differnt components that explain the varaince in the image set.
what did Burton et al., 2016 find in terms of early components?
- Early components (explaining most variability) code left-right rotation in all identities and other rigid head motions. These are relatively superficial things, in terms of head shape, a lot of the variabiltiy in difference is explained by face angle/ rotation. For texture a lot of the variability is explained by lighting and which direction (left or right) the light is coming from.
what did Burton et al., 2016 find in terms of later components?
gets more interesting if you look at later components
- Later components introduce non-rigid motion (e.g., emotional expressions). Ridgid motion would be a head turn non-ridgid would be an emotional for instance.
- From component 4 onward, variability is idiosynchratic, i.e., components code something different for different identities. Whereas the first 3 or so are very similar for all the identies from 4 onwards different things happen for different people, and you get changes in the images that vary wtihin the specific images of a person that only occur for that person. This is something that is idiosyncratic and something that may be learnt about for that specific face. For example one of the individuals showed eye gaze and mouth opening together ie. When changed gaze eye opened so knowing this variability on this dimension this is useful.
overall what does Burton et al.’s 2016 study tell us?
- Different identities vary on different dimensions!
- And: Even common early components, which are the same for everyone carry identity information!
- First codes will always be viewing angle/ lighting—but head rotations for different individuals will look different as the shape of individuals faces are different and same with lighting. So learning about variability in these early stages is equally as useful.
what does Burton et al’s 2016 study lead us to conclude?
Overall idea is that we know what the central tendency of someone is (their average) but it is also useful to know how variable someone is. So to learn about someone face you need to know about both a characteristic centroid and characteristic variability.
Establishing a robust representation may mean to learn both about the average and the characteristic variability of a given face.
These are the newer theoretical ideas about face learning
what correlate studies have been done on facial learning?
Kaufmann et al., 2009- Video of a face speaking changing viewing angle
Andrews et al., 2017- Used more naturally varying images
what did Kaufman et al., 2009 do?
Video of a face speaking changing viewing angle. Then in test face see faces of individuals in learning phase and also completely new faces. In test phase faces in each block a different pic of the same face is shown but with limited variability as clearly same session with same camera so at the same time whilst the pics do vary compared to the other condition they are similar to one another.
- Explicit learning of pre-experimentally unfamiliar faces.
- Recognition from different images in subsequent test blocks
what did Kaufman et al., 2009 find?
- N250 becomes gradually more negative across blocks.
- More negative N250 may reflect establishment of an image-independent representation.
what is the interpretation of Kaufman et al’s 2009 study?
Idea is that ERP N250 gets more and more negative from block one to block three and then 3 and 4 gets more negative for each block. Might also be because the system saturates there is not much info in the later blocks compared to the first one. Shows that the effect builds up with experience. N170 is sensitive to image repetition and it seems that because some aspects of the images are similar the changes also occur in the N170.
what did Andrews et al., 2017 do?
Used more naturally varying images
- Sorting of 40 images from 2 identities into two piles
- During EEG recording: Presentation of images seen in sorting task, different images of identities seen in sorting task, new identities, and famous faces.
what did Andrews et al., 2017 find?
- N250 lowest for famous faces, and least negative for new identities with the two sort task individuals/ faces in the middle. N250 more negative-going for learnt identities (sorting task), no difference in N250 for same vs. different images of learnt identities. This is relevant because it is a neural correlate of image invariant recognition the difference doesn’t care if you’ve seen the very image before but codes identity not a particular image.
The critical point of face recognition is that you recognise a face from nearly any image, to establish that you need images that look very different for learning or instances that look very different. The mechanism behind that might have something to do with building a central tendency/ representation using averages but as well as knowing how the face changes.