Lecture 1: Sex age and ethnicity Flashcards
why have faces evolved?
We first must understand what faces are for and how they may have evolved, since this places important constraints on what messages can be signalled by faces and how these can be perceived. Face plays important role in biological functions- eyes and ears are spaced to allow us to perceive distance.
what do structural differences lead to?
General and species specific factors mean that all human faces are remarkably similar in basic form. Despite this, there are subtle differences that make every face unique so that faces play an important role in the identification of individual members of our highly social species, and
intro to social categories
Our faces convey a lot of information about our social identities.
From looking at someone’s face we can infer some details of their racial background and decide whether they seem old or young, male or female, attractive or unattractive, friendly or unapproachable, intelligent or unintelligent, and so on.
Some of these inferences (such as age or sex) are remarkably accurate.
talk about stereotyping
The standard view in psychology, derived from classic theorising of Lippmann (1922) and Allport (1954), is that stereotyping is useful to the person doing the stereotyping.
An obvious benefit is that it creates cognitive shortcuts based on past experience, but it also has more social functions in establishing social identities or justifying the status quo.
Noticing that someone is a man or woman, or young or old, establishes a set of expectations that can save some of the mental effort of dealing with everyone you meet as a truly unique individual. The downside, of course, is prejudice, where you don’t look beyond the stereotype.
experiment on how we seem to acquire facial judgments in a non-conscious manner
Lewicki 1986- experiment using photos of females with long or short hair and read brief vignette of description, so that three faces with long hair were shown accompanied by descriptions emphasising their kindness, and three faces with short hair accompanied by descriptions emphasising their capability.
Later on, participants were shown the other two faces from the top row, and the remaining two faces from the bottom row, and they were asked to evaluate whether each person was ‘kind’, and whether each was ‘capable’.
When people were judging the kindness of new faces, they spent longer evaluating those with long hair, and when judging capability they spent longer evaluating those with short hair, regardless of the eventual decision they reached. It therefore seems that from as few as three training trials with kind long-haired faces and three trials with capable short-haired faces the participants had become sensitive to the potential link between hair-length and these traits.
Yet, when quizzed about this, no-one explicitly stated that they used such a rule. It was acquired in a non-conscious manner – influencing people’s judgements without their being aware of the source of the influence.
As a control reversed this and found the same thing in reverse
what are cues to age in a face
- facial shape
- sizes of features in the face
- texture
talk about facial shape and age from childhood to adulthood
• Pittenger and Shaw (1975) o Growth of the human skull constrained around nodal point where the brain stem meets the spinal cord. o Cardioidal (= heart-shaped) strain describes the transformation of the human cranio-facial profile as it ages. • Growth during development results in substantial age-related changes in shape information. Simply because skull shape is changing. Shape changes during adulthood are more subtle
talk about texture and age
In addition, texture (how tight and wrinkles) and colour of the face ( and hair) change with age.
who looked at surface texture and age and what did they do?
Burt and Perrett 1995)
set out to investigate the relative contribution of gross shape compared with surface texture/coloration in the perception of the age of adult faces.
• Collected together a number of different male faces spanning a range of 25 years within 7 distinct age groups
• Participants were reasonably good at judging the age of these original images.
• The different faces within an age-band were then combined into an ‘average’ face for that age-group, using the morphing techniques
• (by careful alignment of feature landmarks identified on each face, faces can be averaged together without blurring- achieved by deforming each of the images into a common average shape, in which the locations of the feature points are those of the average for the set, before blending them together.)
who looked at surface texture and age and what did they find?
Burt and Perrett 1995)
- By examining how each age-group average face differed from neighbouring averages, we can form an idea of how the faces of one age group differ from others. However, Burt and Perrett’s techniques made it possible to approach this more systematically. For instance, they were able to exaggerate the differences between age group averages to produce a computer ‘caricature’ of age-related changes
- the average face shape changes e.g. the forehead gets wider (loss of hair) chin gets broader, ears get longer.
- This ageing transform involves changes both to the face image’s shape, and in terms of its texture/ colour.
what do the presence of such a variety of cues to age help with?
The presence of such a variety of cues to age in our faces helps to make age estimation both accurate (M. Rhodes, 2009) and remarkably insensitive to changes (inversion, photographic negation, image blurring)
what are sex differences between faces
- shape information
- contrast information
Are we good at telling the gender of a face?
We are also remarkably accurate at deciding whether faces are male or female. Even if hairstyle is concealed, men are shown clean-shaven, and cosmetic cues are avoided, people are still around 95% correct at deciding whether faces are male or female.
Does classifying sex make many attentional demands?
NO- we are so good at classifying faces by sex that doing this makes few attentional demands and is little affected by having to undertake an attentionally demanding task at the same time (Reddy, Wilken, & Koch, 2004).
How can we identify what information might be used by the human visual system?
By measuring large numbers of male and female faces we can identify what information might be used by the human visual system to classify the sex of faces.
But what is important about identifying information for a face and give an e.g.
Identifying what information might be used is, however, only a first step in finding out what is actually useful or necessary for the task.
For example, one measurement that differs quite a lot between male and female faces is overall head size, since men are generally taller and broader than women. However, the size of the face is not necessarily a useful cue to determine its sex, and in experiments where faces are all standardised to the same overall size, people are no slower or less accurate at deciding their sex, suggesting that whilst head size is a cue we might conceivably use, in practice it is actually relatively unimportant for human vision.
This makes sense in everyday life, where if absolute size were to be used as a cue the visual system would have to compensate for perceived distance in order to use it
Who gathered info on physical variables that form the basis of human sex judgments and what did they do?
Burton et al.,1993) collected pictures of 91 young adult males and 88 young adult females and made a large number of different measurements of these faces. The sizes of the different features were measured in full-face images (e.g. the length of the nose or the width of the eyes), as were separations between different features. A number of different ratios were derived from these full-face measurements. In addition, profile photographs of the same people were used to recover some measurements of the 3D shape of the heads.
Give e.g.s of some of the measurements used by Burton et al., 1993
The measurements included some simple, local features such as the thickness of the eyebrows (thicker in men) and the distance between the eyes and brows (greater in women – particularly if eye-brows have been plucked), as well as more complex, 3D measures such as the protuberance of the nose
What did Burton et al., (1993) find?
On the basis of the measurements made, Burton et al. found that it was possible to classify 94% of these images correctly as male or female (a similar success rate to that achieved by human observers) using a total of just 16 different measurements
Which study gave a picture of overall differences in 3D shape for sex? What did they do?
Linney et al., 1993- can be obtained by comparing 3D surface images of male and female heads obtained using a laser-scanning technique. able to average together different surfaces obtained from a number of different male and female faces in order to produce the ‘average’ male and ‘average’ female surface. These surfaces were then compared and their differences noted.
Can be shown by using the colours of the spectrum, with red showing extreme positive differences through to violet showing extreme negative ones.
What did Linney et al., 1993 find?
Examining these images we can see that the male face has a more protuberant nose and brow and broader chin and jaw-line than the female face. The female, in contrast, has somewhat more protuberant cheeks and a fleshier pad on the chin.
Biological causes for facial differences in gender?
These differences between men’s and women’s faces have a variety of causes. For example, Enlow (1982) relates the differences in shape between men and women in the nasal area to their differing oxygen requirements. Because men are larger than women they require a greater air-fl ow, and hence a differently shaped nasal passage.
What features are used for gender (link to age)
The discussion so far suggests that, as for age, there may be different kinds of features that are useful in the perception of the sex of faces –
superficial or ‘local’ features such as the thickness of eye-brows or the texture of the skin in the beard region (where even clean-shaven men often have visible hair follicles or beard ‘shadow’),
and overall shape features such as the 3D shape of the nose and brow region.
What experiment supports the idea that not just shape information is used for sex (earlier)
Bruce et al. (1993) compared how accurately people were able to make sex judgements when shown just the 3D surface information derived from laser scanning with the accuracy obtained to the same set of faces shown in the manner in which they were scanned – with hair concealed with a bathing cap and with eyes closed.
The surface images contain all the same 3D structural information as the photographs of the people being scanned, but lack the local surface information – for example about brows and skin texture.
What did Bruce et al., 1993 find?
Accuracy with the surface images was very much better than chance (84%) but it fell considerably below that found with the photographs (94%)
Although the surface images were judged quite accurately in ¾ view, where their 3D shape could be seen, the accuracy of judging these images dropped a great deal when they were shown in full face (75% correct), while accuracy with photographs remained at 95% correct in full-face images
The local texture cues of eyebrows and stubble etc. are equally visible in full-face and ¾ photographic images, while cues to 3D shape such as nose and chin protruberance are much less visible in full-face images and must be derived entirely by an analysis of shape-from-shading
What can we learn from Bruce et al.’s 1993 study?
This shows that the additional texture information (eye-brows, visible hair, stubble and skin texture) in the photographs adds significant information to that contained within the 3D surface alone
what else but texture info and shape is important
contrast information
talk about contrast information and gender in faces
Russell 2009- we don’t only use shape information there is an additional judgment.
• Creation of shape-androgynous faces via morphing- created an average of a number of both male and female faces then morphed from one end pint to other and picked face in middle (androgynous face).
• Changed facial contrast- greater contrast in the more female looking image
• Even if you have the same facial shape the face can be more male or female.
• Faces with androgynous shape can be made to appear more female or male, simply by manipulating contrast
• Pigmentation information is important.- surface information contributes to perceived sex
can make an androgynous face be made to look more like a man or more like e a woman simply by decreasing (more masculine looking) or increasing (more feminine looking) contrast in these regions.
What do cosmetics allow?
The subtle differences in shape and surface texture between male and female faces are often exaggerated by the use of cosmetics to enhance femininity. Fashions in cosmetic application change across time, but women have often plucked their eye-brows, thus maximising differences in the hairiness of the brow between men and women. Eye-shadow is used to alter appearance of the eye region. Shading may also be used on the cheeks to enhance the apparent prominence of the cheek bones, again in line with natural differences in the male and female norm.
Talk about individual differences in gender faces
Of course, there are significant variations in the actual shapes of the individual faces of men and women, and considerable tolerance on the part of the human observer. Some very feminine women have bone structures quite unlike the prototypes we have been discussing, yet misclassifications are rare when all relevant information is present.
How can we tell gender faces despite individual differences?
misclassifications are rare when all relevant information is present. The human visual system rapidly weighs up all the evidence from the particular constellation of surface and shape features and comes up with a decision about the person’s sex which is remarkably accurate
intro to holistic processing in faces
Faces are not treated as the “sum of their parts”, but as “wholes”
what is evidence that sex of face is perceived holistically
Baudouin and Humphreys (2006) used Young, Hellawell and Hay’s (1987) composite face technique to show holistic processing of a face’s sex. They combined top and bottom halves of images of male and female faces into face composites where both halves were of the same sex or both halves came from faces of different sexes.
When participants had to identify the sex of the top or bottom half of a composite face, this was more difficult in the mixed-sex images.
Importantly, a control condition with images in which the parts were misaligned (and therefore did not look like faces) did not show this effect, demonstrating that the interference with part processing for the composite faces comes from seeing them as whole faces – it is not simply due to the presence of competing elements in the display
• Creation of sex-congruent and sex-incongruent composites. (e.g. upper half female lower half male/ upper half male lower half male) & also noncomposites (misaligned)
• Sex categorization of top and bottom halves more difficult in incongruent condition (i.e., when other half was from the opposite sex).
• Effect not observed when face halves were horizontally misaligned.
• Sex not simply judged on the basis of isolated features, but from holistic impression.
what does holistic processing of gender indicate?
different facial cues are themselves immediately integrated
holistic processing of age
Similar results for age categorizations (Hole and George, 2011)
Racial Differences Between Faces
Race is a different type of categorisation from age or sex because, despite its pervasiveness in modern culture, it is a relatively new concept historically.
Genetics and race
The genetic differences between people from different racial groups are actually small and surprisingly difficult to pin down consistently – race is a social rather than a biological construct, and modern approaches to biogenetic diversity focus more on geographically defined subpopulations.
But what can be generally said about people belonging to different racial categories?
people belonging to what are generally considered different racial categories have faces with different characteristic appearances. Skin and hair pigmentation provide the most obvious differences.
Give general examples of differences in racial categories
On the whole, Caucasian Europeans have light skin and light hair in the north, darker hair in the south; Japanese have somewhat darker skin and straight black hair; Africans dark skin and black curly hair, and so on.
Face shape and race research
(Farkas et al., 2005- The faces of different races differ in average shape as well as hair and skin colour. For example, Asian faces are flatter than European ones, and African faces have broader noses than European ones
• Differences in skin and hair pigmentation (e.g. Africans typically have dark skin and black hair, northern Europeans tend to have light skin and light hair ect.)
• Differences in average shape (e.g. East Asian faces flatter than European faces)
• Pigmentation and shape differences depending on geographical location.
Why is work on the physical differences associated with race been less extensively studied than have cues to age or sex?
This is no doubt in part due to the fact that these physical differences seem so obvious in everyday life, but it also reflects the fact that much of the interest in perception of race has revolved around social issues concerning stereotyping and prejudicial attitudes – issues to which we will return later
Who examined the separate effects of 3d shape and surface colour on the perception of sex and race? And what did they do?
Hill et al. (1995) obtained scans of four clean-shaven male and four female Japanese and four clean-shaven male and four female European faces. Made 3D shape information images of these without any colour and ‘flat’ images of these which showed colour information only. .
Who examined the separate effects of 3d shape and surface colour on the perception of sex and race? And what did they find?
Hill et al. (1995)
Using the 3D information alone they found that observers were on average 72% correct at judging the sex of the surfaces. However, observers were 88% correct at classifying the 3D surfaces as Japanese or European.
When just the colour information was presented in a second experiment, flattened out to minimise the cues to shape embedded within the colour, observers were highly accurate at judging the sex (97% correct) but less accurate on the race (90% correct)
How can Hill et al.’s 1995 findings be explained?
The very high performance on the sex judgement task probably arises because of a number of residual superficial cues in these colour images (for example some visible stubble on several of the male faces, plucked eye-brows on the women, etc.).
What was the second part of Hill et al.’s 1995 experiment? What was found?
Hill et al. (1995) then examined the effects of combining 3D shape and colour information so that the sources of information about sex or race matched or mismatched.
When sex judgements were made, the effect of mismatching information from the 3D shape was relatively small, confirming that, with these images, the task was dominated by the superficial cues from the colour cues. However, when race judgements were made, judgements were influenced substantially by the 3D shape.
Overall what can be said from Hill et al.’s 1995 findings
o Shape seems to be more important for “race” than sex
o Texture seems to be more important for sex than “race”
Talk about categorisation of faces
Often, though, we will only need to make fairly broad categorisations such as man, woman, Asian, African, European, child, young adult, middle-aged adult, elderly adult. The importance of such categories can be seen in studies of categorical perception of faces.
Evidence for categorical perception of faces
Hill et al., 1995
Identification of the images as African or Asian is non-linear, with a fairly abrupt shift from African-looking to Asian-looking near the centre of the continuum. Discrimination of the images is also non-linear – it is easier to see that pairs of images that straddle the category boundary are different from each other than it is to see that equally-spaced pairs from within a category are different.
Categorical perception of sex in faces overall
Results for categorical perception of sex are a bit more mixed. The critical effects can be obtained (Campanella et al., 2001) but they are modulated by factors such as familiarity with the images (Viviani et al., 2007).
Aside from sex and race what adaption effects have been found?
adaption effects to salient physical characteristics
background to adaption
If shown a negative then our sight adapts to this so that if we are shown the black and white then we temporarily see the stimulus as though it is in colour- we adapt to the negative colours. Red for long time then at white the white will look green.
Study on adaption effects to salient physical characteristics (gender)
Webster et al 2004 - created morphed continua of images that ran from male to female or from Japanese to Caucasian appearance They identified where the perceived category boundary fell in each continuum (i.e. the point at which the images become ambiguous between perceived male and female, or between Japanese and Caucasian), and then studied whether this boundary still fell in the same place after adaptation to an image from one end of a continuum.
Their results showed a shift in perception that enhanced perception of non-adapted characteristics – in effect, shifting the category boundary towards the adapted image. For example, adaptation to a male face made what had previously been judged to be an ambiguous face look female, or adaptation to a Japanese face made what had previously been judged to be an ambiguous face look Caucasian.
Explain Webster et al’s 2004 study in terms of relevance to how brain works
- Creation of morph continua from male to female and also another from European to Asian
- Estimation of the category boundary i.e. the image in a continuum at which either response (male/ female, European/ Asian) is equally likely.
- Adaptation to a male face makes originally ambiguous face appear more feminine (and vice versa
- E.g. if you look at a male face for a long time and then look at androgynous face the androgynous face will appear more female (and vice versa)
- Adaptation to European face makes originally ambiguous face appear more Asian (and vice versa).
- Results of adaptation effects suggest opponent coding of face sex and ethnicity.
- Pool of neurons that fire whenever see a female face and another pool when see a female face, so when presented e.g. with a male face there is mass firing of male neurons and small firing of female neurons. Neurons fire equally at an androgynous face normally. But when adaptation e.g. to a male face neurons for males are triggered and after a while fatigue and decrease their activation. This means that if androgynous face is then presented again male pool neurons is dampened and female neurons are firing more so androgynous face looks more female.
- Because this adaptation effect is there and can be shown experimentally, we can say that sex of the face in the brain is probably coded by two separate groups of neurons.
Study on age adaptation
This effect is also seen for age- Schweinberger et al. 2010
• Adaptation to old faces makes test faces appear younger compared to adaptation to young faces
• Aftereffects reduced but remained clear when facial sex changed between adaptor and test stimuli.
• Coding of facial age is in part dependant, and in part independent of facial gender.
• Also suggests component coding for the age of a face.
Overall what do adaption studies indicate?
Sex, “race” and age elicit adaptation aftereffects, which suggests opponent coding of the respective facial characteristics.
o At the same time, processing of age and sex is not completely independent.
Why is understanding adaption mechanisms important?
Understanding adaptation mechanisms has become very important because adaptation has proved so useful in functional brain imaging studies – in fMRI adaptation, we can infer whether or not a particular brain region might be sensitive to something by seeing whether it adapts to repetition of that characteristic.
What is predicted in the Haxby model of face perception?
In Haxby et al., 2000- neurological model, the inferior occipital gyri and the lateral fusiform gyrus are parts of the core system that are involved in analysing invariant aspects of faces.
What can be said about the facial areas used in the Haxby model?
These regions are often equated with brain regions that are highly responsive to faces in fMRI studies – the occipital face area, OFA (part of the inferior occipital gyri) and the fusiform face area, or FFA (part of the lateral fusiform gyrus).
According to the Haxby model what would we expect in terms of adaption
Since characteristics like sex or race are clearly of the ‘invariant’ type, we might therefore expect substantial fMRI adaptation to sex or race from OFA and FFA.
What is the issue with evidence and the Haxby model then?
Ng et al., (2006) identified regions of cortex that showed adaptation to a face’s sex or race, they found these were relatively widely distributed across occipital and fusiform cortex – extending well beyond more localised regions such as OFA and FFA.
How can findings of Ng et al., be explained?
To understand why this might happen, it is important to grasp that OFA and FFA are functionally rather than purely anatomically defi ned regions – they are identified in individual brains by fMRI localiser scans that find regions of cortex within a fairly general anatomical area (such as the fusiform gyrus) that respond maximally to faces compared to some other type of visual stimulus (such as objects or houses).
Ng et al. (2006) pointed out that this procedure for identifying face-selective brain regions may actually maximise the likelihood of finding regions containing neurons that are generally responsive to faces (and therefore respond to all faces in the localiser scan), rather than neurons tuned to a particular face type (as these would only respond strongly to some of the faces used in a localiser). The point is similar to Haxby et al.’s (2001) demonstration that information about faces may be more widely distributed across occipital and fusiform cortex than is often thought
what neural evidence clearly supports the Haxby model?
Wiese et al., 2012
• Presented old and young male and female in a scanner and looked at brain activity.
• Would expect clear activations for when people judge sex and age in OFA and FFA but not STS in line with Haxby model where STS is meant to code invariant aspects of a face.
• Sex and age categorization activate bilateral OFA and FFA, but not STS. Indicates that Haxby et al. (2000): Brain regions responsible for early perceptual analysis and coding of invariant information
• Sex categorization results in stronger activation.
• Sex categorization more effortful, age categorization (young/ older adult) perceptually less demanding? Seems to be the case
Neural research on processing own and other race faces
Golby et al., 2001
• Looked at activity in the brain for African American and European American faces and got participants to view images of same and other- “race” faces.
• Looks at reaction to faces from ‘own group’ and other groups
• Looked at right FFA- in both groups same race faces elicited more activity than other race faces. This is interesting because it means that people process faces from own race with more effort than other races. This might provide explanation as to why on race faces are redeemable.
What is the N170 inversion effect? And who did this
Rossion et al., 2000
N170 inversion effect- when you present a face upside down then lots happens and people are not very good at identifying faces people can do it but it is harder. People also can not process small differences.
Neural correlate of inversion and the N170 and the N170 is larger when a face is presented upside down. The idea is because the N170 reflects early perceptual processing and this is more difficult and requires more effort if you turn a face upside down.
With reference to studies talk about the N170 inversion effect and ethnicities of faces
Vizioli et al., 2010; Wiese, 2013
• Different ethnicities of faces
• N170 inversion effect is larger for same- relative to other- race faces (for European participants).
• Early perceptual processing may be finely-tuned for own race faces. Larger N170 effect for faces from own race.
• Inversion effect= more effortful processing (the expectation might be that we don’t pay as much attention and the face processing system doesn’t automatically get as much info from other-race faces). For an own-race face there is more investment to getting more information. Thus, again not surprising we are bad at remembering faces from other races.
• If you cant process at a perceptual level then cant remember at later level
With reference to studies talk about the N170 inversion effect and age of faces
Komes et al., 2015
• Increased N170 inversion effect for young relative to older adult faces. Larger inversion effect for ‘own group’. Face perception spends more effort and uses more resources getting info from own ‘group’.
Overall summary of the N170 effect
o N170 inversion effect is larger for own-relative to other-race faces.
o N170 inversion effect is larger for young-relative to older adult faces.
What can the N170 effects contribute to?
o Can contribute to deficits in memory to other social groups.
What overall are age sex and ethnic group coded by?
• Age sex and ethnic group are coded by those regions of the “core” cortical system responsible for early perceptual processing and invariant aspects (FFA, OFA)
talk about ERP correlates of face perception
Bentin et al., 1996
Presented faces or scrambled faces to participants (same basic visual properties but doesn’t look like a face any more) and then cars and scrambled cars. Looked at EEG recordings and averaged across many trials.
N170 (negative 170 ms post presentation) component much larger for faces relative to control stimuli
Similar to Kanwisher study there is a process in the brain that is responding to faces but not to other object categories, nor is it responding to the basic features of the faces, so there seems to be something in the brain that is very sensitive to the processing of faces and not to a lot of other things.