Lecture 3 - How Can I Help Flashcards
Human factors theory
Design Rationale
An explicit documentation of the design decisions with the reasons behind these decisions.
Providing an argumentation-based structure to key design problems as a means to record and communicate the argumentation and reasoning behind the design process:
- the reasons and argumentation behind a design decision
- its justification
- possible alternatives considered
- the trade-offs evaluated
When the reasons, argumentation and justification refer explicitly to theories, the design rationale can be viewed as a specification of multi-disciplinary theory, guiding scientific research.
By explicitly referring to the use cases, the design rationale (and its underlying theory) is situated.
The sCE Methodology
sCE: situated Cognitive Engineering
Collaborative process of multi-disciplinary team: address human factors, technical and operation issues (incl. statutory or legislative, and political).
Active involvement of stakeholders: understand end-users’ support needs, and enhance user acceptance.
Iterative and incremental development of core functions, starting with the highest “benefits-costs trade-offs”, and providing increasingly more “intelligent” support and assistance.
Focused refinement of core functions and design rationale.
Coherent specification, integrating both task definitions and user interface definitions.
Hybrid Intelligence Develops by…
Developing theories, models and methods for the co-evolution of humans, robots and agents as a joint normative socio-cognitive system.
Harmonizing the interdependent social, cognitive, and affective processes for performance and well-being.
Stakeholders ‘ Values
- direct: refer to individuals who interact directly with the technology
- indirect: refer to other indivduals who are otherwise affected by the use of the technology
- “The principles or standards of a person or society, the personal or societal judgement of what is valuable and important in life”
Value Stories
Requirements Engineering makes use of user stories to capture requirements in natural language
User Story:
- as a I want so that
Value Story:
- as a I want to support
Common Situated Objectives
Collaborative objective selection for motivation and learning
An objective consists of:
- achievement
- goal
- task
- tasks -> goals -> achievement
Shared Knowledge Base
- formal representation of inter-related domain and Human Factors concepts
- it can be shared by humans and agents for collaboration
Adaptive Policies for Collaboration
- formal specifications of permissions, prohibitions and obligations for agent’s behavior
+ to constrain agent’s behavior to norms
+ to construct and govern agreements
Uptake and Learning by Explanation
Explaining why to do specific tasks
- Goal-based explanation
- Emotion-based explanation
Socio-Cognitive Engineering
- Iterative incremental process
- Theory and empirical driven
- Combined operational domain, human factors and technology perspective
- Stakeholder involvement in design and test activities
- Producing reusable design specifications and implementations