Lecture 3 -Evolutionary Computation Flashcards
Which mechanisms are at place between parents and offspring generation (2)?
- Recombination
2. (random) Mutation
First step of designing EA?
+ what does it need to be?
+ What forms can it take?
Designing a representation (phenotype) for an individual solution
+ that must be relevant to the problem we’re solving
+ it can be discrete value (binary, integer)
Example discrete representation
+ example mutation
-> how often does it happen?
Binary alphabet
-> single 0’s are genes, the whole 8 bit block is a chromosome
-> based on certain probability for each gene
Example order based representation
+ What are individuals represented as?
+ What is it used for?
+ Example for mutation
Traveling salesman (city gets assigned number 1-N, solution could be 5,4,2,1,3 -> fasted way)
+Individuals are represented as permutations
+Used for ordering and sequencing problems
original 1 2 3 4 5 mutation 1 4 3 2 5 -> Swap
What is the most costly step for a real EA application?
-> What do we have to avoid?
Evaluating an individual
-> don’t re-evaluated unmodified individuals
Mutation operators
- One or many?
- What should it be able to reach?
- Size (2)
- Solutions
- At least one
- Should allow every part of the search/pattern space to be reached
- The size of mutation is important and should be controllable
- The mutation should produce valid solutions/chromosomes
Recombination operators
(3) important points
2. representation?
- Child should inherit from each parent
- The recombination operator should be designed in conjunction with the representation
- Recombination should produce valid chromosomes
Example Recombination for discrete representation
Parent 1 Parent 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 cut at random point (n=3) child 1 child 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Selection strategy
- What do we want to ensure?
- What will this give us?
- What do we have to be careful of?
- Ensure that better individuals have higher chance of being parents
- this creates selection pressure
- less good individuals need some chance of being parents too - they might include useful genes
Example rank based selection
- What are individuals sorted on? What is this place called?
- How are individuals selected?
- > example
- Sorted according to fitness value. The place in the list is called a rank.
- This rank is then used by a function that selects individuals. Individuals with higher ranks have a higher chance of being selected
- > roulette
Replacement strategy
1. what does it affect? How so?
Deciding which individuals to kill effects the selection pressure
Re-introducing the individual with the highest fitness in the population
Keep individual with highest fitness in safe place
Recombination vs Mutations
- Recombination
- what does it depend on?
- what changes effect
- ..
- modifications depend on the whole population
- it’s effect decreases with convergence
- exploitation operator
Recombination vs Mutations
- Mutations
- what is it good for?
- strong…
- …
- Escaping the local optima
- it has a strong causality principle
- exploration operator
Stopping criterions (4)
- The optimum is reached
- Limit on CPU resources (there is a max amount of fitness evaluations)
- User’s patience
- Some generations without improvements
Algorithm performance
- Design perspective
- Production perspective
- What should we never do?
- Find a very good solution at least once
- Find a good solution at almost every run
- Never draw conclusion from one run (use stats)
Practical performance
- Acceptable performance at … on …
- Intrinsic…
- Acceptable performance at acceptable cost on a wide range of problems.
- Intrinsic parallelism (robustness, fault tolerance)
At which problems is EA superior (3)?
- Lots of data with many free parameters
- Complex relationship between parameters
- Many (local) optima
Key issue
1. Exploration
Sample unknown regions
If too much exploration (random search) there will be no convergence
Key issue
2. Exploitation
Try to improve the best-so-far individuals
Too much of it leads to local search only.
The algorithm will converge to a local optimum.