Lecture 3: Evidence in Dental Lit Flashcards
Types of information resources
- primary
- secondary
- peer reviewed
primary resource
first disclosure containing sufficient info to enable peers to assess observations, repeat experiment, & evaluate intellectual process
secondary resource
usually summarize, reviews and organize
EX: most books, review articles, indexes, internet
peer reviewed
journal itself has committee to review the scientific article to approve/decline validity and suggest improvements
-Increases quality
trade journals
articles written by staff about trends, news, advertising in the specific trade
impact factor (IF)
= # citations a year/ # total articles published in past two years
measure of a particular journal’s impact
Steps of conducting a search
- Defining the question
- Choosing a resource
- Keyword searching vs. classification systems
- Search techniques
Step 1: Defining Q
- Problem or patient
- Intervention or exposure
- Comparison
- Outcome
Step 2: Choose resource
books, journals, indexes
Step 3: Keyword searching
alternating words/synonyms
not consistent, too ,any results, no knowledge needed,
Step 3: Controlled vocal
alternating words/synonyms
little variation known to database, consistent, specific, restrictive, user must know vocabulary
Step 4: Research techniques
Boulean operators truncation phrase parentheses explode wild card adjacency
Boulean operators
symbol to retrieve word stems
uses astericks *
in quotations
limits results
control order of search
in parenthases
into w/ in broad subject that are broken down into smaller
similar to truncation but pick up one or more letters within a word
put a ? if
specify how many words can separate the terms before they become irrelevant
predefined search designed to target specifics
two types of quality of evidence
internal & external validity
internal validity
degree of truth (stats)
threat = bias, error, & confounding
external validity
degree of applicability to broader populations
inference from same sample
what type of study was it
how was it carried out (internal)
does it apply to my patient (external)