Lecture 3: Continuous Cultures and Fed Batch Cultures Flashcards
How do you calculate yield?
biomassT1-BiomassT0 / SubstrateT0-SubstrateT1
What does Qp mean?
How can fermentation be manipulated to increase yield?
Production of Biomass (primary product): Develop conditions for maximum cell yield in stationary phase, but consider factors such as the time required to realise the yield
Primary metabolites (growth-linked products): Develop conditions to extend exponential growth phase. E.g., use substrate for which the organisms has a low Ks
Secondary metabolites (non-growth-linked products): Develop conditions to reduce exponential phase and extend deceleration phase. E.g., use substrate for which organisms maintain a high Ks
What is a continuous culture
- constant nutrient medium supply
- well-mixed culture
- Products and cells are simultaneously withdrawn
- Can maintain growth and product formation
- At steady state, cell, product, and substrate concentrations remain constant
What factors affect populatoin growth in a continuous culture?
- relationship between organisms growth rate and limiting nutrient concentration
- amount of bacteria prod per unit mass of nutrient (yield)
- Concetnration of limiting nutrient feed
- Flow rate and vessel volume
What is the equation for the rate of dilution
D = F/V
D = rate of dilution
F = flow rate (L.h^-1)
V = volume of vessel (L)
Units: (L.h^-1/L) = h^-1
What is the chemostat theory?
The flow of medium into chemostat is described by the dilution rate
What is the equation for net change in biomass?
Sigma x / Sigma t = ux - Dx
How is a steady state achieved
When ux = Dx
(rate of biomass formation = rate of biomass loss)
How is a steady state achieved
When ux = Dx
(rate of biomass formation = rate of biomass loss)
THEREFORE u = D (specific growth rate is the same/controlled by the dilution rate)
What happens at steady state?
- increased growth rate = increased dilution rate
- Slow the growth rate = slow the dilution rate
- setting the correct dilution rate is therefore important in optimising product and biomass formation
What is Dcrit?
If dilution rate is increased wash-out of cells can occur, as cells dont have enough time to ‘double’ before being washed out of overflow.
This point is referred to as the critical dilution rate (Dcrit)
How do you calculate yield for continuous cultures
Ysp = P/(Cfs - Cs)
P = product
Cs = residual substrate from eluent
Cfs = concentration of substrate/feed
P and Cs can be determined from the eluent
Productivity can be measure by multiplying yield by the dilution rate
What is the Monod Paramaters
U = D = UmS/Ks+S
-> S = KsD/Um-D
therefore concentration of the limiting substrate increases with dilution rate
How can you predict Dcrit using Monod
Dcrit = Umax Cfs/Ks+Cfs
Increases nutrient feed concentration will increase Dcrit and U
Umax = max growth rate
Cfs = conc of feed stock