Lecture 3: Communication Strategy Flashcards
Corporate reputation vs vision
Corporate reputation: How the company is currently seen
Vision: How the company wants to be seen
Communication strategy
Attempts to close the gap between corporate reputation and vision through specifying a strategic intent on which possible courses of action are formulated, evaluated and eventually chosen
Usually you also have to involve the stakeholder reputations in line with the vision of the organization to obtain the necessary support for the organization’s strategy - or just reinforcing existing reputations of stakeholders
Strategic intent
Based on analysis of current reputation with its stakeholders, strategic intent sets the direction for communication in terms of the change / consolidation of the aimed reputation
Process of strategy-making (paradigms)
- Following a rational planning mode, where objectives are set out and worked on methodically through comprehensive plans
- Following a more flexible intuitive or visionary process
- Following a incremental or emergent process where the strategy formation is continuous and iterative
Top-down vs bottom-up strategies
top-down means strategy cascades down from the corporate to the business unit,where each level of strategy provides the immediate context for the next lower level of strategy making
Process of strategy-making (consensus on three points)
- Strategy formation consists of a combination of planned and emergent processes: a mix between deliberate actions meant to combine visions and objectives, and emergent actions falling within the strategic scope
- Strategy involves a general direction and not simply plans or tactics: general, not specific –> it’s more about long-term direction of the organization compared to short-term plans and tactics focused
- Strategy is about the organization and its environment: managers must balance mission and vision of the organization with what the environment will allow or encourage it to do and so strategy must be adaptive
Corporate strategy
Concerns the overall purpose and scope of the organization to meet its various stakeholders’ expectations and needs
Provides strategic vision for the entire organization in terms of product, market or geographical scope, ownership of the organization
the nested model of strategy formation where corporate strategy and communication strategy are interrelated layers, depends on a number of conditions
It goes against strict top-down strategy formation –> should be in part decentralized so business units are encouraged to initiate ideas
Communication practitioners who pass input into corpirate strategies need relevant knowledge of organizational issues and objectives, the industry and sector, the nature of the strategy-making process, strategic view of how communication contributes to corporate and market strategies
Communication technicians (one of two main roles for communicators)
Writing communication materials, editing and rewriting for grammar and spelling, producing brochures, doing graphics etc
implements decisions made by others and is generally not involved in the decision-making regarding communication strategy
Communication manager (one of two main roles for communicators)
Make strategy or policy decisions (and is accountable for success or failure), planning and managing budgets, evaluating results
Focused on externally oriented, long-term decisions
Stages in formulating the content of a communication strategy
- Strategic intent
- Themed messages: strategic messages that relate to specific capabilities, strengths or values of an organization, whcih are continuously and consistently communicated to stakeholders
- Message styles
Five different message styles within three categories
Functional orientation: tangible, physical or concrete capabilities of an organization
Rational message style: organization claims superiority of its products or achievements based on advantage in capabilities, size or resources
Symbolical orientation: appeal to psychosocial needs, preferences and experiences of stakeholders
Symbolic association message style
Emotional message style
Industry orientation: designed to achieve an advantage over competitors in the same industry
Generic message style
Preemptive message style
Corporate reputation vs vision
Corporate reputation: How the company is currently seen
Vision: How the company wants to be seen
Communication strategy
Attempts to close the gap between corporate reputation and vision through specifying a strategic intent on which possible courses of action are formulated, evaluated and eventually chosen
Usually you also have to involve the stakeholder reputations in line with the vision of the organization to obtain the necessary support for the organization’s strategy - or just reinforcing existing reputations of stakeholders
Communication program
A formulated set of activities towards targeted internal and external audiences, which may include outreach activities, community initiatives and other ways in which organizations and their employees communicate with stakeholder audiences
May contain different activities, but no specific endpoint
Communication campaig
A more narrow version of a communication program - restricted to the use of a mediated form of communication towards specific stakeholder audiences, restricted to a single point in time (they build to a decision point such as support towards a particular company decision or in relation to a specific issue)
Seven steps in identifying the broad targets of their communication and planning effective communication programs and campaigns
- Strategic Intent: a change or consolidation of stakeholder reputations of the organization –> based on gap between corporate reputation and vision
- Define communication objectives
- Identify and prioritize rarget audiences
- Identify themed messages
- Develop message styles
- Develop a media strategy
- Prepare the budget
Communication Objectives (SMART)