Lecture 3: Clinical Assessment & Research Methods Flashcards
What is reliability?
- Consistency of measurement (e.g., repeated measurement should yield consistent results when used under the same conditions)
- Reliability is measured by correlation (how closely two
variables are related). The higher the correlation, the better the reliability.
What are the two components of reliability?
- Sensitivity - agreement regarding the presence of a particular diagnosis
- Specificity - agreement concerning the absence of a particular diagnosis
What is interrater reliability?
refers to the degree to which two independent observers or judges agree.
What is test re-test reliability?
- Measures the extent to which people being observed twice or taking the same test twice score in generally the
same way. - Only makes sense when the theory assumes that people will not change appreciably between testings on the variable being measured.
What is alternate form reliability?
Uses two forms of a test (see how correlated are two separate measures?)
What is internal consistency reliability?
Assesses if the items on a test are related to one another.
What is validity?
Does a measure fulfill its intended purpose?
What is content validity?
refers to whether a measure adequately samples the domain of interest.
What is criterion validity?
- criterion validity is the extent to which a measure is related to an outcome (i.e., the criterion). Criterion validity is often divided into concurrent and predictive validity.
- concurrent validity (comparison between the measure in question and an outcome assessed at the same time)
- predictive validity (a point in the future)
What is construct validity?
- is a test or measure of some characteristic or construct that is not simply defined
- is evaluated by looking at a wide variety of data from
multiple sources. - considers how well does the diagnosis relate to other
aspects of the disorder.
What is case validity, when is it demonstrated and what is required?
- The focus is on validity of the interpretations and decisions made with respect to a particular person.
- Case validity would be demonstrated when the person is
accurately assessed in their life context in a way that takes
into account interactions between the person and situations as well as interactions of the person’s schemas. - Case validity requires considering the person in typical
situations versus maximal situations (i.e., the difference between how a person usually is versus what they are capable of in atypical or extreme situations).
what is psychological assessment?
- The collection, organization, and interpretation of information about a client and his or her situation
- A process whereby a sequence of questions/steps aid in systematically gathering data on the client for the purpose of coming to a decision
- Involves gathering/integrating multiple types of data from multiple sources
What are the two types of clinical interviews?
- Unstructured
- Structured
What are the different kinds of psychological tests?
- Severity of symptoms
- Personality tests (e.g., MMPI)
- Intelligence tests
- Projective tests
What is the definition of interview?
- any interpersonal encounter, conversational in style, in
which one person, the interviewer, uses language as the
principal means of finding out about another person, the
How do paradigms influence clinical interviews and what is important in clinical interviews?
- The paradigm within which an interviewer operates
influences the type of information sought, how it is obtained, and how it is interpreted. - The interviewer pays attention to how the respondent
answers—or does not answer—questions.
What is assessed during an unstructured clinical interview?
- onset/course (when did the problems begin?)
- severity (do the problems interfere with your life in terms of work, relationships and leisure pursuit?)
- stressor (Do you believe that some external event brought on the problems? Have there been any stressful life events associated with the problem?)
What are the components of a structure interview?
- Structured Clinical Interview Diagnosis (SCID)
- Provides DSM diagnoses
- Uses branching: the client’s response to one question determines the next question that is asked (skip method)
- Contains detailed instructions to the interviewer concerning when and how to probe in detail and when to
go on to questions bearing on another diagnosis. - Most symptoms are rated on a three-point scale of
severity, with instructions in the interview schedule for
directly translating the symptom ratings into diagnoses.
What is standardization in psychological testing?
- Responses of person being assessed are compared to test norms that have been established
- Test norms; The test is administered to many people and the responses are analyzed to establish how a group of people tend to respond. Provides a comparison context which is used to interpret an individual’s score.
What are personality inventories?
- The person is asked to complete a self-report questionnaire indicating whether statements assessing habitual tendencies apply to him or her.
- The best-known and most frequently used and researched psychological test in the United States is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
What are behavioural tests?
- A cardinal feature of major depression is anhedonia
- the lack of reactivity to pleasurable stimuli.
- Impaired reward processing in depression
- Probabilistic reward task is used to assess anhedonia
- Asked to identify which face has a long mouth and which one has a short mouth. People without anhedonia are able to figure out how to make quite a bit of money on this task. People with anhedonia are not interested/ don’t care enough to try
What are projective personality tests?
a psychological assessment device in which a set of standard stimuli, ambiguous enough to allow variation in responses, is presented to the individual.
- e.g., Rorschach ink blot test, thematic apperception test
What is the projective hypothesis?
As the stimulus materials are unstructured, the client’s responses will be determined primarily by unconscious processes and will reveal his or her true attitudes, motivations, and modes of behaviour.
What are intelligence tests?
- Alfred Binet, a French psychologist, originally constructed mental tests to help the Parisian school board predict which children were in need of special schooling.
- An intelligence test, often referred as an IQ (intelligence
quotient) test, is a standardized means of assessing a
person’s current mental abilities.
How are intelligence tests used?
- To predict how well a child will perform in school
- To diagnose learning disabilities and to identify areas of
strengths and weaknesses for academic planning - To help determine whether a person has Intellectual
Disability - To identify intellectually gifted children
- In neuropsychological evaluations:
– Example: repeat IQ testing of a person believed to be suffering from a degenerative dementia so that the levels of deterioration of mental ability can be monitored over time
What is emotional intelligence?
- Reflected in such abilities as delaying gratification and being sensitive to the needs of others (Goleman, 1995).
- Emotional intelligence may also be an important protective factor in terms of levels of adjustment.
- In Canadian university students, emotional intelligence was found to predict anxiety, depression, and life satisfaction, among other variables, above and beyond traditional measures of personality and coping
What are the components of a cognitive behavioural case formulation?
- activating situation (e.g., oppurtunity to achieve personal goal)
- Schemas (e.g., I am incapable and undeserving)
- Mood (e.g., depressed, discouraged)
- Mood and Schema influenced by thoughts (e.g., if i take action I will fail, others will be critical, it is hopeless to try) and failure to achieve goal (e.g., job dissatisfaction, isolation)
What are the different types of brain imaging techniques used in biological assessment?
- Computerized axial tomography (CT Scan)
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
- Positron emission tomography (PET scan)
What are the goals of neuropsychological assessment?
- To measure as reliably, validly, and completely as possible the behavioural correlates of brain functions
- To identify the characteristic profile associated with a
neurobehavioural syndrome (differential diagnosis) - To establish possible localization, lateralization, and etiology of a brain lesion
- To determine whether neuropsychological deficits are present (i.e., cognitive, perceptual, or motor) regardless of diagnosis
- To describe neuropsychological strengths, weaknesses, and strategy of problem-solving
-To assess the patient’s feelings about his or her syndrome - To provide treatment recommendations (i.e., to client, family, school)
What is the D2 test of visual attention?
- The D2 Test of attention is used to assess the client’s ability to sustain focused attention, engage in selection, and visual scanning speed.
- The client is asked to cross out any instance of the letter
“d” that has two marks above it or below it.
what is a test used for dementia?
1) name and address for subsequent recall (e.g., John Brown, 42 West Street Kensington.). Allow for a maximum of 4 attempts/repeats.
2) time orientation (what is the date exactly)
3a) Clock Drawing (Please mark in all the numbers to indicate the hours of a clock. Correct spacing required i.e. even spaces between numbers and 12, 3, 6, and 9 in correct places)
3b) Please mark in hands to show 10 minutes past
eleven o’clock (11:10).
4) information (can you tell me something that happened in the news recently [i.e., within the last week and be specific])
5) recall (what was the name and address I asked you to remember)