Lecture 3: Basic Reactor Physics Flashcards
How is neutron flux calculated?
Neutron number density x Neutron speed
How does neutron current differ from neutron flux?
Neutron current takes the direction of neutrons into account (+ or - matters)
Define source rate?
The rate of production of neutrons per unit volume
Why is moderation so important?
Probability of successful fission of fuel depends on the neutron energy
What is the average lifetime of a neutron?
10^-3 seconds
What is average number of neutrons produced per reaction?
What is the typical uranium contents of fuel?
96% U238
4% U235
Define criticality:
neutrons in = # neutrons out
Steady state. Reactivity = 0.
How is the rate of neutron number density calculated?
= Production rate - Absorption rate - Rate of flow of neutrons away from location
Define the diffusion approximation
Neutrons tend to drift from regions of high flux to low flux at a rate proportional to the flux gradient.
Where is the power distribution typically maximum?
At centre of vessel
How is the spatial distribution of thermal power and neutron flux related?
Lots of neutrons
Lots of fission
Lots of fragments colliding with lattice
Location of greatest energy generation
Define the multiplication factor?
Ratio of:
Rate of neutron production this generation
Rate of neutron loss this generation
What symbol is used to define multiplication factor?
What are the three multiplication factor states?
k < 1: Subcritical (ramp-down)
k = 1: Critical (steady-state)
k > 1: Supercritical (ramp-up)