At what axial location in the core of an idealised cylindrical PWR is film boiling of the coolant most likely to occur if the power were to be increased?
At the core mid-plane
The production of 1 GW (thermal) requires the fissoning of about how much Pu239 per day?
1 fission = 203 MeV = 3.25 E-11 J
1 GW for 24 hours = 8.64 E13 J
# fissions * 239 * 1.66E-27 = 1.05 kg
Which is the order for spent fuel waste safety barriers in a repository, from inner to outer:
bentonite, crystalline rock, fuel cladding, fuel canister
fuel cladding, fuel canister, bentonite, crystalline rock
Which list is in order of increasing maximum fuel cladding temperature?
BWR, PWR, Magnox, Sodium-cooled fast reactor, AGR
What, approximately, are the dimensions of the active core of a PWR?
4m diameter, 4m height
How to calculate the channel temperature rise?
Change in T = 2 * Peak linear rating * L * no. rods / mass flow rate * specific heat capacity * Pi
The expression nvSigma_fv* gives _________
the local fission rate.
Which value of fanning friction factor should be used to calculate the pressure drop?
How to calculate the peak boundary layer temperature difference?
q’’ (peak) = h (T_s - T_infinity)
Consider a typical fuel channel in a gas-cooled reactor (eg. an AGR). If the mass-flow rate of the gas and the reactor power were both decreased by 10%, the effect would be _______
The rate of cladding oxidation would be slightly decreased
Which list is in ascending order of turbine entry temperature?
PWR, AGR, a modern coal fired power station
In descending order, the main forms of energy release from fission of U235 are:
Fission fragment kinetic energy, fission product radiation, prompt
gamma rays, neutron kinetic energy
Neutron current is
neutrons per unit area per unit time in a particular direction.
What is the coolant pressure of a PWR?
150 bar
What is the coolant pressure of an AGR?
40 bar