Lecture 3 + Assignment 3 Flashcards
A.P. speed compared to electricity
- electricity = 1/2 speed of light
- A.P. speed slower
Leaky, sticky, and thin
- all make a.p.s move slower
Leaky = low membrane resistance
Sticky = high membrane capacitance
Thin = high axial resistance
Membrane resistance / Rm
- leakiness
- like a balloon with a hole
Rm = resistance of the membrane
Membrane capacitance / Cm
- stickiness
- ability of membrane to store charge
- if it can’t store charge well, sticks to ions on the outside due to attraction
- makes them travel slower
Cm = capacitance of the membrane
Axial resistance /Ra
- thin = hard to flow through
- how easy it is for ions to flow through
Ra = resistance of the axon
Invertebrates avoiding leaky/sticky/thin
- evolved wider axons
- they take up more space
Vertebrates avoiding leaky/sticky/thin
- reduces axon leakiness and stickiness
saltatory conduction
- jumping between nodes of Ranvier
- makes conductance speed faster
Myelin in CNS vs. PNS
+ Nervous system path
- in CNS
- connect to multiple axons
Schwann cells
- in PNS
- connect to one axon
myelin -> glial cells -> oli -> multiple axons
Theodor Schwann
Discovered schwann cells
supported cell theory
“all living things are composed of cells and cell products”
Multiple sclerosis
- autoimmune disorder where virus with an antigen that looks like myelin gets degraded as well
- Epstein-Barr virus
- myelin attacked/degraded by immune system
- slow action potentials
- also forms sclerosis scar tissue which slows a.p.s
- lose feeling then it comes back
- nervous system fights back to repair glial cells/myelin
- first symptoms vision, tactile, balance, speech
- 20-40 years old
- 2x prevalence in women
- genetic factors (twin studies)
1/1000 ppl
Guillain-Barre syndrome
- similar to MS but in PNS
- antibodies attack myelin schwann cells
1/100 000 ppl
- symptoms: paresthesia, paralysis, loss of sensation
- movement difficulty starting in the legs moving up
- rapid onset, recovery after weeks or years
Neuron doctrine vs. reticular theory
- reticular theory
- neurons all connected through giant network
Santiago Ramon y Cajal
- neuron doctrine
- separate by nearby neurons
Synaptic cleft
20-40 nm wide
beneath the resolution of conventional light microscopy
1nm = 10^-9 m
Otto Loewi - heart in a jar
- do heartbeat in one jar
- slow heartbeat
- makes heart in other jar also slow down
- indicates chemical transmission through synapses
bc vagus nerve releases something into the saline fluid
- did this experiment
- used frog hearts
- dreamt it up then scribbled it down but couldn’t read the stuff
Evidence of quantal transmission
- smallest possible depolarization of 0.4 mV
- quantal packages during synaptic release