Lecture 3 Flashcards
What must be done to satisfy the caveat
- The animal must be under the veterinary surgeon’s care
- The treatment recommended must be recorded
- The agent or owner must be advised of the correct usage of the drug and, if for a food producing animal, withholding times must be explained
What are the guidelines for prescribing drugs
- The veterinarian’s authority to prescribe and supply substances carriers significant legal and ethical responsibilities
- A veterinarian assumes personal responsibility for their actions in relation to prescribing and dispensing of veterinary medicine
What is the checklist to prescribe medication
- The person presenting the animal(s) is a bona fide client
- I have current knowledge of the management, health status and drug status of the animal(s) and am satisfied there is a therapeutic or prophylactic need for the use and/or supply of this drug
- I have followed the requirements of the drugs and poisons and control-of-use legislation in my state/territory
- My instructions regarding the use and storage of this drug, and is able to use it properly and safely
- The amount I am prescribing/dispensing is reasonable for treatment of the condition for which I have documented the therapeutic need
- If the drug is an antibiotic, I have considered the expected infectious agent, spectrum of activity of the drug and implications of antimicrobial resistance
How a medicines and poisons are classified
According to the level of regulatory control required to protect public health and safety.
What is a controlled drug
Substances which should be available for use but require restriction of manufacture, supply, distribution, possession and use to reduce abuse, misuse and physical or psychological dependence
Do records need to be kept
What is the maximum penalty for not keeping records
40 penalty units
For records on controlled drugs what must be entered
- Date of transaction
- Name and address of the person
- Quantity or volume administered, dispensed, optioned, supplied or rise in the transaction
- The balance in the practitioner’s possession after the transaction
- The practitioner’s initials
Storage of controlled drugs: An authorised person must
- Always keep the receptacle or secure place locked
- Ensure the key or combination to, or other way used to personally access, the receptacle or secure place can not be used by a person who is not authorised to posses a controlled drug at the place
What is an S4 drug
Schedule 4. Prescription only medicine/prescription anima remedy
Substances, the use or supply of which should be by or on the order of persons permitted by State or Territory legislation to prescribe and should be available from a pharmacist on prescription
Who can possess or administer S4 drugs
- Vet nurses
- Students of vet science or nursing
How are S4 drugs stored
An authorised person in possession of a restricted drug at a place just keep the drug in a cupboard, dispensary, drawer, storeroom or other part of the place to which the public does not have access
What label must an S4 drug have on it
- Name of owner or custodian of the animals
- Name of species of the animals
- Name, address and telephone number of the veterinarian
- Name of the drug
- The words “KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN” in capital letters; and “FOR ANIMAL TREATMENT ONLY”
Can you advertise S4 (and S8) drugs
No unless, the ad is in a professional journal and price list type publication by wholesaler
What information must be given to the vet
Vets are obligated to provide full and appropriate written instructions about the treatment of an animal under their care to the person in charge of the animal at the time of treatment
When a vet provides medication to livestock the owner or representative must be provided with
- Name of the product used
- Date of treatment
- Identification or description of livestock treated; appropriate withholding periods and export slaughter intervals
- This also applies to livestock feed that contains medicine
- Often livestock medications fall under chemical or agriculture product as livestock
Can vets use off label
List the major trade species
Cattle, sheep, pigs, chicken, bees
List trade species
Goats, deer, emu, ostrich, aquatic species, turkeys, ducks, geese and includes the major trade species
What are the rules for off-label use
You must not treat an animal of a major trade-species with a vet chemical product unless:
a) the product is registered for that species
b) it is registered for another major food species
c) its use on that species is authorised by a valid permit
d) you only treat a single animal which is fully identified
What is a withholding period
Minimum period that must elapse between last use of the product said
What is the maximum residual level
For trade species, or products derived from trade species, the prescribed limits of chemical or antibiotics residue in the specific tissue or product
What is a compounded veterinary chemical product
These products are substances or mixtures of substances that are prepared by a veterinary surgeon or pharmacist in accordance with a veterinary surgeon’s instructions