Lecture 3 Flashcards
A graph refers to a set of vertices (nodes) and a set of edges (i.e. links) that connect pairs of vertices.
a tree is a graph in which any two vertices are connected by exactly one path. Alternatively, any connected graph with no cycles is a tree.
Graph density
Number of edges |E| relative to the maximum potential number of edges
How to reduce the size of a graph?
- Topological properties: Remove nodes with small number of connections (edges).
- Random removal
- Representative based: Geodesic clustering by finding a set of representative vertices such that the geodesic (shortest path) distance for all elements to such a representative is minimized. Poor representative is in outer boundary and far removed from the others.
- Based on connectedness: Remove edges such that any two connected vertices remain connected
Think about it.
Spanning trees
Given a connected, undirected graph, a spanning tree of that graph is a subgraph which is a tree connecting all vertices.
Pathfinder networks
In the final graph all paths between two nodes form shortest paths.
Graph aggregation (or hierarchical clustering methods)
In this approach, nodes and edges are merged to single nodes and edges, thereby reducing the size of the graph and revealing relationships between groups of nodes.
the ability to draw connected data nodes with no crossing edges
General extensions to graph drawing (aesthetic criteria)
- Reduce visual clutter
- Reduce spatial aliases
- Spatial matching of multiple representatives
- Maximize compactness
Dynamic extensions (3)
- Preserving the mental map
- Reducing the cognitive load
- Minimizing temporal aliases
Graphs: predictability property
Two different runs on same algorithm should yield identical results.
Potential problem is that some algorithms use random initialization.
Force based layouts
what is spring-mass based algorithm?
what does it try to optimize?
Graph uses attraction and repulsion forces. Nodes that are connected to each other by an edge have attractive forces and vice versa. The forces bring connected nodes closer.
Uniform edge length
Three algorithms for force based layouts?
EADES: Electric force for repulsion and spring force for attraction
KAMADA AND KAWAI: Desirable distance is proportional to the length of the shortest path between nodes
FRUCHTERMAN AND REINGOLD: Improves EADES distribution of nodes
Node-link vs adjacency matrix diagram
how do they perform in terms of the 4 characteristics?
Reduce visual clutter: Visual clutter that is caused in the node-link approach by lots of edge crossings is here reduced to a minimum in matrices.
Reduce spatial aliases: This problem can happen in both. It might be hard to differentiate two adjacent columns or rows. Or two edges might cross in very small angles.
Spatial matching of multiple representatives: With matrices it is tough. User has to toggle between row and columns to follow edges.
Maximize compactness: Matrix representation can be very compact at each cell can be reduced to a single pixel.