Lecture 3 Flashcards
Model of Consumer Decision Making
• Consumer Behaviour: the process and activities people engage in when making a choice about p/s so as to satisfy their needs and desires
Decision making process
- Problem Recognition
- Information Search
- Evaluation of Alternatives
- Purchase Decisions
- Post-purchase evaluation
DMP • Problem Recognition
o Occurs when a buyer becomes aware of a difference b/w a desired state and an actual condition
DMP • Information Search
o Internal (memories for information about products) vs external
DMP • Evaluation of Alternatives
o Evoked set: a group of brands that the buyer views as alternatives for possible purchase
o Evaluative criteria: objective an subjective traits important to the buyer
o Framing the alternatives:
DMP Purchase Decisions
o Choosing the product or brand to be bought, based on the outcome of the evaluation stage
o Choice of seller, terms of sale, price, delivery and warranties may effect final selection
DMP Post-purchase evaluation
o Cognitive dissonance: buyer’s doubts shortly after purchase about whether decision was correct
o Buyers are most likely to seek reassurance after the purchase of an expensive, high-involvement product
Psychological Process
Motivation Perception Attitude Formation Integration Learning
PP Motivation
o Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualisation
PP Perception
o The process through which we interpret the stimuli that we encounter in the world around us
PP Attitude Formation
o Attitudes: learned predispositions to respond in a consistently favourable or unfavourable manner with respect to an object (brand, company, person, ad, store ect)
o Summary construct that represents an individual’s enduring evaluation of an object or idea
PP Integration
o The way product knowledge, meanings and beliefs are combined to evaluate two or more alternatives
o Decision rules: the strategies used to decide among alternatives
Can be formal (deliberate evaluation of alternatives) or informal (heuristics)
PP Learning
o Process by which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge and experience they apply to future related behaviour
Behavioural learning theory (classical conditioning and operant conditioning)
• Operant: Behaviour pos/neg consequence influences repeat behaviour
Cognitive learning theory
External influences on consumer behaviour
- Culture, subculture, social class, reference group, situational determinants
- Target Marketing Process: identify markets with unfulfilled needs determine market segmentation select market to target position through marketing strategies