Lecture 3 Flashcards
What is systems thinking?
- a way of looking at the world (lens)
- holistic thinking (looking for connections)
- multiple perspectives (acknowledging diversity)
- complex dynamics acknowledging complexity and uncertainty
- must understand that there are always multiple perspectives on the same system
What are systems components?
objects which make up the system
What is system structure?
the way components are interconnected
What is system boundaries?
imaginary lines separating objects (useful tool but must remember they aren’t solidified)
What is the environment?
everything outside the boundaries that affects the system
What are system types?
the taxonomy of perspectives in which the system can be viewed
What are systems scales?
taxonomy of nested super-systems and sub-systems
What is bounded rationality?
In decision-making, rationality is limited by the info they have, cognitive limitations of the mind, and the finite amount of time they have to make a decision
Describe the Harper govt’s omnibus bills (especially CEAA 2012)
- very little debate occurred b/c it was a majority govt
- clear attacks on key enviro legislation (ex. CEAA and Water Protections Act)
- lack of fed protection over majority of Cdn waterways
- narrower scope
- importance of panels eliminated
What are Cdn Aboriginal issues?
- lower avg income
- higher unemployment
- on-reserve children receive less social assistance
- more likely to live in crowded and run-down buildings
- high poverty rate
How are we reinforcing feedback loops on Aboriginal communities?
Through historic and current marginalization/oppression causing the loss of connection with traditional practices, we keep these communities in vulnerable and precarious situations.
What is the Victor Diamond Mine (VDM) case study?
- very different perspectives that are not understanding of each other clashed
- consultants: worried about cost (EA taking too long and losing money) - they want a good return; sent masked threat to avoid being bumped to panel
- First Nations: worried about lack of meaningful consultation, requested fed regulators to join in on traditions to understand their way of life (denied invitation)
Describe the components of the VDM
- provincial crown land
- first nations communities
- reserves
- registered beaver trap lines
First Nations:
- families
- traditional territories
- reserve lands
Describe the structure of the VDM
- formal property rights/ownership
- formal resource management
First Nations:
- family use of land
- they are part of the land
Describe the boundaries of the VDM
- study area and life of the mine
- traditional lands, oppression and marginalization
Describe the environment of the VDM
- lots outside the boundary
- everything is interconnected
Describe the scales of the VDM
- mine site
- study area
- territory and treaty
- First Nations issues
Describe the type of the VDM
- resource extraction
- traditional knowledge
How does EA connect to planning/policy?
- Infrastructure master plan: gives community heads up on plans
- Official plan review
- Places to Grow: infill, open spaces not protected
- fed immigration policy: must bring in so many people
- global capitalist imperial growth imperative: economy and neoliberalism