Lecture #3 - Flashcards
Is Psychodynamic Therapy Effective?
- Empirical studies generally support the effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy.
Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)
- used to evaluate various therapeutic interventions, including psychodynamic therapy.
Therapeutic Relationship
Psychodynamic therapy emphasizes the interaction between the client and the therapist as co-participants in the therapeutic process. The relationship is central to understanding and resolving emotional difficulties.
- type of therapy developed by Sigmund Freud and focuses on exploring unconscious thoughts and past experiences to understand current behavior and emotional challenges.
Mahler’s Stages of Development - 1. Autistic Phase (First Month of Life)
The infant focuses primarily on gratifying physical needs.
Mother-infant interactions aim to meet the infant’s basic needs, including comfort, sleep, and feeding.
The infant’s behavior is driven by internal drives, and the mother is not yet perceived as a separate entity from the child.
Mahler’s Stages of Development - 2. Symbiotic Phase (Two to Six Months)
- The infant begins to engage in reciprocal interactions with the mother.
- The infant gains confidence in the predictability of the caregiver and experiences
mutual dependency. - The bond between mother and infant is characterized by satisfaction from these
reciprocal interactions.
Mahler’s Stages of Development - 3. Separation-Individuation Phase (From Four to Five Months Onward)
Differentiation (4-5 months): The infant begins to take interest in the world beyond their mother.
The child starts to explore other people and branch away from the mother.
Practicing (11 to 16 months): Infants learn to walk and demonstrate increased
enthusiasm for exploring independently, but also show aggressive behaviors towards
the mother. They may develop an exaggerated sense of their own ability.
Rapprochement (18 months to 3 years):
Toddlers assert their independence more, but also experience a growing
awareness of their vulnerability.
While trying to assert independence, toddlers also recognize their limited
abilities and may demonstrate aggressive behaviors.
Toward Object Constancy (24 months and beyond):
Children develop the ability to manage conflicting feelings (e.g., frustration,
anger, and affection) towards their mother, leading to a consistent
representation of self and other.