Lecture 3 Flashcards
what is the usefulness of crime data
- describes crime (necessary for development of prevention policies)
- assess current policies and strategies
- data also provides a picture of risk
______ is preferred to _____ but requires suitable ______
- prevention
- punishment
- prediction
true/false there is a relationship between higher police budgets and crime rates
what is the CallitFemicide report
- a woman/ girl is killed every 2.5 days in canada in 2018
- its an annual report by the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability
- shows the higher death rates happened in rural areas
- funding is per capita, so rural areas don’t get enough
what is one of the strongest predictors of criminal behaviour
- age
- age 15-24 commit the most crime
- 65+ less likely to be victimized
- children more likely to be sexually assault/ exploited/ incest
true/false female offenders outweigh male offenders in most measured crime categories
- false
- other way around
why are men over-represented as offenders
- woman are less likely to be reported upon
- outdated thoughts on masculinity
what is the main goal of the CallitFemicide report
to acknowledge the circumstances and motivations surrounding women’s violent deaths differ from those of men
how do female murders differ from men
- women killed by people they know
- men killed by acquaintances and strangers
- most of the time
true/false intimate partner demicides are domestic disputes or lovers quarrels
- false
- they are crimes of control
true/false Canadian crime stats routinely report on the ancestry/ethnicity of offenders
true/false First Nations individuals over-represented all levels of criminal justice system
Should criminal justice agencies in Canada collect data on ancestry/ethnicity of offenders?
- depends
- better info would be gained
- opens up to racial profiling
- also how would we get this info
What is a major hurdle in assessing the link between SES and crime
how do we even tell what “low” is it constantly changes and is such a grey area
what is the link between socio-economic status and crime
Members of low SES more prone to commit crime
what are the 5 main correlates of delinquency
- Negative school attachment
- Anti-social peers
- Victimization
- Aggression
- Negative parenting various diff parenting choices (that he won’t get into) but these lead to delinquency
what is this social acts of juveniles that are defined and evaluated as deviant or antisocial by legal or social norms and that are usually socially learned
juvenile delinquency
what are typologies of crime
Classifications of crime useful in identifying patterns of criminal activity and motivations for criminal behavior
what are the categories of crime
- Violent crime
- Property crime
- Crimes Against the Public Order
- Organized crime
what are some examples of violent crime
- homicide
- attempted murder
- hate crimes
- uttering threats
what is the problem of violence
- media focuses more attention on violence than any other category of crime
- but violent crimes make up little of crime
what is homicide
when a person, directly or indirectly, by any means causes the death of a human being
what are the types of culpable homicide
- murder
- manslaughter
- infanticide
what are the types of non-culpable homicide
- justifiable homicide
- excusable homicide
what is 1st degree murder
planned and deliberate
what is 2nd degree murder
- intentional
- involves malice
- occured without premeditation and deliberation
what is manslaughter
- non-intentional homicide
- usually an act in the heat of a moment, sudden provocation or impaired judgement
what is infanticide
death of a new born child by a mom, before age 1
the majority of murder is committed by who
men aged 25-44
true/false most victims know their killer
why are family-related killings declining in Canada and the US
- shift away from marriages
- marriages at more mature ages
- greater ease of leaving abusive marriages
Women _____ more likely to be victims of intimate partner homicide than men
who falls into the category of intimate aprtners
- married
- common law
- dating
how do homicides occur in canada
- Firearms and knives, each about 33%
- Beatings in about 22%
- Remaining by strangulation, suffocation, MV, fire, poisoning, etc.
how do homicides occur in the US
about 2/3 involve firearms
what are the diff categories of assault
- level 1/ common assault least serious, punching, slapping etc
- level 2 assault involving a weapon/ causing bodily harm
- level 3/ aggravated assault involves assaults that disable, disfigure or endanger life
what is assault
intentional or threatened application of force on another person without their consent
what is robbery
Theft of property from another person through the use/threat of force or through intimidation
why is robbery a violent crime
due to the element of intimidation or force
robbers make up how much of reported violent crimes
how many of robberies are armed
true/false Robberies usually do not result in injury
______ (more/less) lethal the arms carried by the perpetrators, the lower the likelihood that victims suffer injuries
true/false Robbers and their victims rarely know one another
what is stalking
- watch, follow, threaten, & harass others repeatedly
- Must be a pattern
true/false Stalkers usually know the victim
- True
- often a former partner
what is cyberstalking
repeated, unsolicited communication with a reasonable fear on part of the recipient for safety
what are hate crimes
designed to harm and intimidate an entire group through acts directed at individuals the offender believes is a member of that group
what makes hate crimes different than any other crime
the motive (not behaviour)
what are the main motivations behind hate crimes
- race/ ethnicity 60%
- religion 24%
- sexual orientation 10%
true/false hate crimes are often violent
true/false hate crimes are often committed by member of organized groups
true/false hate crimes are often focused on strangers
true/false the CC encourages stricter sentences for hate motivated crimes