Lecture 3 Flashcards
Global teams
A Multicultural global team can be defined as…
“…a heterogeneous group of employees from two or more countries, and sometimes from two or more companies, who work together to coordinate, develop, or manage some aspects of a firm’s global operations”.
“…consisting of sometimes highly diverse members
from different countries or cultures and working together either on site or virtually
What is an action team?
Team with a defined duration and clear goal where team members work together efficiently and fluently
Managing team
team with an indefinite duration and high-level goals the core usually represents different departments. Core task is to coordinate and organize
What is a production team
aka work team
team w/ indefinite duration, clear membership the team works together regularly to maintain quality outcomes.
What is a project team?
Typically w/ a defined duration and clear deliverables
What is a service team?
teams with an indefinite duration and clear membership; their function is providing regular and ongoing support to others and helping them achieve their deliverables (e.g., IT support team).
What is important in leadership when it comes to tasks vs. processes?
- Recognition of main challenges (in how to handle tasks vs. processess) in diverse teams
- Facilitating these tasks and proccesses to ensure the best outcome
What is most important in managing tasks in global leadership?
- Mission and goals
- Task structuring
- Roles and responsibilities
- Decision-making
- Accountability
What is most important in managing processes in global leadership?
- Team-building
- Communication
- Participation
- Innovation
- Boundary management
- Conflict
- Performance evaluation
- Inclusion
What is global team synergy
The notion that when teams perform well they deliver better than simply the sum of their parts
What are important elements for global team synergy when it comes to team structure and leadership?
Performance measures
What are important elements for global team synergy when it comes to team beliefs and attitudes?
Group cohesion, social safety, social identity, trust and inclusion
What does the input-output framework entail?
A framework which synthesizes what happens when a team is in collaboration
The framework states that:
* Input= conditions before team activities
* Processes= interactions between team members while working together
* Output= performance outcomes and other outcomes (such as cohesion)
What conditions are included in the input for the input-output framework
- Individual level factors: skills
- Group level factors: group size and composition
- Environment level factors: tasks, stress and reward
In the study on virtual teams during Covid by Garro-Abarca, Palos-Sanchez & Aguayo-Camacho (2021
A study was done within the global software development sector on 317 virtual teams, evaluating what factors had effect on virtual team performance they made a distinction between task processes: task –> communication and socio-emotional processes: cohesion, leadership and empowerment –> .
The following relationships were found:
* All socio-emotional processes: empowerment, cohesion and leadership had a significant effect on trust
* trust had a significant effect on virtual team performance
* Tasks had a significant effect on communication
* Communication did not have a significant effect on virtual team performance
What were the outcomes of the study on virtual teams by Garro-Abarca, Palos-Sanchez & Aguayo-Camacho (2021
The following relationships were found:
* All socio-emotional processes: empowerment, cohesion and leadership had a significant effect on trust
* trust had a significant effect on virtual team performance
* Tasks had a significant effect on communication
* Communication did not have a significant effect on virtual team performance
What is the business case approach in managing diverse teams?
An approach in managing diverse teams which focuses on team functioning and performance
What is the equality approach in managing diverse teams?
An approach in managing diverse teams which prioritizes inclusion of members within the team. Focuses on the role of management and inclusive leadership.
What did the study on the role of culture on team performance by Boucken et al. aim to do?
The research focused on understanding how diversity in cultural values and team composition affects team dynamics, creativity, and innovation over time. The study utilized a qualitative research design to explore these relationships and generate hypotheses due to the lack of integrative frameworks focused on the impact of cultural diversity on creativity and innovation
How was the study by Bouncken et al. conducted?
A qualitative exploratory research approach, involving semi-structured interviews with members of five global innovation teams in the food and cosmetics industry over a two-year period, long-itudinal.
A total of 70 interviews were conducted with team members, project leaders, supervisors, and executives to gather insights on the effects of cultural diversity on team processes, creativity, and innovation.
What were the findings within the study by Bouncken et al. regarding influence of national diversity on innovation and creativity?
National diversity within teams can serve as a source of creativity and innovation.
1. Diversity in national backgrounds was found to diversify knowledge and cognitive styles among team members –> improve creativity and innovation
2. National diversity was seen as a motivational factor contributing to group cohesion
3. Challenges such as conflicts arising from power distance differences were noted to deeply impact the innovation process within multi-cultural teams
4. Over time; surface-level cultural differences, such as work and communication styles, could be managed relatively quickly and even lead to the development of intercultural competencies that facilitate future innovation projects.
5. Deep-level cultural differences, particularly related to power distance, were identified as a significant threat to team cohesion, quality of work, and creativity.
–> could be harmful in the future if persisted
6. Team member characteristics and team composition enhance the relationship between motivational factors and innovation
7. Time spent within the team affected coordination and effort within the team
What is diversity
Diversity is a characteristic of groups of two or more people and typically refers to demographic differences of one sort or another among group
members (McGrath, Berdahl, and Arrow, 1995).
What are the six dimensions of diversity?
Shore et al.
- Race
- Gender
- Age
- Disability
- Sexual orientation
- National origin/ ethnicity
These are inborn/ inherent
What are the 8 additional dimensions of diversity?
- Educational background
- Income
- Marital status
- Military experience
- Parental status
- Geographical location
- Religious beliefs
- Work experience
Less permanent/ adaptable
What diversity/ differences are important in the workspace?
The ones that have **systematically faced discrimination and oppression at work ** (typically non-whites, women, religious and ethnic minorities, individuals with physical disabilities, older employees, and people with various sexual orientation)
What is identity?
‘the internalized and evolving story that results from a person’s selective appropriation of past, present and future’’
Identity is constructed and therefore fluid it can be influenced by socialization.
What is the model of identity formation?
A model that relates the
1. individual level of identity; how we view ourselves
2. interaction level; social interactions with others
3. societal level; social and societal structures with each other.
And credits these relations for the formation of identity.
Between the individual and interaction level self-perceptions are shared and perceptions and self-understanding are affected.
Between the interaction and societal level interaction creates social construction of identities which are movd up to society level
What is ethnic identity?
“the outcome of an interaction that spans the boundary between majority and minority, thus involving actors from both sides and creating both ethnic minorities and majorities in the process” Wimmer , 2009
–> created by a process
Ethnic boundaries
Are created due to behavioral processes and categorical tendencies, as a result:
* One gains a salient ethnic identity, classification and identification as part of an ethnic group
* there is a perceived distinction between oneself and the other from ethnic groups
What are the possible psychological consequences of ethnic boundaries?
- Lack of motivation and esteem
- Lack of recognition
- Anxiety
- Fear of being silenced
- Uncertainty
What is a microagression?
a term used for everyday, subtle interactions or behaviours (both intentional and unintentional) that communicate hostile or negative attitudes toward stigmatized or culturally marginalized groups.
What are the three types of microagressions?
- **Microassaults **
- Microinsults
- Microinvalidations
What is a microassault?
comments and statements to intentionally degrade someone based on their (ethnic, racial, sexual, …) identity.
What is a microinsult?
Insensitive actions against someone’s identity. (un-)inentional and non-verbal.
What is a microinvalidation?
subtle, casual comments (such as a “joke”) that exclude and invalidate a person based on their (ethnic, racial, sexual, …) identity, intentional or unintentional.
Tips in managing in cross cultural teams
1. Understand your privilege.
2. Listen and educate yourself.
3. Speak up, but not over.
4. Accept that you’ll make mistakes and apologize!
5. 5. Act!