Lecture 3 Flashcards
What is the defining characteristic of a social enterprise?
It is focused on creating social value over economic value
What is the main objective of SE?
To bring desired social change or social impact, usually basic needs of individuals
What are the micro and macro ways to realize social value?
Macro - SE’s as a change agent and/or providing social innovation
Micro - Integrating social value in BM’s and operating strategies
What questions should the value proposition of SE answer?
Who is being server and how are they being served?
What is social value creation?
It generates improvements through a resolution of social problems
Some paths to create and deliver social values?
Indirect Model: Funding –> Enterprise –> Value –> Intermediaries —> Beneficiaries
For example, Education
Direct Model: Funding –> Enterprise –> Value –> Beneficiaries
For example, food for poor
3 Key aspects of social value creation?
Total Wealth - Social value + Economic Value. Benefits to society
Efficiency - Market failure, government failure, institutional voids
Logic - Equity, capacity, empowerment, sustainable solutions
Causes of poverty and what are their solutions?:
Resource Scarcity
Social Exclusion
Broken System
What is remediation?
And what is the case about?
Scarce resources as the main cause of poverty
• Providing resources will allow entrepreneurship to flourish and alleviate poverty
Mitticool refrigerator - Created by a man from a small village, local potter. USed easily available resources - bricolage
Experience and knowledge “In old times in India, terracotta pots were used to keep water cool”
Took him many years to find the right mix of materials
What is the reform perspective?
Social exclusion as the main cause of poverty
• Social and institutional change to alleviate poverty
• Highlights the role of institutions in entrepreneurial
process (institutional entrepreneurship)
Kiva - Mission to expand financial access to help
underserved communities thrive. Provides crowdfunding loans
What is the revolution perspective?
The most radical view
Critique of capitalism, offering alternative models of
economic organization
• (Potential) alternatives to individualistic, self-interested
approaches to entrepreneurship
Grameen Bank
evolutionary/radical/resistant “Grameen Bank is turning
upside down the prevailing lending principle…”
new social systems Gender inequality,
cognitive/normative institutional change (on women’s
position, trust, legal system, self-support…) Distributive
Key resources - Remediation
• Local, easily available resources • Knowledge on local issues • Partnership as a key source of resources • Local social network, relationship among the poor
Key resources - Reform
• Leverage social and
institutional context to
acquire resources
Key resources - Revolution
• Motivation, compassion, ideas • Need for sufficient political capital • Legitimacy
Beneficiaries and stakeholders - Remediaton
• Local communities and the poor as potential entrepreneurs • Direct, immediate beneficiaries