Lecture 3 Flashcards
What are the key aspects of construct validity of PD?
Should a 1. Medical/categorical approach or 2. Dimensional approach be used? Also: what is an ab/normal personality? What instruments should be used to assess these constructs?
What are the two alternative models of PD?
the Five-Factor Model (FFM) & the Alternative Model of Personality Disorder (AMPD)
What are the five factors of the FFM?
- Openness to Experience
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
What are the 5 domains of the AMPD?
Dimensional model, where 25 traits are based on 5 domains: 1. Negative affectivity 2. Detachment 3. Antagonism 4. Disinhibition 5. Psychoticism ICD-11 uses this approach.
What does personality assessment for PD entail and what does it include?
Written, oral and projective instruments
Includes: personal history, weaknesses and strengths, intelligence, defense mechanisms, attachment style, coping styles, social abilities, childhood, traumatic experiences, cognitions, affects, emotion regulation styles, personality traits, environment, support system
Why are we checking for the information we are checking for during the personality assessment?
To obtain objective data on a patient’s psychological functioning.
How is personality assessed?
with evidence-based practices. The "unstructured clinician" is biased by: 1. Personal interest/bias 2. Gender stereotypes 3. Overdiagnosis or underdiagnosis
What are recent developments in assessment of PDs?
The clinical value of DSM-V classification:
- underlying personality dynamics
- descriptive/categorical vs structural dynamic assessment
- context
Need for “performance based” measures
What are the six domains of psychodiagnostics?
Domain 1: Manifest Pathology/Symptomatology D 2: Relationships/Support System D 3: Cognition and Schemas D 4: Personality Structure/Dynamics D 5: Attachment / Early Trauma D 6: Temperament / Biological Make-Up
What is the aim of the “Manifest Pathology/Symptomatology” Domain?
The use of objective and subjective symptoms
What is the aim of the “Relationships/Support System” Domain?
Gaining knowledge about the clients support system
What is the aim of the “Cognition and Schemas” Domain?
Gaining knowledge about implicit and explicit schemas.
-> they are dominant themes regarding oneself, others and the world. They are conscious and familiar
What is the aim of the “Personality Structure/Dynamics” Domain?
The aim is not to diagnose, but to generate hypotheses about the structural and underlying vulnerability of the patient.
What is the aim of the “Attachment / Early Trauma “ Domain?
To get an idea of someone’s attachment style, their interpersonal dynamics in short-term and long-term interpersonal relationship.
-> Type of attachment (avoidance and anxiety) can be mapped on two-dimensional scale
What is the aim of the “Temperament / Biological Make-Up” Domain?
Knowledge of stable personality characteristics/biology
-> trait-oriented
What instruments are used to measure the “Cognition and Schemas” Domain?
- Young schema questionnaire (YSQ)
2. Nederlandse Persoonlijkheids Vragenlijst -2
What instruments are used to measure the “Relationships/Support System” Domain?
Clinical interviews/hetero-anamnesis
What instruments are used to measure the “Personality Structure/Dynamics” Domain?
- MMPI-2-RF/MMPI-3 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
- Dutch Short Form of the MMPI
- Projective Tests
What instruments are used to measure the “Attachment / Early Trauma” Domain?
- Adult Attachment Interview
- Trauma-related questionnaires
- Video Early development
What instruments are used to measure the “Temperament / Biological Make-Up” Domain?
- Temperament and Character Questionnaire
2. Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-3)
What instruments are used to measure the “Manifest Pathology/Symptomatology” Domain (4)?
- File research, clinical judgement
- WAIS-V (intelligence)
- SCID-5 (asking for presence of each criterion from DSM-5) or PID-5
- UCL (coping), SCL-90 (psychological and physiological symptoms)
What are three approaches to PDs different to the DSM?
- Taxometrics
- > evidence for dimensional structure: Cluster C, Paranoid PD & Borderline PD
- > evidence for categorical structure: schizotypal PD - Three-step criterion (Millon, 1986) of functional inflexibility, self-defeating circles and tenuous stability under stress
- Tripartite criterion by Liveseley (2003)
a) failure of the self-system to establish stable and integrated representation of self and others
b) Maladaptive functioning in interpersonal relationships
c) Failure to develop and maintain prosocial and cooperative relationships
What are pro’s of the DSM-5’s all-or-none representation of PDs?
- Practical appeal (easier to define)
- can be clearly described
- guide clinical decision making
- can serve as convenient and efficient shorthand communication
How does diagnosing of PDs look like in the DSM 5?
Two-step procedure:
- Establishing whether patient meets the general criteria (manifestation of pattern in two or more: cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning or impulse control)
- Establishing whether pattern has been inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations and has led to clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other areas of functioning.
What pros and cons of the polythetic criteria used to define PDs in the DSM-5?
- possibility to capture a wide range of psychopathology;
- gives a possibility for a variety of different people to share the same diagnostic criteria
- some criteria are more essential than others
DMS-5 PDs are a mixture of symptoms, behavioral expressions of traits, and traits themselves. What are major advantages and disadvantages of this view?
Major advantage: minimal inference is needed on part of the diagnostician, promoting interrater reliability
Major disadvantage: operationalized criteria tend to favor behavioral expressions at the expense of characteristic patterns of inner experience (e.g. motivation of behavior, affective experience)
What are the links between the FFM and the DSM-5 AMPD?
- Negative affectivity - Neuroticism
- Detachment - Extraversion (low)
- Antagonism - Agreeableness
- Disinhibited - Conscientiousness
- Psychoticism - Openness