Lecture 2b - Numerical Chromsome Aberrations Flashcards
-normal number of structurally normal chrs
euploid females have 46 chrs - 44 autosomes, 2 X
- less or more than normal diploid number
- recognized as small deviation -> major deviations are not compatible with lfie
Most common Aneuploidies
1) Monosomy:
- lack of one pair of chromosomes
- usually lethal (X monosomy quite common)
2) Trisomy:
- eg/ Downsyndrome (Trisomy 21)
- additional copy of a chromosome
- incidence of trisomy incr withmaternal age
Pathways which generate Aneuploidy
1) Mitotic Checkpoint defect
2) Cohesion defect
3) Merotelic attachment
4) Multipolar mitotic division
Common cause of Trisomy
Meiotic Non-Disjunction
1 = All zygotes are abnormal (2x monosomic, 2x trisomic)
2= 50% Euploid, 25% Monosomic, 25% trisomic
Down syndrome
- 95% of cases = Trisomy 21 (47 XY + 21)-> cause meiotic non-disjnxn
- Parents have normal Karyotype
- Maternal age -> indic meiotic non dij in Ovum (95% of cases extra Chrs from mother)
- Paternal Age - no corell (but can in rar cases come from)
Other causes of Downsyndrome
-4% - T(14,12) Robertsonian Trnaslocation -> long arm of Chrs not whole chrs
> hve 46 and 47 in cells -> MITOTIC NON-Disjunction in early embryogenesis
Other Trisomy
1) PATAU Syndrome: 13
- three of every chromosomes
- 69 chrs (3 haploid sets of 23)
- rare and such individuals very abnormal –> survivors are mosaic (some cells 46 some 69)
Cause of Triploidy
- Fertilization by 2 sperms
- Fertilization by Diploid Sperm/Ovum
Sex Chromosome Abnormalities
- Xo = TUrners (45, X0)
- XXY: Klienfelter
- XXX: Super WOman
- XYY Jacobs (low inteligence - tall - criminals)
Uni-parental Disomy (UPD)
-both chrs in a zygote come from a single parent
Trisomic Rescue (Uniparental rescue)
- Fertilized egg = trisomy due non-disjunction
- a copy is lost from trisomy to form normal number –> if remaining copies from same parent = UPD
Somatic Duplication (Monosomic Rescue)
- fertilized ovum has 1 chrs from normal parent + no chrom from other (NULLISOMY)
- monosomy overcome by -> somatic Duplication –> UPD
UPD clinically
- Prader-willi + Angelmann
- involve 15q
other defects:
> Imprinting defects
> Microdeletion (15q)