Lecture 27- The CIE system: XYZ chromaticity charts Flashcards
What are the 2 classes optotypes fall into ?
- Spectrally neutral - defined by luminance contrast
2. Coloured- defined by both luminance contrast and colour contrast
What happens if you have a letter with low luminance ?
so will have a negative luminance contrast
-also a colour contrast
Explain the variation in the spectral luminance efficiency function of the eye you can expect ?
- the average retina has 2x L cones compared to M cones
- Spectral luminous efficiency function of the luminance contrast channel - which is responsible for our spatial vision- relies on only L and M cone signals
What is the most common spectral luminous effieciency function that corresponds to (2L + M ) (PHOTOPIC) ?
(graph in first slide)
- IS indicated by the continuous black line on the graph
- but due to variation of L:M ratio and also due to the absence of one class of cone photoreceptor either L or M in some subjects - which results in loss of red-green chromatic sensitvity - you can end up with 2 extremes
What are the 2 extremes (graph in 1st slide) ?
- the spectral luminous efficiency function shown dotted in red- representing the V lamda response for a deuteranope - subject which lacks M cone pigment
- Other extreme - dotted line shown in green- representing the spectral luminous efficiency function for a protanope- subject who lacks L cone pigment
What happens to the subject who don’t have the standard CIE lamda response ?
will see a different luminance contrast when presented with colour stimuli
What can the contrast be of subjects with no standard CIE lamda response ?
- either be larger than observed in a normal trichromat
- or smaller than the corresposning perceived contrast in a normal trichromat
What is the stimuli defined by ?
- Either luminance contrast alone
- or both luminance contrast and colour contrast
What are the luminance contrast of objects which are defined by light of same relative spectral composition as surrounding background ?
(grey objects shown in the diagram)
remains unchanged- with changes in spectral responsivity in the eye
therefore the use of ND( neutral density) test charts- perceived contrast is independent of both the spectral repsonsitivity of the patients eye and spectral composition of the illumiannt
What happens when coloured stimuli is involved ?
- the effective luminance contrast ( combination of luminance as well as colour contrast) depends strongly on the precise V (lamda) function response of the eye
What is the lamda response of the eye is affected by ?
both the L/M ratio and with the class of CVD
How do we quantify hue sensation
and the strength of colour signals?
We use colour charts (i.e., The Munsell colour atlas)- consist of many patches of different reflectances which vary in both brightness as well as in hue and saturation
-or we measure tristimulus values and chromaticity coordinates
How is the mussel done?
test patch is judged against the nearest patch in the mussel system that matches both brightness as wells the colour of the test patch
-not a satisfactory system - hence invention of CIE
What does the CIE developed the X, Y Z system involve measurements of?
which involves the measurement of 3 signals -which required knowledge of spectral radiance distribution of. a patch
e.g green patch - measure the wavelength radiance distribution of this patch- as it contains more middle wavelength light - the largest signal produced by this light will be by M cones- with much reduced signals in L and S cones
-Same with Red - largest signal produced by the light will be L Cones
and less M and S cones
What do we do with the triplet of signals ?
- plot in 3D space
- each point in this space will define the luminance and chromaticity of the test stimulus
- these signals relate to the signals generated in single cone photoreceptors- but not the single cone photoreceptors
- good to combine these signals linearly to produce X Y Z value for instance Y value represents the sum of 2L +M cone signals- which means Y value will always be directly proportional to the luminance of the test patch
-3D space that plots three quantities derived from linear combination of cone signals. and is 350 450 550 650 750 Wavelength (nm) therefore also proportional to luminance
How can we normalise any singles generated by any test patch of the CIE?
by dividing each of the tri stimulus values x,y,z by the sum of the 3
e.g x = X/ X+Y+Z
y = Y / X+ Y+Z
z= Z/ X+Y+Z
What is the advantage of this ?
the sum of little x , y, z is = 1
- means that we don’t need 3 variables - because one of them is known as 1- (sum of the other 2)
- e.g. z=1-(x+y)
- we always lose some information when the we reduce the number of dimensions- we lose the absolute luminance
- But we can now plot little y against the corresponding value of x - and end up with a chromaticity chart
What can we do with the chromaticity chart ?
- can plot the colour and the saturation fo any patch with any wavelength spectra ldistubutin however we dont know the lumianance of the colour are as we lost raw 3 dimension through the normalisation
What are the useful properties of the CIE CHART ?
-Relates directly to the tri stimulus values ( X,Y,Z values)
How do you end up with an elipse ?
- if you start with the grey background in the middle and move away until you see coloured sitmulis- you end up with a elipse - this is the chromatic threshold contour for a normal trichromat
What can we tell by the size of the ellipse ?
how sensitive the subject is to colour differences
-eye is very sensivite to colour differences
What is the definition of Y if its value is to also represent luminance in cd/m2?
- luminance- relies on spectral responsitvity functions of L and M cones- so Y has to be the sum of 2L +M
What is the spectrum locus?
- all the monochromatic spectral colours plot along the spectrum locus
What is the line of non-spectral colours
line of purple/ magenta colours produced by combining pure red and blue lights
What are the BB and daylight loci?
both BB which can vary in temp can have a number of different spectral power distribution and so does day light depending on the phase of daylight
- represented by red curves for BB
- blue dotted line for daylight locus
- any source if light with a particular temp 0 would plot on this red light
- this spectra loci is useful in determining the extent to which a particular illuminant approximates either BB light or a daylight at a particular temperature
What was the justification for the introduction of the CIE (u’,v’) chart?
transformation of the =e XY chart
- if we could transform little x and y - by distorting the chart - to ensure the chromatic threshold ellipse measured in the XY diagram is elongated in one direction so equal distances in different directions do not respond to the same colour signal strength
- if we could alter distort the little x and y mathematically so to transform this ellipse into a circle- would be an advantage- this is why the CIE ( u’, v’ ) was introduced in 1976
what are the mathematical transformation? Want to go from x and y and z to u’ v’ ?
non linear
u’=4x/(x+15y+3z) v’=9y/(x+15y+3z)
What equation do use to get to x ,y ?
x= 9u’/(6u’-16v’+12) y= 4v’/(6u’-16v’+12)
What is the ‘Colour Temperature’ of an illuminant? CT (measured in K)
colour temp will be the temp of the BB which has the same chromaticity as the Real source of light
- for the majority of tungsten sources - this is very appropriate because tungsten sources have chromaticity which are very close to the BB locus
- so this would be the colour temp of the source
What is the ‘Correlated Colour Temperature’ of an illuminant? CCT (measured in K)
BB temp which matches nearest in colour that of given source of light
What is the Colour Rendering Index (CRI)?
the chromaticities that different patches and surfaces are going to have depend on both the reflectance of the patch and the spectral power distribution of the illuminant
for e.g- if you have light which approximates day light- want to know how good the reproduction of colours is for different spectral reflectances different colours when using a particular light source - that is done in comparison with a standard day light source
How do we go about calculating the colour rendering index ?
- CIE selected a number of representative patches
- each of these patches has a certain spectral reflectance
- chromaticity of each patch will depend on the spectral reflectance of the patch and also the illuminant
- can use a day light illuminant or any other illuminant derived from a different lamp
- so when we plot the chromaticity of a particular path in the standard illuminance
- now when we change to the real illuminant we will get a shift in the chromaticity of the test patch
- can do this with each of the 14 patches
How to compute the CRI ?
- the smaller the shift the better the colour rendering of this patch with a new illuminant
- this means the shorter the separation between them
- then work out the magnitude for the separation for each of the 14 pathces
- so is difference in chromaticity between that measured with a standard illuminant and that measured with a test illuminant
- Then need a scale - so when the difference add up to 0 due to the spectral power distribution off the test illuminant is the same as the standard illuminant then we would like the colour rendering to be 100% because the chromaticities will remain unchanged
What do you get with the worst illumiancne ?
you would get large differences
How do you calculate CRI ?
sum/mean of all difference can be weighted and scaled and then subtracted from 100 (would be the worst)
-End up with a scale which ranges from 100 to 0 or even negative - which is intended to characterise the colour rendering index of that source
What can colour rendering indices range for various sources can range from ?
close to 100% down to 10% or even become negative as is the case for sodium lights
What is the colour gamut of a visual display employing three primaries of known chromaticity?
What are typical SPDs for the three primary colours employed in visual displays?
- if we dont know the chromaticity of the colours we can always measure what the chromaticity is.
- once we know the chromatcitiy- we can plot these in the xY chromaticity chart and we end up with a triangle as shown in the diagram
- for this particular display one can reproduce any of the colours shown in the triangle- this is the gamut of this visual display
- the spectral power distribution of the primaries can be quite spiky for R,G,B due to the phosphorus and the LED lights involved
- doesn’t make any difference to the eye - due to metamerism- the L,M ,S cones have broad spectral repsonsivitites and appropriate amounts of these 3 primaries can reproduce the same cone signals in the eye as we would expect to get at daylight at a particular temperature - 6500K- illustrated by grey dot - when this happens the eye cannot tell the difference between the white on the display and daylight at 6500K in terms of natural daylight -the signals are the same and that is because of metamarism.
What are typical luminances for each primary colour?
- WE CAN measure them - shown in the diagram in the slide -the blue primary colour increases as you increase the appleid voltage until you end up with a maximum luminance 10cd/m2 - for blue
- maximum for red - 30-40cd/m2
- maximum for green 80-90cd/m2
- these are typical values for the average display
How does this gamut change with luminance?
gamut- the triangle
- anything below the luminance of the maximum luminance of the blue can reproduced anywhere in this triangle
- but if we want the blue light of this chromaticity and we wish to reproduce this on this display
- that blue light cannot have a larger luminance than the luminance of the blue primary
- if you still want blue light but of large luminance we have to saturate that blue by adding some red and green to it
- we then get reduced gamut
- the same happens if you want to represent red light of a chromaticity close to the red primary colour- we can have this chromaticity up to the luminance of the primary colour but any higher luminance we have to reduce the gamut
- This happens same for green when you want to represent a higher luminance you need to reduce the gamut
How much ‘red’, green’ and ‘blue’ light does one need to mix together to produce an ‘equivalent’ daylight?
- we end up with the point in the centre which is the brightest white
- we can’t have any higher luminance than this as this is the highest
- but will only be one colour
- if you want another colour - you have to drop the maximum luminancce level that you wish to represent on that display
What is the relationship between chromatic saturation and cone contrast signals?
- cone contrast generated by many colours in the chromaticity diagram relate to the situation of colour which is the distance away from background chromaticity
- for every position along these directions we can plot the corresponding cone contrast signals generated by the colour
- for a particular
What happens as we move further away from background chromaticity?
the more saturated the colour becomes
What happens as we get to the yellow colour in the CIE?
In yellow colour - there is no L and M cone signals generated by the yellow - it is undetected as we move along towards the yellow region of the spectrum locus by L and M cones
-but strongly detected by S cones- this is what corresponds to perceived yellow , constant L and M and a changing S signal
What happens when we get to the blue colour ?
- not producing any change in the steady state L and M cone signals which are generated as you move towards the short wavelength region of the spectrum locus
What happens when we move to green ?
- strong positive green contrast
- negetaive red cone contrast
- and absolutely 0 for the S cone contrast so the S cones are not involved in mediating colour vision along the red-green colour axis
What happens when we move to red?
- have a positive red cone contrast
- negative green cone contrast in the same direction
- virtually no S cone signal
What are cone contrasts ?
Cone contrasts are directly proportional to chromatic displacement (CD) (i.e., chromatic saturation
- this chromaticity chart shows how far you need to move away from the chromaticity of the background to see any of these colours
- sos if you have to move further than the average normal trichromat which is what the chromaticity illustrate - then you have reduced chromatic sensitivity - because you need a larger colour signal strength to perceive a threshold colour difference
- these thresholds which can be measured directly - are a good measure of chromatic saturation therefore they are directly proportional to the subject severity of colour vision loss
- everything shown so far in display is additive colour
- add red and blue to produce different purple / magnet colours
- add red to green to produce a range of yellows
- can add blue to green to produce cyan colours
- is employed in virtually every display
What is the advantage of the additive colour system ?
is that you can represent virtually any colour within this triangle
What is the Maximum luminance for full gamut reproduction is limited by?
the smallest luminance (usually the blue).
What does the the maximum luminance of the 3 primaries added together corresponds to?
the highest luminance of white
What is subtractive colour reproduction ?
subtract from white certain colours
- reduce the amount of light in certain regions of the spectrum so that white light becomes coloured light
- this involves a subtractive process
- so e.g a
cyan pigment would absorb all red light
magenta pigment- would absorb green light
yellow pigment- would absorb blue light
this is the CMYK system
-K stands for key - and is intended to denote the black pigment which is also added- need to reproduce blacks of low luminance using the additive colour system
What produces black via the additive colour system ?
adding the cyan magenta and yellow pigments together
- but because of the spectral absorption functions of most available pigments are not as sharp and complete there is always some light reflected that should be black
- in order to produce good black with very low reflectance - needs to add in addition to these 3 pigments is black
What does the subtractive colour system employ ?
-a cyan colour which is the mixture green and blue with complete absence of red
-magenta colour and yellow colour to then reproduce the colours of interest through a subtractive process by removing colours from white light
Compare RGB and CMYK
- red plus green plus blue = WHITE
- green and blue = cyan
- blue and red= magneta
- red and green= yellow
- can reproduce primary colours using the subtractive colour system
- adding all the colours result in black as no light is reflected