lecture 25: stem cells in the lung Flashcards
From what are the tissues of the lung descendent?
- all three primary germ layers
- intrapulmonary nerves:
- innervation of the developing lung is derived from neural crest progenitor cells of the ectoderm
- lung epithelium:
- epithelial cells lining the lung are derived from progenitor cells of the foregut endoderm
- lung mesenchyme:
- mesenchymal cells (smooth muscle, fibroblasts, pericytes, cartilage, etc) are derived from progenitor cells of the splanchnic mesoderm
- lung endothelium:
- mesodermal mesenchymal progenitor cells responsible for vascularisation of the lung
What is patterning of the foregut endoderm?
- the lung epithelium is formed by proliferation of an endodermal progenitor cell in the foregut endoderm
- the structure of the lung is then formed by formation of an epithelial lung bud surrounded by loosely packed mesenchymal cells
- branching morphogenesis results in the generation of the conducting and respiratory airways
- aveologenesis results in the formation of mature pulmonary gas-exchange units (alveoli)
- the lung epithelium arises through branching morphogenesis, which involves the proliferation and differentiation of lung epithelial stem cells located at the distal tip of the growing lung bud
What has been shown with genetic tagging?
- by genetically tagging cells int eh foetal lung it has been show that Id2+ cells are the distal tip are able to give rise to all lung epithelial cells because the genetic marker (stained in blue) is passed on during cell division)
What are lung embryonic stem cells?
- derived from the foregut endoderm
- multipotent epithelial stem cells capable of giving rise to all epithelial cell types in the lung
From where is the lung mesenchyme derived?
- from the splanchnic mesoderm and gives rise to fibroblasts and smooth muscle in the developing lung
What does FGF-10 mark?
- mesenchymal progenitor cells at the distal tip
What regulates the proliferation and differentiation of lung epithelial stem cells?
- regulated by signals emanating from the mesenchymal progenitors
- progenitor cells at the distal tip → sit alongside and grow into the FGF-10 positive mesenchymal cells which then differentiate into the smooth muscle cells which then wrap around the airways and provide structure for the lung
How complex is the adult lung?
- the adult lung is a complex organ comprised of at least 50 different cell types
Is the composition of the lung uniform?
- the composition of the lung epithelium differs along the proximal-distal axis of the respiratory tree
What happens following specific ablation of mouse airway epithelium?
- focal points of regeneration representing potential stem cell niches
What does growth of lung epithelial stem/progenitor cells require?
- co-culture with lung mesenchymal stromal cells
- lung epithelial stem/progenitor cell = CD45negCD31negEpCAMposCD24low
What stem cells are contained in the distal lung?
- the distal lung contains stem cells with multi-lineage (i.e. can differentiate into airway and alveoli epithelial lineages) and progenitor cells that are lineage restricted (i.e. generate only alveoli or airway cells)
What is the hierarchical organisation of stem and progenitor cells in the adult lung?
- the hierarchical organisation of stem and progenitor cells in the adult lung differs along the proximal-distal axis of the respiratory with regional stem or progenitor cells being responsble for maintenance of different regions
- Multipotent stem cell
- alveolar progenitor
- AT2 cell
- AT1 cell
- AT2 cell
- airway progenitor
- club cell
- basal cell
- SMG basal cell
- mucous, ciliated, serous and duct cells
- club cell
- goblet cell
- ciliated cell
- SMG basal cell
- alveolar progenitor
What are adult lung stem cells?
- in vitro clonogenic assay provides a powerful tool for the analysis of lung stem/progenitor cell organisation and regulation
- in vivo lineage-tracing techniques enable the identification of lineage hierarchies
- multipotent epithelial stem cells give rise to all epithelial lineages
- basal cells are airway progenitor cells which give rise to club cells, goblet cells and ciliated cells
- alveolar progenitors give rise to Alveolar type I and II cells
- submucosal gland basal cells submucosal gland cells and club cells, goblet cells and ciliated cells
What will influence choice of a stem cell-based therapy for lung diseases and its likely therapeutic potential?
- vary across different disease
- acute
- extent of injury
- enough functional lung tissue remaining to participate in repair
- endogenous or exogenous cellular therapy
- not enough functional lung tissue to participate in repair
- exogenous cell therapy
- whole lung engineering
- enough functional lung tissue remaining to participate in repair
- extent of injury
- chronic
- timing of diagnosis
- enough functiona…
- type of disease/injury
- genetic
- exogenous cellular therapy
- exposure
- endogenous cell therapy
- progressive
- endogenous or exogenous cell therapy
- viral/bacterial
- endogenous or exogenous cell therapy
- genetic
- type of disease/injury
- not enough …
- whole lung engineering
- exogenous cell therapy
- enough functiona…
- timing of diagnosis