Lecture 22 - Speciation Flashcards
Modes of Speciation
- ) Allopatric Speciation
- ) Peripatric Speciation
- ) Parapatric Speciation
- ) Sympatric Speciation
Allopatric Speciation
reproductive isolation occurs in complete geographic isolation (NO GENE FLOW)
- outcome of isolation and divergence
Peripatric Spectiation
population that’s at the edge of main rainge of species
-will eventually diverge to different species
Parapatric Speciation
reproductive isolation occurs without complete geographic isolation (some gene flow)
Sympatric Speciation
reproductive isolation evolves with complete geographic overlap
Requirements for Sympatric Speciation
- ) sympatric distribution
- ) history of Allopatry is unlikely!
- ) monophyletic sister taxa
- ) Reproductive System
- ) Pre-Zygotic isolation
What evolutionary processes are involved in speciation?
- ) Natural Selection
- ) Sexual Selection
- ) Random Genetic Drift
Natural Selection
driven by different abiotic conditions (temp/alt) and biotic conditions (parasites/competitors)
Sexual Selection
both female choice and male-male competition can promote rapid divergence
Random Genetic Drift
may involve founders effect and genetic bottle neck;alleles that are neutral in one environment may not be neutral in another
Haldane’s Rule
In early stages of speciation, hybrid sterility or inviability is almost always seen in heterogametic sex
Magnitude of Prezygotic and Postzygotic Isolation both ______ with the time
Among recent separted groups, prezygotic isolation is generally _________ than postzygotic isolation
Major mode of speciation in PLANTS
Retention of extra sets of chromosomes. Two types: autoploids and allopolyploids
add chromosomal sets from same species
add chromosomal sets from different species
3 Possible Outcomes of Secondary Contact
- ) No interbreeding occurs
- ) Introgression - populations merge completely
- ) Partial Interbreeding - less fit hybrids forms
The geographic distribution of salamander species belonging to the genus Ensatina throughout California is thought to have been generated by: ____speciation
Parapatric Speciation
Ring species are believed to be formed by the process of: ____speciation
Parapatric Speciation
Isolation in allopatric speciation is created by:
reductions in gene flow
What is created when mutation, genetic drift, and selection act on populations separately?
A series of geographically neighboring populations that are closely related:
Ring species
Evidence for secondary invasion hypothesis for sticklebacks
- ) only low elevation lake possess limnetic and benthic species pairs
- ) cores from lakes with limnetic and benthic species pairs show evidence of salt water influx
- ) higher elevation lakes have neither limnetic and benthic species pairs nor evidence of salt water influx
Secondary Contact
occurs when two formerly allopatric populations meet
Reinforcement should occur to “complete the process by the:
Evolution of additional prezygotic barriers