Lecture 22 + 23 - Autism Flashcards
Prevalence & Age of Onset
Onset typically between 2 and 3 years of age, but is now believed to occur as early as 8-12 months of age
Very rare; 0.05%-0.22%, more common in boys
Prevalence is growing
Why is there more prevalence?
Diagnostic criteria is more encompassing, and less stigma, more awareness
Diagnostic Criteria
Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity
Deficits in nonverbal communicative
Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships
Specify current severity - 3 levels based on help needed
Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities
Associated characteristics of Autism
Mental retardation: 75%-80%
• Deficits in abstract and conceptual thinking, language and social understanding
• Relative strengths in visual-spatial skills, rote learning, rote memory
• Savant abilities: spectacular, but usual, intellectual skills (mental arithmetic, memory tasks, calendar calculations, drawing, music). Rare
Brain abnormalities
Increased cell density, less dendritic branching, and abnormal cell migration in the following areas:
• Abnormalities in the cerebellum (smaller), important for motor movement and associated with other functions (attention, language, learning, emotion)
• Abnormalities in medial temporal lobe and associated limbic structures, important for learning, emotion regulation, and memory (reduced activation)
• Abnormalities in the frontal lobe development (reduced activation, medial PFC), important for executive function, emotion regulation, social behavior.
Reading 9 - Ingersoll
How early can Autism be detected?
Typically diagnosed between 2 and 3 years age
• Nonverbal social-communication skills are abnormal in infants by 12 months of age
• Social orienting
• Joint attention
• Imitation
• However, diagnostic assessments are not reliable at 12 months of age, as these skills are still emerging
• Need for new validated assessment tools at this early age.
Developmental Cascade Model (Ingersoll)
Age: 0-12months
Genes = Neurodevelopmental abnormalities in brain development –> non-verbal communicative deficits (social orienting, joint attention, imitation) = Learning opportunitues disrupted/impeded (AGE: 12-24monts)
–> Deficits in verbal language, symbolic play, social cognition (age: 24+ months) = diagnosis
Outcomes in adulthood
- 1-2% undistinguishable from others
- 10% good outcome, near-normal functioning
- 20% fair outcomes, made social and occupational gains despite handicaps in speech and other areas
- 70% poor outcome, unable to live independently
- Best predictors of good outcome are IQ and language development
what is the UCLA Young Autism Project
3 year intensive treatment program • Primarily behavioral intervention, using operant techniques and skills training. • Goals are.. - to decrease maladaptive behaviors - to increase verbal behaviors - to increase interactive play, - to improve emotional expression/understanding, - to improve social behaviours - Promote school adjustment
Group 1= experimental group, 40 hours per week, intensive intervention Group 2= Control group, special education classes, 10 hours per week of one-on-one intervention. Group 3= Control group, special education class only Children began program, on average, at age 2.5, and these are age 7 assessment data. n=59
Advocates a social-communicative treatment approach
Should be initiated early (prior to age 3)
Parents can implement the treatment
Low cost
Preliminary evidence that this approach works as stand-alone treatment. At the least, it should be part of any comprehensive treatment plan
Two important limitations
• No long term follow-up
• No evidence that the social interventions generalize to the child’s functioning with other children
Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) Treatment Study (Dawson et al, 2010)
- Recruited 48 toddlers with ASD, 18 –30 monthsof age
- Randomly assigned to either the ESDM or “referral to the community” treatment (i.e. treatment as usual).
- 2 year intervention
• Included 2 hour sessions with therapist, 2X per day, 5 days per week, for 2 years with toddlers
• Included parent training, with parent practicing skills with toddlers daily in the home
• Interventions were social–communicative and behavioral
• Interpersonal exchange
• Expressing positive affect
• Shared engagement
• Adult responsivity and sensitivity to child cues
• Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Operant conditioning
ESDM was highly efficacious compared to A/M (“assess and monitor”-the treatment as usual group) for both language and social behavior
Follow up:
- On some measures, all the children are getting better over time
- The Early Start (ESDM) children have maintained treatment gains