Lecture 12 - Treatment and Prevention of Delinquency and Aggression (ch.9) Flashcards
Attributional bias
aggressive children are more likely to attribute hostile intent to ambiguous social situations
Basics idea about treatment of antisocial behavior
No simple treatment
The most important principle: the earlier the better
Many techniques used
Techniques used to treat antisocial behaviour
Parent training program
Family therapy
Cognitive problem-solving skills training
Best treatment for antisocial behaviour
usually involves comprehensive programs
Multisystemictreatment: a focus on children, family, peers, community, and school.
Common features of parent training programs
- Teach parent to alter interaction with children to increase prosocial behaviour + decrease deviant behaviour
- Kid brought in also sometimes to train them on how to interact with each other
Features of cognitive problem-solving skills training
- Change child’s approach to problem solving/ interpersonal issues
- Prosocial behaviours are fostered
- Teach cognitive problem solving skills
Why does some treatment actually make delinquency worse?
Deviancy training: the reinforcement of negative or delinquent behaviors by deviant peers
- Basically - if you put a bunch of bad kids together, they’ll form groups and do bad things together*
Why are randomized control trials important?
Test the efficacy of well-intentioned interventions-they can be harmful.
Explain the example study done to highlight prevention of ASB.
- Mauritius
- 100 kids given enrichment (nursery program, improved education, nutrition, physical exercise, lower teacher pupil ratio) from ages 3-5 AND 355 control
- Checked participants at 17-23 y.o
- Some participants were malnourished**
- The program was most effective in those at highest risk (i.e. malnourished)-this is general principle observed in studies of enrichment.
- we can’t tell what part about enrichment was actually helpful.
Dodge et al. 2005 (READING 6)
Explain the Fast Track Program results and study
-Targeted high risk 5 year olds
- Program focused on maintaining treatment effects, which tend to decline over time
- Intervention was comprehensive and continuous(grade 1 to 10), and aimed at improving social-cognitive competencies
- It included
• Family-based interventions
• Peer social skills groups
• Parent behavior management training with home visits
• Individualized interventions (high school)
• Class-based social-cognitive skills development curriculum
• Professional tutoring
• Vocational counselling and summer employment (high school)
- Checked outcome 8 years after program ended
- rates of antisocial personality disorder lowered
- Lower violent and drug-related crime
- Less risky sexual behavior
- Higher well being
- No effect on general health, employment or, educational attainment.